Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump and Muthk and Qanon

Big day yesterday as Trump and Musk sit down for a glorious chat between two master projectionists.

It’s easy for me to not take Musk seriously.  Every decision seems geared toward maximum attention gathering as opposed to an alleged business genius idea.  Twixter has never been profitable for him.  And one of the simplest most hypocritical things continues to happen.  Every day, literally every day, I get followed by a bot.

Occasionally more than one.  The pattern is the same.  Female that most people would agree is attractive.  Following thousands of people.  Maybe a couple hundred people dumb enough to not realize they are following back a bot.  No big deal to block a bot a day.  But oh boy, the hypocritical psychological projection.  Musk had a moment after he locked in his Twixter purchase with a meltdown on the price because of the evil spam bots, “he knew nothing about”.  Due diligence is on the purchaser.  Regardless, he has continued to claim that the bot problem is some sort of crusade for him to be the conquering hero.


Don’t be surprised to find out this is a purposefully created issue out of a non issue to claim credit for something that will get loads of attention from the diehard Musk fanboys.  They eat up the stuff that Musk, the supposed tech genius, fails at because everyone is out to get him.  The narcissistic projection that every time he fails it’s not his fault, while at he’s just another toxic rich white man looking to keep regulators away from the bulk of his fortune, and what better way to do that by throwing his hat in the ring in support of Trump.

But this post isn’t so much about Muthk, but about the fireside (from a Tesla that caught on fire) chat with Trump on Don’s triumphant return to Twixter.  And it gave the Trump fan base something to do.  Indeed the only fan base more arrogant, self important, and pushy about trying to force their ideology on you than Muthk is the Trump fan base.  The base that refuses to accept a whole bunch of solid facts and continues to squander their money on.  And the most vocal and pushiest of those is the Qanons.  Not only do they ignore actual evidence, it’s a never ending quest to manufacture new fake evidence, including gematria.  And we finally have something to give the front line troops to yak about.  Trump may or may not have had a lisp last night.


You say, “But how could that be important?!  Isn’t it kind of petty and cruel to mock a former President for lisping?  Isn’t it trivial?  And did it really exist or is the left manufacturing a controversy out of no big deal?”  You may not understand baking where no matter what’s actually going on, the conspiracy is a no lose situation.  Like gematria being a foregone conclusion that your numbers support your narrative, everything in a Qanon narrative is baked to become the most favorable outcome to Trump.

The shock troops on the front lines are not armed with the best weapons, if they are even armed at all.  Gematria is hardly a weapon to win a war, but it gives the troops something to do while the artillery support and air command figures out if the really dangerous (and expensive) ordnance should be utilized.  So throw them a bone.  Even better, let them create a PTSD created bone on their own where they are deluded enough to think their calls for artillery support will be answered.

The lisp itself is a no lose situation, self created by desperate folk, not desperate for victory in the war.  They’ve kind of given up on that, but to maybe win one or two last battles and not got an artillery struck called on themselves in the process.  Arguing about a lisp is extremely low quality evidence.  Especially, as always happens when low quality gematria style evidence is your best argument.  This is why we never get a clear narrative, a cohesive underlying principle that binds them together.  The grasping at straws and basic cooking ingredients for baking a terrible product with an undefined recipe.  It’s the same as when TRUMP’S FAT FINGERS TYPE IN ALL CAPS THAT IT’S A CLUE all over again.

Oh, he’s not really lisping, f*ing liberal liars.  We win!

Oh, he is lisping, but it’s a gematria clue!  163 and 56, Cha-Ching!  We win!

Oh, he’s lisping but gematria is stupid, but it’s still a comm!  We win!

And we’re really, really sure that this is the time we’ve been waiting for.  The Storm that was predicted eight nine seven six five four three two one year(s) yesterday is really here!  And I’m thuper, duper theriouth about it thith time becauth nobody grathped at the lithp thtraw before.

Because it’s not a thing.  Gematria, the alleged prediction took, didn’t predict a lisp was going to be a thing.  Of course not, it’s too weird and too oddly specific to ever have been dreamed up about by even the most intently fever dreamed Qanon minds.  We’re just waiting to see what the Air Force with the real weapons that might have an impact are going to do.

Being able to simultaneously hold contradictory thoughts has always been psychologically dangerous and damaging.  And gematria is right up there with the worst of it for manufacturing narratives to just promote your agenda with a system that easily produces a perfectly valid counterpoint.  For example, in the history section of gematria on Wikipedia I see a single reference to the Phoenicians, and that was regarding the timetable of when Hebrew gematria first appeared.  Yesterday morning, 8/12/2024 I caught a bit of a video from 8/11/2024 that claimed unironically that the Phoenicians CREATED gematria.  I doubt there’s many more people than me looking at a lot of conspiracy gematria content, so why am I hearing about this for this first time now?!?  Oh, I get it.  Kamala and Michelle Obama wore purple at some times.  The evil Phoenician baby killing symbolism.  But what about their lisps of lack thereof?

It does get a little tiresome watching people self destruct over nonissues instead of getting some real friends and hobbies they can alleviate their boredom with.  But we  all have to put up with it, the collateral damage of the weak minded making bad decisions that get them in need of a bailout.

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