Sunday, August 27, 2023

Individuality In Society, Barbie And Gematria

There’s  a crisis of individuality in society.  See, I can do it to.  Where we last left off, I was whining about the overblown use of identifying everything as a crisis.  Well, conspiracy grifters are experts at that so why should they have all the fun?  And it’s both parts.  They love to whine about the problems of the world want to present themselves as the experts on everything.  I, <insert cult leader name>, know when something is a crisis and something isn’t.  I know when something is a coincidence and when something isn’t.  I know who is a lying shill and who isn’t.  And the solution is so easy - give me your money.  

Even the average person gets an early dose of the phrase, DON’T BE A SHEEP.  That message is conveyed in a manner that indicates that you should be thinking for yourself while the actual result is BECOME A SHEEP IN THE HERD OF SOCIETAL MISFITS.  You too, can become an expert at identifying the many things wrong with the world by declaring everything you don’t like a hoax.  And when you get caught up in manufacturing non empirical evidence, ignore how if you are unfortunate enough to have your name gematria being 40, 50, 141 or 139 that this equals PSYCHOPATH.

In fact, gematria is one of the worst conspiracy topics for conspiracy content for wrestling with personal issues of getting along in a society loaded with actual crises, brewing potential crises and things declared a crisis or not.  You are encouraged early on to not be a sheep.  Then off you go typing in random words and accepting what you want, and ignoring what you don’t like, as if life has a magic reset button.  If you are presented with any small number, you will find real life examples of that number on a daily basis.  40, 50, 141, 139 also mean something positive or negative about cryptocurrency, any political leader, LGBT, racism, climate change and the Super Bowl.  Your expressing your individualism not by critically thinking about well researched data using critical thinking skills, but by what clique you are part of. Which is a gigantic oxymoron known more commonly as cognitive dissonance.

Dealing with cognitive dissonance is stressful.  Super scary type of mentally stressful for those without proper socialization to cope with out.  Those lost in a rabbit hole of being presented with conflicting information, choosing a path that not only doesn’t help finding the right answer, but fall for the tactics of constantly being presented with a variety of wrong answers to choose from are never truly happy.  Out in the real world, family, friends, coworkers and random encounters will continue to not accept your expression of not being a sheep as anything more than being a huge pain in the ass they don’t want to deal with.  Some people just need better friends and act in a manner that drives people away.

Which brings us to the Barbie movie.  And fortunately I don’t have what could be a large following here which combined with how it’s pretty much run it’s first release theatrical run out, I get to give Spoilers.

In the movie, there is Barbie Land and the Real World.  The real world is, rather obviously, the real world.  Barbie Land is a utopian society where all the Barbies are in charge.  Based on the actual Mattel dolls evolution there are ordinary Barbies, Doctor Barbies, President Barbie and all manner of powerful, successful, individual Barbies.  Margot Robbie is the Stereotypical Barbie.  Check off a box on your cognitive dissonance scorecard.  She is an individual but she is just a stereotype.  There are multiple Ken’s.  The big thing about Ken is he wouldn’t exist except because Barbie exists.  Getting her attention is more important than anything else.  Check off another box on the scorecard.  Ken is a stereotype who wants to be cooler than the other Ken’s to get Barbie’s attention.

That’s the entire point of the movie, and it is a powerful message if you are paying attention beyond the comedic format.  It’s the perfect movie for this era as an expression of how society is wrestling with fitting in to a group and finding time to be yourself is…hard.

The Real World and Barbie Land spill over into each other.  The main Ken turns into an alpha male style douchebag.  More stereotyping.  All the Ken’s join the new patriarchy in Barbie Land and ruin it.  The group think takes over and brainwashes Barbies into docile, traditional stereotype submissive sex objects.  No more individualism for you, you less than human female types, you!

The brilliantly presented solution to the restoration of Barbie Land is presentation of the cognitive dissonance to the brainwashed Barbies to snap them out of it.  This is much easier to do in a two hour movie than it would be for a living person with a ton of emotional baggage.

Personally, I found the movie to be more aimed at an older audience than the young, playing with the dolls girl I was lead to believe.  But that may be influenced by the real life alpha male bros that dominate the “it’s good to be a rich white dude in the patriarchy” society that absolutely hate it for pointing out how counterproductive their behavior is long term.  And there certainly was room in the script for a real world or Scammer Ken, even a Gematria Ken.  Perhaps that will be in the sequel.  If things go well, my master plan of using my super power of generally getting along with others will lead to a paid gig as part of the nonexistent evil cabal script writing team for the sequel.  Already I have plans for Gematria Ken to try to force his reality on to others by tiny, insignificant numbers.

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