Monday, April 22, 2024

The Dark Side of Gematria Sports Decoding

“Want to make a fortune?  Target bored young men who want to make a fortune.”

A reminder is in order to begin here.  The temptation to label believers in baseless conspiracy theories as stupid is not as accurate as often is believed.  What they usually are is susceptible to marketing plans designed to make them think they are smarter than they are.  Getting scammed on a get rich quick scheme is something that happens to other people, not the self proclaimed smart person that has done their own research, looking for the answer they want to hear.

A well run brick and mortar doesn’t need to cheat to make a bundle of money.  They don’t need to bypass regulations and inspections to rig their slot machines to never pay out at all.  The legitimate slot machines that pay out less than the gambling dollars put into them just need to be used, and the math takes care of itself.

With gambling and risk taking for financial reward being an ancient concept there is literature on the dangers of getting addicted.  And casinos are willing to slap an often unheeded warning with a gambling addiction hot line phone number on it, but at the end of the day they’re still going to make you feel smarter than you are to keep playing.  Put the highest paying slots near the entrance so the passers by hear the happy winning sounds more often.  Make the middle income chump feel like a high roller by giving him free drinks and other comps.  Keep it fast paced and flashy to tickle the brains into not thinking as rationally as it should and just keep playing and playing one more time.

Bad ideas are way more fun than good ideas.  A good idea would be to find a stable job you can tolerate and stick with it and save money.  Budgeting your finances. More than ever now, a bad idea announces proudly that it’s a bad idea and works because the glitz, glamour and flash of the marketing plan gets the immediate attention on your smartphone instead of the hassle of getting into car and driving to a casino.  You need to coordinate your friends schedules for the trip.  You need to take Friday off to gas up the vehicle and go to the bank for cash.  You need to make sure the wife is cool with it and will be fine while you’re gone.

The demographics of the new gematria sports decoder fit the description in the article perfectly.  A young and bored male without the life experience to recognize that long term what they’re involved in isn’t working out.  The flashy marketing doesn’t include a key difference with sports betting gematria versus brick and mortar casinos.  There is no such thing as even a fair machine or fair roulette wheel or a fair blackjack dealer.  In addition to your long term gambling losses you will rack up your monthly Patreon subscription.  They all do it.  There’s not really a point to gematria sports decoders if they aren’t charging a fee for the “casino” service they are operating.  In the old days, and this could still be true now since I haven’t been to Atlantic City in ages, the bus trip included a certificate for a roll of quarters that they knew people were going to gamble away most of the time.  Now you get to the gematria casino and they guarantee success and the bouncers at the door won’t let you in unless you pay them.

Once you get inside the gematria casino amidst losing your entertainment budget you get exposed to their flashy comps.  Which are also charged instead of freebies like the brick and mortar casino.  It’s okay that you also blew the food budget at the gematria casino.  Here’s a lovely you don’t need to pay taxes idea that will catch you up on your long term finances.  How about a lovely cyclical endless cryptocurrency pump and dump scheme to tide you over until the next time you get bored and think that a system that proves there’s a narrative for both teams in every game makes sense?  Isn’t the adrenaline rush of winning less than half the time FUN?!?

The SportsGematria YouTube channel put out another video yesterday.

And spent a significant amount of time recapping many of the times Zach commented that his critics and haters should be dead.  Now the gematria casino wants you dead if you don’t pay the entry fee to get inside.  Not cool.  No wonder there’s a mental health problem in our youth if there’s pressure to pay money for a useless service that would rather see you dead than coming back to gamble more.

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