Monday, May 1, 2023

Sovereign Citizens - Thar Cumin’ Ta Take Ar Guns!!

In the United States, the issue of gun control is extremely divisive.  Therefore, it’s perfect for grift magnetism.  As a reminder, recently we touched on some background, and if you’re new here, there are a few posts to glance.  I will take some space up with getting more political, philosophical and preachy than I normally do, therefore this is heavily opinionated instead of sourced proven facts.

When life is properly viewed as a competition for resources, there are two basic approaches.  Make stuff to use.  Or take stuff others made.  In a more peaceful society there’s a balance of making some kind of valuable product and taking the stuff other people made in an agreed upon exchange of value for value.  Naturally, some are better at this than others, which is fine.  But across the spectrum there are plenty who make it their mission to clearly take more than they give, even to the point of saying, “I’m just taking your stuff, and you get nothing.”

Our technology has advanced so much that the tools for taking make it easier and easier for the takers.  During the Cold War era post WWII, there was a global boom in education, the more functional societies determined to do what it takes to keep pace with the bad guys determined to take your stuff.  Every major tech improvement has government’s thinking, “Ok, this using lasers to play a copy of a movie is cool, but seriously, how do I kill someone with this?”  And the reply, “Hmmm….I can make money off this, so yeah sure…I found just what you’re looking for.”  Social media is more indirect.  It’s all fun and games until you get tired of Farmville and want to hang with that group that has violent tendencies.

In the old days, a society would be isolated enough that if they chose a bad idea to the solution of a problem it didn’t affect anyone but themselves.  God is angry?  Through a virgin into the volcano!” Then when the crops still fail because the plant disease wasn’t cured, or they die out completely because the plague didn’t end - game over.  Thanks for playing.  Proper science builds on mistakes, learning what was wrong, fixing it for next time.

Technology has been all about getting more resources with less human input.  In theory this is fine when trying to feed hungry populations.  Sadly, attention is underrated as a resource being competed for.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Debating the tough issues is good.  But when the debate generates into “shut up or I’ll kill you”, we no longer have a debate.  We have a skirmish that could blow up into a war.  People do a shitty job of hero worship.  People who are clearly takers instead of makers rise to the top of the food chain by getting fake credibility to their bad ideas.

Enter somebody like Alex Jones.  Decades of “how dare you infringe on my constitutional right to defend myself” getting twisted into “how dare you infringe on my constitutional right to take your stuff and infringe on other peoples constitutional rights!!”

Sovereign Citizens existed long before Alex, and universally show the lack of empathy of the takers of the world.  More on this in the next part, but needless to say there’s a word for a society of all takers - anarchy.  A society where everyone exposes the Jesuits because they are rigging sports games?  How exactly does that work?  Who runs the sewage treatment plant?  Who cuts the grass in the HOA?  Did you pick up on the silly logically fallacious idea there?  Sound stupid?  Yes, I’m coming off like a low grade moron.

That’s what you get when bad ideas thrown out there get attention.  As a non gematria example - let’s throw out a Scientology historical nugget.  L. Ron made books and bought them.  Just to keep them on the best seller list.  Whoa!!  A hot seller!! This must be good!!  Eventually this lead to numerous human rights violations and the implosion of the cult.  Which still amassed enough money that they’ll be a pain in the ass for some time.

And somebody else will come up with something.  It may sound ridiculous, but there are some things we can count on:

1). It will take advantage of weapons and computers (which may be synonymous) as great equalizers.  Everyone’s a bad ass.  Everyone’s super smart.

2). Somebody with a clear lack of empathy will start talking to people with poor critical thinking skills.

3). The smart people with empathy will be discredited, in advance because psychological projection is one of the top orders of the day.

4). Innocent people just trying to get by will suffer.

I promise that this is out of my system for awhile, next up - the actual sovereign citizen beliefs.  Which is apparently summarized as “how dare you infringe on my constitutional right to not be a part of society except when it’s convenient.”

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