Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Thar Cumin’ To Git Ar - Well, Pretty Much Everything

In the so called Truth Community, the psychological projection is fucking relentless.  A semi regular reminder - at its core projection operates on the “I’m rubber your glue” principle.  Merely getting in the first shot is far more important than actually having a coherent argument, and endless petty bickering about non issues ensues.  There are two basic forms “I’m <positive>, you are my opponent, therefore it follows you are <negative>.  Since conspiracy theorists dwell in the world of constantly being factually wrong, the other format prevails.  Usually without the negative being said, as it’s psychologically implied - “You are fat and ugly.”  Therefore by default I am not fat and ugly, even though I’m hideous.  More directly to the point - “I am a truth seeker, therefore you are a lying piece of shit.”

Sovereign citizens are firmly anti-government.  I’m special, therefore your society rules don’t apply to me.  Often I see that they tend to just focus on the government of the country they reside in, but this extends to complaints about the so-called “global elites”.  That is, when they aren’t yammering on about a fictitious cabal and the Illuminati.  As there are tons of average-ish people trying to muddle through their mundane lives, the conspiracists drag down the quality of life by insisting that it’s ok for Sovs to not pay heed to society’s rules, and if you are just going to be a sheep then I’m obviously better than you.

Sovs, as firmly anti-government, are far more likely to be pro gun.  The evil government is trying to take them, and the 2nd Amendment says you can’t.  But it’s not just the guns, the evil government is trying to take away our free speech.  You can’t censor me just for telling the truth!!  That’s Alex Jones rhetoric.  And while you’re here listening to Infowars, the evil government is trying to take away everything from you.  So, buy some protein powder and that will solve everything.  And here’s some lovely militia groups in the chat.  What could possibly go wrong with infringing on average-ish sheeples rights along the way?

Here are some things Sovs actually do and have down.

 Court - Admiralty Law, etc... 

There's a lot of weird stuff about how courts don’t apply to Sovs since they tip their hand they aren’t legitimate courts, like “fringe on the flags means it’s Admiralty Law”.  Or it’s a foreign government.  Or the government is a corporation and commercial law applies.  Or whatever else they heard that supposedly means the court holding their case doesn’t count in regards to whatever they did wrong.  Spoiler alert - it never works.  Sovs are more likely to deny counsel and try to defend themselves. Spoiler alert - that never ends well.  In fact, the sovereign citizen movement is 50+ years old, and since it’s never worked, as soon as the lingo shows up they instantly lose, courts being so fed up with their time being wasted.

Name changes
In the never ending contradictions in the conspiracy world there is overlap, and this also applies to court cases.  Now, you are either not violating a law because you are in the commercial court since the government is a corporation, or you are talking about the wrong person.  This paragraph gets a special shout out because it’s a bit sillier.  You’ve got the wrong man, because my name is JOHN SMITH, not the “John Smith” on my birth certificate. Or John Smith, not the “John Howard Smith” on my birth certificate.  Etc…. My birth certificate is illegitimate, because you aren’t my government.

Traffic stops
The go to fundraiser for Sovs is a seminar.  Get a couple hundred people at a couple hundred bucks each to park their butts in a seat and teach them useless tricks for getting out of trouble you got into…that don’t work.  What you’re doing wrong is that you didn’t announce your Sov status properly - you need a special license plate!  So there’s a nice side gig of paperwork and license plates to have a bogus get out of jail free card.  What actually happens?  Naturally you get pulled over for an illegitimate license plate.  Then if we’re all lucky you resist arrest and lots of law enforcement time and resources are wasted.

Don't pay taxes
Well news flash, the actual number of people that enjoy paying taxes is about zero.  But this is the big one.  Just like a gambling addict confronting gematria for the first time, there’s likely a potential Sov confronted with not having to pay taxes for the first time.  Curiously, a state funded fire department putting out the fire at their house is just fine.  But, only as long as someone else pays for it. In the US, the IRS is trained to recognize the Sov lingo and instantly classify them as a contentious non payer.  Taxes being hated like guns and uncensored speech being adored are universal, and not wanting to pay taxes is not going away.  There’s a lag time between recognition that non payment is counter productive and when the “bright” idea was fed to you at that seminar you paid $300.  Once it catches up to you the problem is magnified with late penalties and interest.  This applies to all taxes so it’s not just your income tax.  Real estate tax collectors have to put up with this nonsense, too.

Don't pay anything
So you bought that sweet F350 you had your eye on for awhile and you didn’t count on getting laid off?  That seminar said it wasn’t legitimate debt!  Woo Hoo!  Free vehicle!  Why stop there?  Those utility bills - utilities are government regulated!! Gotcha!  Sov ringleaders will throw out non payment of anything, because of course everything should be free in our Utopian world.
I’m not going to link it, since the Wikipedia article is easily found.  There is a correlation between non payment spurred on Sov thinking and terroristic threats.  What’s outside the scope of Wikipedia is how the grifting on the internet is a never ending quest to pull away someone from one clique into the clique you have.  Since none of the get rich quick schemes ever work, there are multitudes of other bad ideas to pick from.  There are now, always have been, always will be grifters looking for an easy source of cognitively impaired marks.  There are social media accounts that are designed to literally promote a wide array of disinformation just to see which shit thrown out there sticks on the wall.  Getting lost in the inevitable hypocrisy and contradictions is the “rabbit hole” people keep talking about.  

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