Monday, August 19, 2024

Analysis Of Old Gematria YouTubers #2

One of the great ongoing lies within conspiracy grifting content is the need to “wake up the sheeple” to the evil that surrounds us.  Yes, there is evil around us.  But it doesn’t operate any where in the same manner that the grifter machine claims.

As a current example, Hubbard took a road trip to do some live verbal assault in Portland yesterday.  A nine hour live presentation up on YouTube how.  And it mostly shows Zach yelling through an audio system, a couple of Zach’s current diehard associates, some “sheeple” walking by ignoring the group and occasional people that at least glanced with the patented, “WTF?!” look of people who haven’t experienced baseless conspiracy talk enough to have a clue what’s going on.  There’s a better chance that this will be added in to the fictional lore Hubbard builds up about himself than a truthful retelling of the meh reaction his presence induced.  Something like Donald Trump lying about his crowd sizes, it will just be his word - and he doesn’t need to take the video offline.  Targets of grifting don’t like to be mired in actual research, like it’s an insult to their personhood.

I hope you were paying attention to the highlighting of the word -current- in the last paragraph.  That’s called foreshadowing as it was a clue that it’s important.  The last time Zach made a concerted effort to do road trip verbal assault it really didn’t end well for those current associates.  The net effect was he alienated a lot of erstwhile allies, some of which were dedicated followers and YouTube content creators for years.  And the departure was sudden and publicly hostile and ugly.  Hubbard has since brushed it off and is back to workmanlike business as usual spreading the usual daily falsehoods.  (Which by the way includes in typical Hubbard fashion going all in on predicting Shapiro would be Kamala’s running mate which crashed and burned so badly he deleted the video with the prediction.)

None of the clique leaders invested in disinformation for whatever agenda they have is immune to the lack of long term loyal supporters.  Six years ago the Gematrinator did his best shot at being as disrespectful as possible to the memory of Stephen Hawking.  The deliberate anti-science stab at high end impactful knowledge far beyond the comprehension of 99.999% of us mere mortals with the infamous 113 = BULLSHIT number list, as if tiny three digit numbers that any idiot can make any story they want to means more than his brain.

If you load the link and look at the comments section you’ll see a couple dozen of the then current associates from six years.  And except for Zenith of the Alpha - they’re all gone.  Not a single one of those people mocking Hawking appears in any of the current gematria cliques.  No videos they made on their own.  No comments on cryptocurrency gematria channels.  No comments on Zach’s content, no comments on current Gematrinator content.  No comments on Zenith of the Alpha’s current content.  And actually when you remove Zenith from the equation as he’s more of a peer than a follower type there are Zero repeat customers.  Zippo, zilch, nada, butkus, diddly squat NONE.

That’s a whole lot of not sheeple waking going on there.  A whole lot of lack of return on your entertainment dollar if they were around long enough to enter the subscriber mode era of the Gematrinator calculator.  A whole lot of wasted time in their journey of growing the fuck up to realize that what they thought were witty and insightful comments have given them no help on understanding anything about navigating the crazy world we live in.  Hopefully they learned in time before thinking that going to Portland to pay Zach a visit was something resembling a good idea.  Probably, but maybe they’re just more careful and are safely being another overly aggressive loudmouth spouting Project 2025 propaganda instead of 113=BULLSHIT.

Gematria - Conspiracy theory light.  Come for the crazy.  Maybe have less dispensable income and get a chance to complain about it more.   Maybe stay for the party on the next January 6th.

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