Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Quest For Views

I would include this in the ex-YouTuber series I’ve started, but this guy is still active.  Just not very active.  And he serves as an example of getting involved in the crank and grift magnetism scene for the sake of getting attention.

The playlist isn’t terribly long and is easy enough to scroll through to get an idea of what he’s “all about” - which is a wide variety of things without dedicated to a coherent common theme.  The earmarks of someone bouncing around as a follower for attention instead of a leader and creator of disinformation.  But that’s ok, because it’s not actually about this channel we’re here, it’s his other channel with a main theme.  But a quick review of this first.

There’s some material about how IMDB sucks, and the whole For Asgard thing seems to be an attempt to make a mark posting reviews about Marvel movies and not succeeding.  Then there’s how I found him and his trail of bread crumbs.  There’s some content about Transvestigation, incels…and gematria.  Someone that’s believed, at least temporarily, the hype that you can grow your channel and get followers by allying with bigger channels.

But don’t lose sight of these features as we switch to the main channel:  3 month old video on spamming and being censored, a 1 year old video about Hubbard’s toxicity, several videos with an admission of being an incel, several mentions of Canada , and a bunch of videos about pit bulls, and don’t forget the very low view counts.

Oooooh!!! I know who you are!  That’s how I found the gematria video here.  There’s another channel that was used to post a comment.  A comment on a Zach video about dogs.  I recognized the voice and Canadian tie in before seeing the gematria video.  This is Gorr the Dog Butcher, another tie in.  The self given title - a play on Gorr the God Butcher from Marvel comics.

For me, one of the lack of empathy red flags is an attitude towards pets.  It’s not so much about the pets as the way it projects a more likely bias towards people.  A refusal to admit that the socialization process is a two way street and sometimes the complainer is the problem.

Anti dog content is also very old.  There’s way too much money in it to not go away, the same way that human racism being monetized isn’t going away.  The views here aren’t astronomical, yet certainly a consistent step above the For Asgard channel.  And:

Oh, yeah.  That’s our boy.

So what does all this mean and what, if anything, is the point?  Let’s talk about the anti dog content a bit more.  I don’t have time to find, link and post sources about dog biting and dog socialization.  I’ve been thinking about this as a topic for some time and the Kurzgesagt video I watched last night served as my inspiration.

That’s about how difficult it is to lose weight.  They do touch on how our eating habits evolved regarding how difficult it is to raise human children.  They take a lot of effort.  And sometimes the effort isn’t anywhere near it should be.  A lot of problems with pets is because they haven’t been treated right, combined with how just like humans there are so damned many of them.

Ultimately, the content serves as a display that our content creator has no business being involved in any serious discussion on hud topic.  ALL dogs are bad, and it’s ALL their fault.  It’s Baby’s First Book of Racism content.  It’s the same lack of empirical evidence in gematria narratives.  All the stories are cherry picked from news stories where it’s impossible to not find a vicious dog story every single day - the world is a big place.  It’s envy and jealousy about how the commenter has zero chance of socially fitting in to society, projected out on dogs instead of the Jesuits or whoever else your arbitrary target it is.

I think usually being called an incel isn’t a desirable thing.  But hey, if that helps you, go for it.  Unlike gematria users who post stories about their own phobias they are biased against masked behind their tiny numbers you were honest enough to proudly display your shortcomings.

Normally the unwritten rule is to not give such a person their fifteen minutes of fame and oxygen for their chosen fire.  Well if he’s been doing this for 13 years it seems safe enough.  He’s unlikely to change despite overwhelming contrary evidence.  His delivery is pretty bad, he isn’t likely to spontaneously generate a charismatic personality that can pull off a long presentation.  Think Gematrinator monotone in his first year of video creation.  If somebody wanted to groom him for bigger things it would have already happened by now.

In an alternate MCU movie universe he would have been picked up by the hypocritical nut jobs at or PETA and astroturfed into pumping out several videos a day.  Or been targeted to drop a bunch of $$ into a scam.  He never asks for money, so he’s not into grifting himself.  But oh boy that need for attention paints a big bullseye on himself and his subscribers for being a cognitively biased source.

Two way street.  I don’t want you and your circle of anti dog incel friends near my dog.  We can both be happy with that.

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