Friday, June 16, 2023

Discernment - Another Projection Phrase

Following gematria accounts long term - on any social media platform - is EXTREMELY repetitive.  Mind numbingly, boringly extremely repetitive.  This is on purpose since the target audience is constantly shifting.  Eventually after having been suckered into the current fundraiser the current group of marks figure out that they are just being conned and move on.

What that means for today, I allow myself to complain about psychological projection in conspiracy theories again.

So for the umpteenth time, here are the basics.  If you are four years old on the playground or you are a conspiracy theorist on social media acting like a four year old, you may blurt out, “Tommy is fat, ugly and stupid!!”  There might be a general consensus at the school yard (or the comments of Zach’s live stream) that these statements are true.  There may be some degree of objective evidence that these are true.  But don’t forget that the point is really, “I have accused you of these negative qualities, therefore by default I am not fat, ugly or stupid.”  Even though there may be some consensus and objective evidence to that.  Getting in the first shot holds some weight, even though from a logical fallacy standpoint it shouldn’t.

So now, picture Tommy has done his psychological homework, having found out that and he confronts his main accuser with the evidence, “Uh, Nate….actually you’re an inch shorter than me, weigh ten pounds more than me and consistently get lower grades on staying in the lines coloring in pictures than me.”

Nate is left in the unenviable position of needing to reply to maintain his jungle gym cred for getting in the first shot, he’s too young to get a teardrop tattoo next to his eye, and Lisa might not go to the Hokey Pokey sock hop and ice cream social at Applebee’s next weekend without a response.  So maybe, “Yeah, but you’ll always be way uglier than me.”  Always is a long time, so this remains to be seen….

Now this is what linguistic experts who have analyzed these things have officially embedded in the high brow scientific literature as the I'm rubber, you're glue response.  As often happens at the school yard and Applebees, both Tommy and Nate may repeat this several times under the logically fallacious assumption that who now gets in the last word is the winner.  The kinds of arguments you get with no evidence to support your position.

This behavior at a school yard filled with four year olds is expected.  But one would hope that in a conversation between what the official high brow scientific literature calls “grown ass people” would not be resorted to.  Alas, the conspiracy theorist falling for the tactics designed to make them think they are smarter than they really are and getting emotional reactions instead of critical thinking does not operate that way.

So how exactly do you say, “I’m rubber and you’re glue” without saying the exact phrase, coming off like the four year old who is pouting at Applebee’s that he wanted a refill on Mountain Dew that Mom said no to?  One repetitive, overused word has cropped up - discernment.

I personally find discernment to be a perfectly lovely word.  Three syllables, not too short.  Doesn’t pop up in ordinary conversation too much.  Rolls off the tongue nicely.  Just picture John Houseman in The Paper Chase saying it, “You’re paper is worthless, you didn’t use disceeerrrrrnnnment choosing your sources.”  It also starts with D, like my personal favorite word, defenestration.

Based on the way gematria operates, every person that ever lived, is currently alive or ever will live is a member of the evil empire.  Tommy and Nate are now adults grown ass people and they need to upgrade.  When Tommy confronts NATE=13 with the evidence that 13, like Friday the 13th, is an evil number

Yeah, but you didn’t use disceeeeerrrrnment in your decode.

Gematria clowns fight like this all the time as part of the shill game.  Fighting for market share of the grifting pie there’s little choice but to play I’m rubber, your glue since inescapably they are both numerologically evil.

The most common use of discernment is likely to be pumping up the newbie who hasn’t yet been confronted with the statement of how they are by the numbers evil.  It gives the cult leader the opportunity to bolster the newbie ego with a lovely word outside their normal vocabulary.  I will give you the proper translation of using discernment in this conversation:

“Their decode of you being a Jesuit didn’t use discernment.” =

“You’re rubber, they’re glue, can’t I get some funds from you?”

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