Monday, April 15, 2024

Know Your Grifter Marketing Techniques - YouTube Is Picking On Me!

 Of course they are.  Oh wait, I forgot the standard format.  <sarcasm font>Of course they are.</sarcasm font>

I really don’t concern myself with much diving into who is a true believer and who is just in it for the bucks.  Lots of other critical material of grifting on the internet does.  Ultimately misinformation and disinformation are harmful regardless of the source’s belief in what they spread is true or not.  So a little bit of background presented as if the person that shared that qualifies as a misguided true believer.

This gal is a pretty long time flunky of Hubbard’s having a fair number of sports decodes out there.  She obviously has her own YouTube Channel.  And she’s even taken the effort to show up live at one or maybe more sports stadiums to talk gematria to the mindless sheeple paying a good chunk of money not expecting a lecture on how a secret code is ruining the game they are about to watch.

What that means is that the form of gematria she practices is including something at least implicitly wrong if not overtly wrong every time a video is published.  There’s the constant false accusations of the Jesuits rigging sports games.  There’s the Patreon asking for money.  And at least the occasional time where something that nobody fully understands triggers a YouTube review of content that results in a video getting yanked.  And when that happens, we see Hubbard’s influence again.  The same as other accounts including non gematria grifters, you are obligated to whine about censorship.

This is a legacy that Alex Jones has left on the Internet.  Passed on to Zach (aka Alex Jones Jr.) and in turn passed on to our topical YouTuber.  Just like the overblown “they’re coming to take our guns” content, it’s the “they’re taking away our free speech” angle.  And for what feels like the billionth time, it’s just not the way that Amendment works.

It says the government won’t restrict YouTube from making business decisions as they see fit and nothing to do with a random YouTuber having the right to make baseless accusations with a thoroughly debunked and discredited system designed to make people think they can win lots of money gambling on sporting events.

At face value YouTubes stock message is, “Please chill out and don’t do it again.”  The problem with the YouTube is out to get me crowd is that they’ve been trained to expect it, trained to ignore it and just keep chugging away, and trained to use this as a “woe is me, I’m a targeted individual” excuse to look like a defiant to authority badass.  

This has long been an issue with social media content.  People without the intellectual capacity to structure an argument properly, the lack of capacity to make points based on the strength of their debate facts, and relying on logical fallacies like appeals to emotion fancy themselves political pundits and even Constitutional experts.  When in reality their talking points boil down to, “Fuck Donald Trump” or “Fuck Joe Biden”.  Basically, people that haven’t grown up fully, yet.  Despite some of them nearing or in retirement age.

There’s been a fair amount of uptick in the social media out to get me activity lately.  My views are down, I’m being shadow banned.  YouTube is deleting my comments.  They’re interrupting my live streams so I’m starting the video over again.  I can’t upload images of the alien spaceship.  (Seriously saw that; my isn’t that convenient?)

And according to the video creator, that video was a year old.  Some gematria bloggers share that they get copyright strikes on years old videos.  I don’t know what triggers these old videos getting flagged.  But I do have an idea that if they spent their energy actually understanding the Community Guidelines instead of misinterpreting the Constitution their problems would be minimal.

We don’t expect that you’ll magically decide to start a more legitimate and fact based channel like how to cook nana bread or play the recorder for topics instead of conspiracies.  We get that you’re a rebel that doesn’t like being told what to do.  But just because you personally think that Ivermectin for treating Covid is a good idea or driving 75 miles in an hour in a 15 mile an hour school zone is appropriate doesn’t make it actually true and appropriate.  Learn to find correct information.  Even the evil geniuses at YouTube are trying to nudge you along.

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