Sunday, June 2, 2024

Analysis Of Old Gematria Accounts, Episode Two

And it’s a two for the price (free) of one deal today, because they’re both rather tepid and boring.  One is so boring it serves as a typical illustration of the fundamentals of sports gematria shameless self promotion going nowhere.

Gematria Sports & World History

This is actually a back up channel of Tony Telling It Like It Is.  It might not have been actually created by Tony, but that’s all the functionality it has.  Replays of old videos made by Tony.  Go to the live videos section, and the top video is an announcement of being “censored” on his main channel and his sports decodes will be on his backup channel.

Tony is a long time competitor of Zach, having co-existed with Zach for years.  But it’s the same basic style.  An overly aggressive personality doing rapid fire daily content talking about nothing but success and ignoring the actual lukewarm results.

If gematria worked and was truly important and innocent, there would be no need for a Tony back up channel.  There would be no need for a fan to make a subsidiary channel with copies of his original content.  And there’s obviously no censorship of the content.  Truly censored content would mean I couldn’t go to the YouTube home screen and do a search and find this in the less than two minutes I did.  Truly censored content would require I’d have to utilize something like the Wayback Machine to find the deleted content.

For purposes of not getting overwhelmed I don’t spend much time in n Tony and I never had.  The same as the videos in the channel playlist he’s always been sports focused.  Despite the channel name historical content is sparse.  That does lead to noting the two entries that stick out.  A JFK assassination video, it must have been a slow day.  And a Freemasons rigging sports video?  That’s stepping on Zach’s toes.  A common trick when playing the Shill Game is to cater to the opposition’s followers to try to lure some away to your camp.  The city of grift has a lot of camps, and most of them are sports camps.  Occasionally sports camps get together for a community parade or something and compare notes.  But basically they are enemy camps, Tony usually doesn’t even like to call it gematria.

A final note, the commenters.  Believe me, I see a lot of comments.  None of the people showing up in these years old videos pops up in comments on gematria videos now.

And about that easy search process.  It’s as easy as typing GEMATRIA into the search bar, filtering for channel and scrolling through a long list of rather dead channels.  Our second victim today died on the vine before reaching maturity.

Ragz To Riches Sportz

That one you have to scroll waaaaaayyyyyy down for.  That’s how many dead gematria channels there are on YouTube.

The Covid pandemic played a large part in this golden age of grifting, and our newbie scammer here got hooked.  But not long enough to actually put out any videos.  That didn’t stop him from getting 45 subscribers.  Bots and disinformation agents love accounts like this to astroturf.  Simply place a quick follower on to an existing new account and let the algorithms kick in and sort out the activity later.  Genuine followers could take advantage and do some housecleaning where they delete meaningless subscriptions.  Bots, not so much.  The Patreon appears to be dead.

Around the time this channel was created he had an Instagram account (linked in the profile) that has what looks like actual betting slips.  Why do they look real?  There are losers.  Why does the account look like a defunct true believer instead of a scammer?  He obviously didn’t learn the art of lying about your success rate.  No, this is someone caught up in the hype of a Zach or Tony that dropped out after finding out things weren’t working out.  Someone lured into the campsite by the “you need to do more for the community” rhetoric.  When things were genuinely tough during the pandemic and a little bit of discretion on your spending was a lot better choice than sports book gambling.  The Ragz result is far more likely than the Riches result.  Hopefully if he’s got another Patreon account he’s turned off his subscription to his cult leader’s Patreon.

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