Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Antifa: The Private Federal Gematria Movement


Just love it here when they break out a new elision which just proves that there are even easier ways to find the opposite meaning in any given topic.  So, Federal.  Nice topic to throw in the middle of all the bogus sports picks.  Just in case you forgot about the evil cabal having an actual interest in something more meaningful than mockery through gematrimooks picking both teams.

So one near opposite of Federal is Private.  Like privately funded versus federally funded.  And since the Keypad elision was trotted out after the claim that no new ones would be added it’s only fitting that Federal and Private both equal 39.  It’s also lovely to see that FASCIST=77 and DEMOCRAT=77.  Not sure  how this ties in to CHRIST=77 and ANTICHRIST=77.  Maybe that’s being saved up for a 77 yard punt return with a “Thank you Attu the Wonder Turtle for blessing me with this skill” touchdown celebration ‘All Christians are stupid’ post.  We haven’t had one of those in a while.  I really want to see that because the Flat Earthers come out in droves.  I love a good Flat Earth vs. Gematria video comments battle.  Two sides with no actual evidence are the main ingredients for lots of ad hominem attacks.  Things like who is a Jew and who isn’t.  Who has suspicious interest in what body parts they likely shouldn’t be interested in.  Who thinks that GPS coordinates are better than My Little Pony videos since everyone knows all ponies are stupid.  (Turtles, however, totally kick ass.  Just very, very slowly.)

And nobody ever brings up the serious issues.  Like what exactly is going on with Wollongong and Australian continental drift versus Australia not existing because the Earth is flat and how Baxter the Duck fits in.  He or she is the sports team mascot.  There must be some connection.  Besides turtles and ducks being animals, both several steps up the evolutionary ladder over someone that thinks that gematria actually works and is willing to pay a monthly fee for an “expert” opinion.

I really missed out on my calling in life.  I would make a good con man.  Except for the over sized empathy lobe in my brain and smarts enough to know that I’d get caught.  Smart enough to know all ponies are in fact not stupid.  Neigh, in fact some just play dumb (both the main and slang definitions, Hah!) since they’re tired of arguing about it and their voices go horse.  The smart ponies know they whinny some and they losey some.  They just take it in stride.

So pony up those federally funded private dollars kids.  Horse racing is a sport and the mockery runs thick.

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