Sunday, May 19, 2024

Know Your Grifter Target Audience - Zero Maturity Level

Gematria by itself adds little to serious conversations.

I know what you’re thinking as you compare the post title with that.  That’s not too bad, as far as insults go.  For my own sanity I refuse to dig deeper into that conversation than the couple of minutes I already did spend on it.  It seems like one party is pro Qanon and one is pro Tate.  Add in a side dish of Elon and there’s a salad of popular attention seeking wealthier than average attention whores who have generated enough outrage porn to get fanboys fighting over them.

The debunk of the gematria portion is fairly easy.  There is one Santa Claus.  There is one Donald Trump that is in the news everyday.  There’s one Elon, one Tate, and there’s only one Antichrist that we care about.  Startlingly close to making the opposite point of the intention, our gematria fan has latched on to using a superlative to describe something that gematria shows multiple valid answers for.  He’s not wrong, Tate’s name does equal 666 in the cheap ass multiply everything by 6 cipher, whatever they’re calling it now.  But reality fails as it’s impossible for one party to be more Antichristy than another when like the Highlander there can be only one.

That’s what you get with gematria, where literally anyone including beloved Doctor Who companions can be proven to be the Antichrist.  Conspiracy gematria has you think otherwise, as they continue to throw petty name calling out to prove their point while all that’s accomplished is proof of how easy it is to make any target become the Antichrist or Hitler.  They just disguise it as more Anitchristy or more Hitlery instead of climbing to the apex.  And as a social construct that leaves gematria with mimicry of what those with more influence do.  Which is pretty blatantly obvious baseless accusations and an endless stream of outrage porn.

And without getting into a chicken or egg debate or whether gematria itself is the problem or a symptom (likely the latter), these conversations pervade social media and society.  So much so that this mindset, a mindset that should be reviled, is admired.  At least long enough for politicians to score a fat paycheck while not just being unproductive, but actually counterproductive.

Here’s the key part of that article about how congressional ideas are discussed.

Instead of structuring arguments logically and interspersing facts and evidence with a presentation made in a calm and respectful manner, we get a fiasco of declarations that the other side is a big poopyhead.  Like two year olds without the maturity level to understand what they’re saying, but grown ass people with no fucking clue of how to conduct themselves like an adult, much less acting like a person deserving of making rulings on how other people should act.

Greene acts like this all the time.  And she brings out the worst in others.  Daring them to drag the bar down to her level of ignorance and low maturity.  The same way outstupiding the grifting competition with your gematria story, outimmaturing your competition gets the most engagement.  Colossal douchebags are no longer just taking advantage of their ability to take advantage of superficial charisma.  In South Park, Cartman gains attention for faking Tourette’s as an excuse to act like a colossal douche.  Now everyone who is a colossal douche is admired BECAUSE they’re a colossal douche.  For the ability to lower people like me to lowering my standards for this post.  “I’m a bigger douchebag than you, so what?”  Ironically, many people that admire the humor of that South Park episode and the Douche and Turd episode fail to realize that it is mocking them.  Their ignorance of the never ending quest for immediate attention never leads to long term compatibility with others as they cavil their way around those around them.  Goaded by the grifters who know damn well they are a commodity available to use and exploit.

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