Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Purple Supplements

I have literally seen every primary and secondary color be utilized as a form of symbolism that the forces of evil use.  The same manner that the evil empire is simply mocking you with a gematria ritual.  Hi there!  Evil cabal member here!  I have nearly infinite power and I’m gonna ruin your sports game by mocking you!  Nah nah nah! I purposefully double coded both teams into a game so some people will always be wrong!  Take that!

When you actually get to the color symbolism nonsense and you want to insult your target the conspiracy grifters encourage gematria style thinking.  In gematria, you see a number that doesn’t suit your bias, alter the damned thing.  Drop some numbers, transpose some digits, use the prime number list, anything to change the number you don’t like to get the number you do like.  If you are running a conspiracy grift that doesn’t use sports decodes or only dabbles in gematria topics hand gestures and colors are a good source for picking arbitrary topics.

So I finally got around to looking into the color thing more deeply.  Although all “normal” colors are picked on, some of those require alteration to get the color you want, just like gematria alteration of numbers you don’t like.  And one color stands out as the most evil.  Although I’ve often seen it said that someone wearing red and blue equals wearing purple, the goal is to look for unadulterated purple.  Decoding purple subconsciously works much better if you are dealing with actual purple purple and not a painter’s color palette mixing red and blue.

Purple is the royal color.  So obviously it’s those damned elites.  Rich people, you gotta hate ‘em.  Nothing says mocking you harsher than a gematria decode of the Minnesota Vikings because of their choice of jersey color.  The origin of purple being royal is because it was literally more expensive.  If you wanted to go to the effort of making purple dye from nature it was only common sense that since the sources were so uncommon it was more expensive.  Snails and mollusks.  Lots of them to get enough for a decent amount to stain the royal robes.

The molecule for Tyrian Purple is 6,6’ dibromoindigo.  That -bromo part is bromine.  In nature, bromine doesn’t play well with other elements.  When talking about vitamin supplements there’s not a lot of suggestion that you need more bromine in your diet.

The first and foremost thing to do to supplement your gematria decode is when in doubt (which since every game is double coded), go with the favorite.  You will be “right” more often.  Although this doesn’t do jack shit for betting on the money line or hedge bets.  But if you’re a color scheme scammer, how do you supplement being right more often?  I intend to edit this and add links later, but for now trust me.  There’s actual conspiracy theories  and conspiracy thinking that revolves around color blindness.  There are people that can’t tell purple from blue.  And a fraction of those people have gotten to the point where they believe purple doesn’t really exist.

And these people, like good conspiracists, have no problem holding simultaneous mutually exclusive thoughts.  They’ve been told purple is evil.  And they’ve been told it doesn’t even exist.  It’s an actual thing where these people who have this type of color blindness call it “blurple”, thus ruining the old joke that poets don’t have a rhyme for purple.  And combined with the cognitive blindness that leads to conspiracy thinking, if presented with a test of what color something is they pick the favorite - blue.  You’re right more often when picking going all in on only two options.  No chance for nuance, your on team blue or team purple.

The color conspiracists have an option to supplement their purple grift.  Blue is the number one option.  Specifically I’ve heard “Tiffany Blue” mentioned.  In practice, just like not being consistent with dropping zeroes in gematria it doesn’t really have to be officially Tiffany blue.  The gematria doctrine of “close enough” applies.  Any blue will do.  Although it’s best to stick with a shade of blue that’s close enough to Tiffany blue so you don’t get challenged on it.  Much the same as it gets more dangerous to suggest 313 is 33 instead of suggesting 333 is 33.

I’ve covered before how one of my favorite color conmen has worn purple and justified his choice of wearing purple for his video.  “It doesn’t mean I’m evil, it just means I like the color blue.”  Well, he’s also justifying other people wearing blue.  All willy nilly with no actual evidence to support who wears purple or blue and who wears it because they like it or that’s what shirt was up in the rotation that day.  So of course, a popular celebrity that is into purple like Prince can easily be deemed as “coding a message into his clothing and music” and not being evil because of the purple.

It does make one wonder if Blue Oyster Cult could have achieved more fame, money and success if they had chosen Purple Oyster Cult as their name.  Purple coming from mollusks in nature.  The evil lyrics.  Joan Crawford leading the veterans of the psychic wars for so long.  Baseless conspiracies are a huge draw, more so than making music that you like to make.

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