Sunday, August 6, 2023

Conspiracy Economics - No Honor Among Thieves

It doesn’t matter which side of the street you enter from.  One direction is financial benefit leading towards constant not following rules.  One direction is not following rules leading to some financial hook now that they have your attention.  But be very clear - there is a strong correlation between the weirdness, as silly as at seems at times, towards a financial hook.

The first picture is someone already heavily invested in the sovereign citizen pseudolegal arguments where the people who are owed money want that money.  Years worth of unpaid taxes and utilities, a fair chunk of change for sure.  Add up the penalties and interest and this is a life altering disaster.  And the begging for help from the cult leader.  Queen Romana - yeah…that ain’t gonna happen.  We’ll get back to her in a bit.

The second picture is someone heavily invested in the narrative that vaccinations are the worst thing ever.  Having fallen for the cult control tactics, they are at the point where pretty much nothing can persuade them otherwise, as can be seen that their own dialogue debunks their own arguments.  Of course a new variant goes after the unvaxxed.  If you had been vaccinated you wouldn’t have the problems you have now.

Crank magnetism compounded by relentless grifting keeping the feedback loop going.  Keeping the feedback loop going, where there’s not enough resources to combat everyone disinforming the public and settling for the occasional ringleader that goes too far where something really needs done about it.

It’s worth noting that Queen Romana just gave a speech that included death sentences for those who disobey her.  These types of comments generally follow after one of the flock has gotten fed up with not getting the results expected.  Promised not having to pay bills and it being fine.  Friends and family that know what’s going on are only providing negative feedback because of concern or abandoning them entirely.  The economic cost of the endgame of conspiracy belief is to be avoided.  The promises are always hollow.  There’s no honor in thieves, the ability to callously steal does not allow room for compassion.

Bearing in mind the cost of wasted resources by waiting to do something before it’s too late, awareness is for now the best that we can hope for.  The earlier the wake up call before becoming too heavily invested in the narrative, the better.  Our governments seem to be stuck in a rut of waiting until it’s too late before action.  One of their big tools?  Relying on how there’s no honor among thieves.  Alex Jones ex-employees don’t want to go to jail?  Turn on him.  You participated in the January 6th riot?  Give me some dirt on those higher up on the food chain.

For the same reason that forced vaccinations have a problem - the scared, vulnerable and confused are neurologically ill equipped to cope with being told to contradict an ingrained pattern.  Having chosen a hero, they don’t want to “snitch” on that hero unless forced to.  The same reason that the work code of honor says you don’t snitch on your brethren for taking that 17th cigarette break of the day.  If you’re at the point of forcing someone to snitch to save their ass, it’s already too late.

There probably will come a time where education will include a better understanding of grifting techniques on the Internet than is happening now.  The same way that eventually the 419 scam lost the actual Nigerian Prince and they started selling for new and fresher variations.  And therein lies the problem.  Even if gematria disappears, somebody will think up a new weirdness that will take off.

Effective warfare requires a degree of misinformation.  Propaganda leaflets dropped from planes, the feint for the strategically important hill that was cover for the real target of the supply depot, D-Day and all the cover up that worked to make it happen.  So what do you do in a cyber war when the tactic is misinformation itself?  Combat it with information.  Instead of pushing back against subjects in school deemed too dire for our babies to handle we need to tell our politicians we are fed up with misinformation.

Snitch on them.  Vote them out.  The good ones are the ones you don’t hear much about.  The ones that are encouraging the drones with limited critical thinking skills to get out and keep their political grift alive.  Don’t be afraid to go to a school board meeting and challenge the vocal and obnoxious Karen spouting off hatred and bigotry with no empirical evidence.  Learn some of the phrases that aren’t too antagonistic that cause some of the more entrenched to double down; see if they are open to genuine dialogue or are just being contrary for the sake of being contrary.  Here’s one to start you off?

So, explain to me what kind of evidence I need to provide that could change your mind?  None?? Ok, there’s your problem.

There’s some pretty basic math involved.  If everyone is stealing and nobody is producing, what is there to steal?

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