Thursday, November 9, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Plate Tectonics

The Plate Tectonic Knights, (aka, Plate Teutonic Knights) were an offshoot of the Knights Templar) known for their prowess with the lance and mace in combat. Wearing heavy plate mail armor they were almost completely weapon proof until the advent of the crossbow. Hired as mercenaries they.....

Ok, enough bullshit.

Plate tectonics is the movement of the plates of the Earth's crust. (Reference Wikipedia, plate tectonics, continental drift.) This movement is responsible for things like earthquakes and volcanic activity. Plates rub slowly against each other all the time. A sharp, sudden shift, blammo! Earthquake. If there's a supply of magma/lava underneath a more vulnerable spot, the plates break open. Think popping blackheads or the chest bursting alien that ruined John Hurt's breakfast. Volcanic eruption.

What this means to gematria is another case of invoking a set of numbers into the database that they never considered about long term. GPS coordinates.

Yes, things are moving. Very slowly. Let's back up to the fossil record and Pangea.

Accepted scientific theory has that a single supercontinent, Pangea, existed in the Paleozoic Era. After salary caps were introduced the team was broken up into the continents we know today. Everything was a big lump of land, then spread out because even land masses tend to like privacy and grow to hate their neighbors. Continental privacy fence technology is currently under development (Reference, Trump's Wall) yet has a long way to go. Ultimately, the goal will be to harbor all criminals in Greenland which will keep society safe until Snake Pliskin throws a monkey wrench into the works.

You don't need to buy into the Pangea theory. Gematria has thrown flat Earth theory under the bus because GPS coordinates are really cool and sciency. And they have convenient two and three digit numbers. Big surprise there that makes them important to these guys.

The same science that provides GPS coordinates so your phone can give you directions to the big Menudo reunion concert (or for Dan, the Wendy's drive thru window) have proven that things are sliding around.

The orbital satellites measuring GPS coordinates have proven that depending on which of the major plates you're dealing with that it's drifting 40-100+ millimeters per year. Since GPS coordinates became commonplace a bit over two decades ago, Australia has drifted north 1.5 meters.

So explain to me exactly when Melbourne started to be 37 degrees, or 38 if you round up from the current 37.8 degrees south, and when exactly will the elites who have fascinations for some of the oddest things for their rituals will this not be important anymore? Just because it's slow and won't be in your lifetime isn't going to stop the movement. Will gematria cease to exist? I hope so.

Edit 6/30/2018:

If you must know, my fascination with Wollongong first originated with this post.  Conveniently located at about midway between a degree I actually calculated out how many years it would take to have Wollongong get past the halfway point and become a different gematria GPS coordinate.  Then I found out that as is typical for the half assed way they present their “evidence” it’s just as likely to drop a decimal completely instead of worrying about proper rounding.

If you are a true science type of person you may want to duplicate the calculation for lulz.  The Internet has all the info on current Australia rate of drift and such.  If you care to send an email to with your result I *might* consider sending you a first edition Jenna Coleman is the Antichrist bumper sticker.

#Science  #Debunkedby #Wollongong

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