Saturday, May 6, 2023


The birth of gematria grifting is in part due to how much misinformation there is about vaccinations.  There isn’t much to rival health issues for being a constant source of opposing (stupid) views that seek to take advantage of those that refuse to take a time out and listen to actual medical experts.  Which means there a lot of practice out there for there grifters to use as a starting point.

Vaccinations are the victim of their own success.  And COVID-19 was a perfect demonstration of how woefully - psychologically -  unprepared global society is in trying to deal with a pandemic.  If you paid attention to actual experts you would have realized that the planet was actually long overdue for a major, new public health crisis.  The previous crises were so long ago the pandemic newbies who failed science class don’t have actual experience with the death and debilitating long term effects of some of the more notable vaccine mitigated diseases.

Health disinformation grifting follows the basic pattern of:

1). Discredit experts

2). Provide alternative information 

3). Make fundraiser for alternative 

4). Aggressively market alternative

Since people are not traveling around in wagons town to town selling snake oil anymore, the marketing is now on social media.  Being scared of nasty diseases that are mostly just a vague memory is a valid viewpoint, and not trusting vaccinations a undesirable yet understandable consequence.  However, the marketing is targeting the same group of cognitively damaged people, torn in different directions on which fundraiser is the best solution.

Gematria as practiced today is clearly self contradictory.  Always being allowed to ignore being wrong is self delusional.  Being wrong about vaccinations, now you’re interfering with others survival and health.  The gematria cliques tend to hang with just their clique.  Throw out an easily manufactured two or three digit number and you’ll get different commentary from the sports enthusiast, the spiritualist, the crypto bro and the personal synchronicity enthusiast.  Finding a common consensus within a single clique much less all cliques combined is impossible.

At least the anti vaccination crowd doesn’t pretend they can make predictions too much.  They do have a wide array of alternative beliefs that have their own cliques.  So like gematria having no consensus on what’s going on there’s no anti vaccination consensus.  It’s dependent on the disinformers fundraiser, which may even change over time thanks to memory holing.

Here are some often incompatible anti vaccination topics.  They can often be found by using the friend of the friend test if not directly in a social media account that fairly obviously is just spreading bad information:

Viruses don’t exist

Viruses exist but the current virus is a hoax

The virus isn’t dangerous, but the vaccination is what kills you

Vaccinations are to force people to submit to government authority

Vaccine side effects are worse than the disease

There’s something dangerous in the vaccine ingredients

Vaccines travel from one person to another (shedding)

When you see these types of statements think “WARNING WILL ROBINSON!!!  Danger!”  Is this person and his circle of “friends” trying to claim contradictory things like

The virus is just the common cold - and - virology is a lie?  Or, vaccines will kill everyone by <date> - and - there’s a nano chip in the vax to control your mind?

And do look for the fundraiser red flag.  “Viruses don’t exist, eat healthy and workout, you’ll be fine.  My book is available on Amazon!!!”  “Fauci lied and should be in jail, join my Patreon and you’ll get exclusive first looks at my blog and upcoming podcasts!!”

As I said, the discrediting the experts path for health issue grifting is a well traveled road.  Scam diet fads, pseudo-science alternative medicine, supplements.  These things have been around for a long time.  Viruses will do what they do best.  Mutate and bypass the human bodies immune system and be a problem.  There will be another global health crisis (unless global warming finishes us off first).  When that happens, there will be grifting.  The only question is when it happens next, not if.

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