Thursday, August 17, 2023


The Maui nonsense continues.  News outlets have picked up on the chatter and really aren’t helping on reporting and amplifying the bogus message:

Fire conspiracy to theories

This is old school Alex Jones style conspiracy theorizing. Start with a crisis or tragedy, post content with no basis in fact, then amplify the message as long as it’s still current news.  In the meantime, every Internet grifter trolls through the videos looking for exceptionally vulnerable targets.  Often, those targets are people looking to help and are experiencing disinformation for the first time or early in the infancy of exposure to disinformation.  So, lasers burn stuff…sounds good so far.

Part of Hubbard’s circle doesn’t do gematria, but they certainly post comments and gather attention by cross pollination through disinformation addicts endlessly doom scrolling on social media.  One such fellow put out a video last night about how super power lasers started the fire.  The gimmick of choice was a high powered, handheld blue laser, and a toilet paper roll.

Because somehow a visible blue laser beam and visible toilet paper is an explanation for invisible space lasers.  While the explanation of lasers operating is the exact opposite of invisibility and it’s right there in the name:  

Light AMPLIFICATION by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

You need to amplify your invisible laser beam to some pretty incredible level to achieve that invisibility?  Or do you need to reduce the visibility and make the laser light less powerful?  What exactly is going on with this magic laser beam?  Oh, that’s right.  It’s magic.  It’s invisible just because I said so.

Everything in the modern conspiracy theory community is invisible.  And it’s one of the ways to separate a genuine argument from a logically fallacious position.  A real conspiracy can be uncovered.  The light bulb cartels making building obsolescence into bulbs to sell more bulbs.  Having your co conspirators rat you out for a reduced sentence.  The government testing LSD on people.  These, especially that last one, can give the conspiracy newbie a taste of the sweet life full of paranoia and delusion.  Arguing about this on social media makes you sooooooooo cool.

Here’s the gradient on increased conspiracy belief

Belief in real conspiracies that have been uncovered —>Belief in conspiracies that are plausible, but not yet known (generally harmless) —>Belief in conspiracies that are harmful and have no real evidence —>Belief in conspiracies that you need to make up evidence on your own to support the conspiracy

Gematria proof is invisible.  There’s no connection to any number to any person that can’t be countered by another narrative.  There will never be a Freemason that will credibly give an interview stating about his time involved in rigging a basketball game.  There will never be a gematria sports predictor that will post a full slate of the weekend’s NFL games far in advance that gets every game correct.  The invisible cabal that wants to flip the script to make them look bad is, well, invisible.

A whistleblower coming forward that proves your electoral fraud conspiracy - invisible.  They disappeared and we don’t know where they are.  Viruses are a hoax, the real cause of your illness - invisible.  The world is overheating - invisible lasers.  When you were a child, the monster under your bed couldn’t get you if you pulled the blanket over your head.  Because only visible monsters would have the strength to rip the blanket off.  And Mike Lindell hasn’t invented the My Blanket including patented anti invisible monster and anti invisible laser beam protection, yet.  (Or if he has the blanket is also invisible.)

You know what else is invisible?  Psychological projection.  Instead of being cool because you actually are cool, the conspiracy theorist projects an aura of knowledge, expertise and benevolence by attacking those with the actual knowledge, expertise and benevolence.  I don’t remember who said it, but it was something like, “I have a dream where people are judged by the content of their character and not by making up invisible bogeymen to get the temporary warm, fuzzy feeling of superiority by bullying someone.”

The number one defense for invisible conspiracies is trying to shift the burden of proof.  Naturally, that defense is itself invisible.  No, I’m not wrong - you’re wrong.  No, you’re wrong.  No, I said you’re wrong.  The basis of political discourse these days.  Because cooperation is also invisible.

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