Friday, March 1, 2019

Collection 02/2019

I could have some fun and gloat about some stuffers, but some of it is super top secret.  Top level shill and Bob the Hitman only eyes secret.  So let’s get to the point.  Unable to quit cold turkey I’ve got some stuff from February to get you through your mocking the crazy/scammer crowd.

There’s a fun video linked in that, where a Denver Airport Illuminati Gargoyle entertains passengers. The Illuminati bit is just one piece of the comedy skit.  This is Denver Airport making travel fun by using a professional comedian to engage unsuspecting passengers in crazy conversation.  Think talking whale in South Park so you can do some advanced calculator numbers on what to expect from  Dan when this reminds him of that episode.  I’m sure there’s some heavy synchronicity between Gargoyles and Whales in there.

Next up straight from John Carpenter on Twitter.  They Live has nothing to do with the NWO, but is about stupid yuppies and rampant capitalism.  And he’s pissed when people get it wrong.

Then we have Gematria Codes showing us some classic PhraseShopping on Twitter A Asian Day Spa and A prostitution.  So let’s just add a random letter “a” to force the total when the lazy bum couldn’t even take the time to shop around for better words, leaving us with awkward grammar.  Duh, I done got a prostitution at da A Asian spa and she did gave me a happy ending end.

Super nice.  Posting on the internet about encouraging people to commit a federal crime with a big fine and potential five year penalty.  No, don’t try to lead your followers into this.  You and only you do it and with the FBI supposedly watching you see how far it gets.  Usually what happens with this recurring theme is a couple, and only a couple, people go to jail for a bit and pay a nominal fine.

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