Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Gematria Psychological Projection Of The Month Award, April 2018

Oh it’s great to be the boss.  It’s because you get to decide who is good and who is evil with no actual evidence.  With gematria I can make any story be pro or con depending on what spin I want to put on it.

For those that don’t know.  There’s a reason that it’s just one guy that is the bad dude for this story.  It very easily could have been turned into Uber being the most vile company ever created and absolutely every employee is the scum of the Earth.  We don’t get that, because Zachary Hubbard is an Uber driver.

This is what I’ve called dipshitmatic immunity.  For some unknown reason if you have a pro gematria blog or make pro gematria videos you are immune to the inevitable negative consequences of the numerology.  It’s so much easier to psychologically project good and evil than to find valid evidence, and gematria is the key.

Normally this is simply not addressed.  Jim Marrs cacks off and being a conspiracy mook it’s just a given that nothing will be said about whether he’s a Freemason shill troll sellout.  What’s not usual is that in this case we have a, “oh by the way, it’s only 100 bad people out of millions”.  That’s not so bad!

We also have the chronologically close stories here:

Hubbard received a generous tip of $50 for super Ubering. Makes a big donation.  See, Uber drivers are good people, mostly and I’m one of them!  Yet, for that same $360 donation I could have given out 72 copies of my book for free that millions dozens of people have been waiting forever for.  Their reward?  Promise of a more than 100% price increase.  Now an introductory offer sales tactic is valid, but you kind of have to follow through with actually doing the increase, which based on the presentation should have, but hasn’t happened, yet.  I will say it’s unlikely this donation happened but is merely a “I’m a good person” psych projection ploy.  To be fair though, $360 is a common number for such donation requests.  “Turn your life around 360 degrees”.  However, we have absolutely no proof that it was even requested much less made, which could be the origin of the story.

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