Friday, October 27, 2017

Letters And Numbers, Or Just Numbers, Or Just Letters - We Really Can't Make Up Our Minds

I thought gematria was letters AND numbers. We've seen that numbers alone are durped in by pattern recognition. But at least they get mixed with the actual word part. On and off we'll see a comment that so and so died on a day with date numerology of thus and such. But added into a chain of narrative that goes back to what can be called true gematria with word conversion.

We're also allowed to durp in words by themselves. Probably not the greatest idea.

It just so happens that a star pitcher for the Houston Astros that has a last name pronounced like "KIKE-ELL". That's a non number pattern easily recognized by Hubbard's superior Jew bashing technology. So that gets added to the narrative. Dan just did a story on a famous pedophilia case that includes people with the last names, BONER, val PETER, and BONACCI, which he makes a point of spelling out as BONE-ASS-I before suggesting that their mockery is obvious and disregarding that every other name involved does not have the prepubescent schoolboy sex joke connection.

Starting with Bonacci, the dangers of just the words alone is not the best addition to their arsenal. The correct pronunciation might be bone-ass-ee. I found a grainy sound quality video that suggests bone-as-chee. (I think.) I would think that it's an Italian suname, and like Gucci loafers there's no 's' sound at all. Bone-ah-chee.

So if we have words alone counting based on pattern recognition personalization becomes involved. I think Keuchel reminds me of coochie and should be in Dan's sex story. I think his first name, Dallas, reminds me of lunch because it's SALLAD spelled backwards. I think Bonacci reminds me of Bon Ami cleanser and he's cleaning up the mess of the pedophile ring by confessing. Or the salad bar after the Astro's team lunch.

Yes, I admit the associations of the boner names is the easiest to come up with. It doesn't take Gromk to figure it out. Durp, however, swallowed a plate of pterodactyl hot wings, had his intestines ripped apart by a jagged bone which was expelled from his anus. Bone ass cheeks. (Eewwww!)

Again, we have the lack of any real rules that someone has set any kind of standard on what's acceptable and what's just too stupid. Any match counts, and it must be the freemasons who decided it.

I noticed this a long time ago. Figured now is a pretty good time to talk about word pattern recognition. Bone ass cheeks too much of a stretch? I think so, too. How about:

Zachary Hubbard (the numerologist) and
Zachary Hubbard (the pedophile arrested last month)

Seems like a pretty solid match. The freemasons must have planned that one out for a reason.

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