Saturday, August 5, 2023

Between A Rock And An Angry Rock

If there’s an Internet strategy game out there that’s legitimately fun, free and has a concept that is fresh and innovative, I’ve never found out.  Movies are the same now.  Shymalan came out like a gang buster, then changed into a shadow of his former self with not just bad, but amazingly bad content.  Reproducing, or at least trying to reproduce the success of someone else is way easier than the effort to achieve ground breaking new success.

Economics, unlike the hard sciences, is geared towards just treading water and not looking ahead while building on the past knowledge.  The Rat Race is a huge time suck.  The few people that are truly happy with what they are doing are few and far between.  Making a difference in the world, becoming admired by family, friends and random people and what you do to make money are not necessarily lining up together.

As a dedicated sociopath, I’ve never fully appreciated the need for attention while understanding that it is important to others.   Being thrust into an employment situation, you are now required to follow a set of rules of conduct to interact with other people.  Your life experiences have already trained your brain - socialization.  And you’ve internalized a set of rules for getting along with other people.  Now there’s a brand new set of work rules, and these don’t line up 100% with what you think you should be doing.  The people that are not you far outnumber the people that are you.  Some self confidence is healthy, but the extremely cognitively biased demonstrate early on that they simply do not care about following other rules other than the directives of their own confused noggin.

Whether this is poor socialization (nurture), there’s something wrong with the wiring (nature), or they have discovered the joys of grifting (more nurture) is not important.  These people exist and they are out their in the wild, and they are a huge pain in the ass.  They disrupt the workplace, the family, the church congregation.  And social media.

And boy do they love being the king of social media.  Eventually the people that are not you at other gatherings will stop inviting you to the weekly poker game.  You will get fired from work for not wearing pants.  Again.  The people at church will get up and move to a different pew, muttering some excuse about needing to catch up with Bill over there that they haven’t seen in ages, with ages actually being last Sunday.

The Internet is a strange contradiction, where the only people who get along with people who don’t get along with other people are people who don’t get along with other people.

Instead of learning the much needed lesson of sucking it up and taking one for the team to fit in, you are allowed on the Internet to just keeping on doing your own thing regardless of the consequences.  In real life pain in the ass takes a back seat to Internet pain in the ass while the critical thinking impaired brain is being trained, mostly by the grifting community, to seek out and destroy anybody that demonstrates the perceived weaknesses of actual intelligence and empathy.

So, Mr./Mrs. In Real Life Pain In the Ass has just started their journey onto the Internet, and what are some of the things that happen that go wrong with the socialization? 

 Social media’s existence.

It’s supposed to be fun.  Sharing recipes, pictures of your family vacation, pets, and other real life not pain in the ass things.  And as soon as businesses found out about “social” media they dove right in.  Of course.  Social media is supposed to be fun and free.  Nothing is fun and free.  There have to be advertisers to charge to pay the bills.  Somebody trying to talk you into booking their airline for the family vacation.  Someone trying to sell you the bestest dog toy ever.  Somebody trying to sell you spices for that carrot cake recipe.

As soon as the algorithms latch on to how much you like a fun issue, the grifting starts.  You like pharmaceuticals to ease your symptoms?  Try my homeopathy.  You like shooting at the target range?  Try my survival gear with a side dish of sovereign citizen content.  You want a pet black mamba?  You’re stupid enough to believe pretty much anything so here’s everything else stupid.

The individual is stuck between a rock and an angry rock.  And thanks to pressure from the grifters, after showing the signs of not getting along with others, they are encouraged to continue to not get along with others.

And the social media sites themselves are stuck between the rock and the angry rock.  Relying on algorithms to separate legitimate advertising compared to angry advertising has worked……never.  The “rules” are posted which mean nothing to the people that don’t want to follow rules.  The grifters produce content to deliberately encourage not following the rules that the people that most need some rules should be following.  The biggest openly talked about issue with social media is the rock of economically trying to suck in as much money as possible with dubious practical value to society and the angry rock of not wanting to be responsible for the content.  Again I restate - saying “Stop, or I’ll say stop again!!”, doesn’t work.

The advertisers are stuck between a rock and an angry rock.  Unhappy advertisers wanting to diversify the target audience don’t want to be associated with morally reprehensible content.  Dead people don’t buy products either.  In a polarized political atmosphere roughly half of the target audience is the wrong side.

It’s no wonder that gematria got merged into the angry rock portion of the Internet.

There are no rules in gematria.

Not just an absence of rules, but encouragement to create your own rules.  People who are real life pain in the asses love making up their own rules to justify their actions.  Today it’s okay that I dropped a zero, tomorrow I do a gematria decode where 201 isn’t 21.  Today I was right on my narrative for the Warriors victory.  Tomorrow I was wrong, but I was really right because there was a narrative for both teams (there always is.)  Today I hate Christians. Tomorrow I am a Christian.  Today my cult leader died in an accident.  Tomorrow he faked his death and he’s still alive.  On and on it goes.

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