Sunday, September 1, 2024

Gematria Weathervaning

Actual weathervaning is to stop cranes from tipping over in high wind.  Gematria weathervaning (and any other crank weathervaning is preparations for a seismic shift in the backstory.  Something like if you’ve dedicated your entire online presence to the Freemasons and then find out that it’s just not pulling in the engagement numbers you want and you switch to the Jesuits.  Or what if your grift is centered around MAGA devotees and the sneaker sales aren’t going to be worth the time.  It’s a pretty safe bet that the gematria grifting network is better positioned than a lot of other crank ideas for weathervaning.  You can literally find the opposite narrative for any event with minimal training and effort.

What needs to be done with effective gematria weathervaning is to not tip your hand too soon.  The part about making specific predictions is pretty common knowledge.  That’s a big no-no.  You really need to wait until the event is over to blather on about the magical matches.  Once the crane has stopped spinning around you know which direction it’s pointed.  So what do you do when there’s a hot topic that lots of people are talking about?  Something that would create a seismic shift in the lives of millions of people in the U.S.?  The first rule of Gematria Club, is you don’t talk about that subject as much as possible.

So let’s see what’s going on with Project 2025 in the gematria world.  And I’m going to give out the punchline now.

Conspiracy weathervaning leads to hypocrisy.  Stolen ideas instead of original thought are par for the course for internet grifters.  Just like waiting to see who is actually in the Super Bowl before you make a prediction, constant spinning is necessary to keep up on what is hot outrage porn TODAY.  And never forget, actual research requires digging around.  Your conspiracy theorist true believer stops at the first propaganda that confirms a foregone conclusion.

First of all, a search on the Gematrinator’s blog:

Well that’s a big no and some high quality not talking about it.  Next up is Zach:

More weathervaning.  Better quality weathervaning, because the actual subject is mentioned, but it immediately gets shifted to Illuminati and NWO territory.  Now going to the second page after a dissatisfying single Trump reference:

There is a link to a Heritage Foundation article on Zach’s old Fee To Find Misinformation blog.  Excellent.  There’s no need to weathervane anything.  It’s years old material which won’t have anything to do with the current Project 2025.  So let’s check out that puppy:

As expected Zach had no knowledge of Project 2025 since it wasn’t a thing back then, therefore no need to ignore it.  He certainly didn’t predict that it would come to be, either.  But gosh, you know what we have?  33 was/is arguably the most important Freemason number.  It was hammered into people’s brains back in the B.J. era - 2016 Before Jesuits.  Zach loves giving BJs now, so 33 isn’t so important anymore.  That’s some super high quality weathervaning for content these days.  Ignoring any reference to how the Freemasons and 33 mean something on the single project 2025.  But you know who else can weathervane?

Oh my, isn’t that interesting, you click on the fear porn link and the video isn’t deleted, it’s just private.  There’s almost zero chance that it was like that back in 2016.  And if you want a little more information other than the couple sentences in Zach’s old blog, the trailer for the 33 minutes documentary still exists.  You can search for it and find it on YouTube:

And you can also find the full length documentary on YouTube.

If you utilize the critical thinking brain cells missing from the conspiracy theorists you unlink a chain with a defensible theory.  15 years ago (probably not Zach’s claim of 2012-2013, which isn’t too relevant to the overall story) the Heritage Foundation put out a gung ho pro military dominance video.  Keeping foreign powers at bay by a show of strength.  Now, that material is somewhat buried.  And like the stolen idea of the Arlington Cemetery stunt it made Trump look bad.  Because, since he’s a weathervane on steroids he can’t lay claims to being truly pro military.  He’s gone on record too many times disparaging the military to effectively pull off any kind of pro military stance.

And add in weathervaning stances on abortion and now legalization of marijuana.  It paints a picture of a man desperate to regain power to avoid jail time.  The weathervane in chief is disguising links to the Heritage Foundation because the 900+ page Project 2025 is so outrageously autocratic it’s also making him look bad.  And all this filters down into the grifting ecosystem.  Constantly looking for cues from Fox News and Alex Jones on what hot topic is safe to talk about and given the thumbs up on what’s OK to spread around.

There is no doubt that the Project 2025 material represents a gigantic life altering agenda for America.  And now we’re seeing a seismic shift in the online grifter economy.  It used to be that you could count on listening to Fox News and Alex Jones and do the opposite since they deliberately promote bad ideas.  Now we are getting burblings of a pullback - not crossing a line that years ago would have been a no brainer.

That’s another example to add to the leader of the Heritage Foundation stepping down.  The heat in the kitchen is getting too hot.

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