Monday, June 5, 2023

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Already

There’s a big corporation looking to fill a position.  Due to budget cuts there’s only room for one candidate for this 200k a year salary job. After looking over resumes, the CEO settles into three different candidates, a mathematician, an engineer and an accountant.

The receptionist ushers the mathematician in, and the CEO asks him the single question that comprises the entire interview.

“What is 2+ 2?”

Dumbstruck, the mathematician blurts out, “Well ducking, DUH!  4.”

Thanking him the CEO calls the receptionist for the engineer’s turn.

“What’s 2+2?”

The engineer pulls out a slide rule, fiddles around with it for a minute or so, then responds.

“I can’t be sure, but after adjusting for tolerable deviations I’m confident it’s somewhere between 3.999 and 4.001.”

Then it’s the accountants turn.  The receptionist leaves the room and the question is posed.

“What’s 2+2?”

The accountant locks the door, closes the blinds, checks the lampshades, desk, curtains, etc… looking for listening devices, then says,

“What do you WANT it to be equal to?”

The receptionist is called back and the CEO, with gleeful delight tells her, “Prepare a new hire packet!  This accountant is our new team member!!”

Knowing what the interview question was, and what the salary that would be, and what a less than honest accountant was likely to say, the receptionist pipes up.

“Not so fast boss.  I think you should consider me for a promotion instead.  I’m a gematria user, and I get my information from grifters and attention whores on the Internet.  The correct answer is,”

“What do you want it to be equal to…TODAY!?”

Ecstatic, the CEO realizes how much money he’s about to save.

“Cancel the new hire paperwork, you’ve got the job!  I never knew you had this gematria gift!  Also, adjust your paperwork to reflect your new salary!”

“Thanks boss, now are you sure we can’t up it to 250k a year since I’m such a bargain?”

“On the contrary, my dear, I know just how to compensate you with what you want most.  Today is the first day of getting what you really want most! - - -


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