Thursday, January 2, 2025

Mild Inconvenience - The Fifth Horseman

For the newcomers:

News Headline + Manufactured Scapegoat + Financial Hook = Social Media Conspiracy Theory

When I first wrote the Rationalwiki article (yes, it’s woefully outdated now) one of the things that struck me in my previous research was how it was regarded differently by the users.  Some people were hardcore the evil cabal must be stopped at all costs.  Some didn’t give a rip at all about that and only thought the idea of a magic money making system was important and the news was a waste of time.  And naturally with confirmation bias being involved most fell somewhere in between.  Leaning towards one or the other, but at least willing to drop a comment on the videos and blogs showing awareness of both.

Within that framework, the consistency of the importance of tying in the date with the news headline was beaten to death.  The cheapest add on to the narrative.  Like all the other gematria related topics there’s multiple ways to calculate it, it can be ignored if it “misses” the target, and even the most brain dead troglodytes know what the current day is.  Not even really gematria, but another easily mutated number that thrives on the pervasive attitude that any two or three digit number has some cosmic significance despite its overwhelming triviality.

And we can see that in the grand scheme, nobody really cares about college football.  The only real usefulness is something like “John Smith went to USC” and that makes its way into a NFL decode.  The AI response to a search for COLLEGE FOOTBALL GEMATRIA gives a response that there’s not much going on.  One of the top hits is a YouTube short about —> last year <— instead of a genuine prediction for this year:

Now ask yourself some questions.  If sports are so important to the scapegoats plans, and the dates these events are planned out in advance are so important, why did we not hear about the Sugar Bowl postponement in advance?

Because scams don’t work that way.  If it really worked we would have known the details before it happened and we’d be in a weird Hollywood time travel story.  Reporting on the event after the event is over is so much safer than going out in a limb.  Nobody, literally nobody, had a decode in advance that focused on the Sugar Bowl would be delayed because of a terrorist attack in the early New Year hours.  Why are you even wasting time giving any credibility to someone that claims predictive powers that never actually predicts anything?

In the social media actual research circles there’s a reminder that gets posted to people new to the disinformation sphere.  Don’t spread memes, links and rumors until the actual authorities sort through and it’s closer to being the real story.  The internet has been, and will be always, a machine that churns out viral disinformation.  Focusing on outrage, a lot of which is targeting those with an easily triggered emotional reaction who have already been involved in some dubious monetary venture.  Hatred is far more profitable than actual knowledge.

As for the Gematria Effect News blog, that also shows the disdain for college sports and the jump on to the viral news bandwagon.

Any would be Sugar Bowl decoders, working off the January 1st blog info are still operating on the game being played last night.  The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Mildly Inconveniencing sports decoders with wrong dates.

A recent video from Hubbard laid claim to his alleged significant other wanting him to resolve to do less angry ranting in the New Year.  Could be, but highly unlikely.  That’s the marketing strategy.  That’s what the people are signing up for and donating for.  Someone to be as belligerent as possible, an alpha male wannabe who revels in attack more than substance to the message.  There’s no updates on wrong information.  There’s no time to revise a blog post to mention that the Sugar Bowl date, something that based on the magic system, should be supremely important while cranking out an hour long video about other topics intended to distract the easily impressed.  We’re closer to him being a cabinet member than him giving up on being eternally angry.

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