Friday, November 3, 2023

Speaking of Coaches…


Back in September I mentioned how there are those that use their magical gematria knowledge to perform services as a life coach of sorts.  These claims of magical gematria knowledge pop up all the time, and are fairly easy to understand why.  Easy, if you aren’t gullible enough to fall for something that screams out “red flag, danger!”. 

The thought that there is some sort of esoteric subject that you can master, that gives you that edge your missing in your mundane trying to get by in this crazy world existence, maybe - just maybe - this is the thing to finally get me out of this slump.  Nothing makes people throw away any remaining common sense than money.  And there is truth that investing money now can build wealth in the future.  So the pattern recognition skills are in place to recognize that nugget of economic wisdom.  But the service or the product that’s promoted - is it really worthwhile?  Even more, does it even exist?

The old reality check almost always holds true.  Does this person offer knowledge instead of something you can put your hands on?  And does that knowledge or truth (allegedly) lead you to something tangible like dollar bills?  And is this person showing a luxurious lifestyle by their application of this knowledge?  Then it’s bullshit.  They don’t need you to invest your money to make money.  They simply would do the application of knowledge for their own wealth.  If anything, they would STOP others from gaining this knowledge at all costs if it’s something that would suck away a portion of their earnings.

Consider the image in this post as a test of sorts.  There is something glaringly wrong with it.  The not so gullible can figure it out easily.  It’s a real screenshot of a real, “give me your money and I’ll give you my knowledge” offer.  I’ll ramble for a bit more then give the answer.

I didn’t see this one coming because I’m so used to the standard format.  That format is I’m rich.  Do this and you can be rich, too.  As long as you give me money.  This grifting format is so normalized it is part of our culture now.  Memes and jokes about it are produced that amuse us on the fallibility of others.  I was amused by this.  I also had the common reaction of genuine, “if you’re dumb enough to fall for this you deserve to lose your money.”  This time, there is a twist to the standard format.  Which is ironically and hypocritically crazy.

The internet grifter can’t grift without an internet presence.  And here we have a social media post claiming you can make money as a coach without using the internet.  That’s posted on social media, which is on the internet.  Maybe you can at least practice what you preach and not use the internet.  Well, that would mean robocalls or door to door sales where you’d have to present the pitch over and over and over.  And internet grifting has always been about the mass volume of gullible people being presented the message and finding the small % of those susceptible with as little effort as possible.  Build the playing field and they will come.  And even though these fields may fall into disrepair without maintenance, they are still out there.  Waiting for others to find out that money can be made on the backs of people better off not having a presence on the internet.

To his credit, Zach and the other high level gematria grifters I pay attention to put out content daily or at least weekly.  Although the not daily crowd seem to be more like loyal lieutenant lap dogs funneling others to the top of the pyramid scheme.  That playing field is still being maintained.  This life coach don’t use the internet thing - that’s just lazy.  Lazy like creating a custom cipher option to make each letter be whatever value you want it to be lazy.  Yes, that happened.

Imagine a sports picks scam promoted as operating without using the internet.  It wouldn’t work.  It relies on small amounts in high quantities.  There’s always a link to a Patreon, PayPal or some other way to transfer funds over the internet.  You don’t have to deal with a face to face awkward conversation with the angry scammed party.

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