Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Bullying In the Truth Community

One of the features of reading through truth so called community posts on social media is division within the ranks; petty squabbling over nonissues and infighting over who is more important to the movement.  I call this The Shill Game, where the cups covering the balls (or shills) are constantly moved around and it’s impossible to predict where the actual target it is.  Nobody ever truly wins this game.  But by accident or design it helps the grifters a lot.  The target audience is already cognitively impaired and is constantly pressured to keep toeing the line, following the rules.  And those rules can change on a daily basis.

Precious little in the truth so called community changes the rules so much.  One person has a screen full of dozens of ciphers.  One person arbitrarily declares that the reduction cipher is the “purest” and using more than the four base ciphers is not legit.  One person finds synchronicity on hundreds of years old events.  One person makes a narrative about predicting the future claiming that the old events aren’t as important as declaring a 90+ year old person in poor health is about to die since the mainstream media declared their hospitalization.  But hey, you where only 67 days off .  That must mean something, right?

And the sports gematria is the worst.  A reasonably rational person can instantly identify a problem with how the Lions and Colts both equal 69 and 66 in the most commonly used ciphers.  A person that is more likely to not recognize this as a problem is the kind of person that went through high school with bad grades and being issued reinforcement that they aren’t performing well.  Psychologically, they are placed into a setting where they receive positive reinforcement for being right on a trivial event.  An event that is nudged along by increasing the statistical chance to create the right answer.  And the methods to create the correct answer are so vast that it gets to the point that it’s impossible to not get a “right” answer.

By changing the rules daily.  Never accepting being wrong.  And toeing the line on who is your current choice for not being a shill.

I’ve been totally not surprised to be reading that there’s a bunch of harassment and bullying ongoing in the -48 crowd with the passing of that cult leader.  This is totally natural as there’s a rush to fill the vacuum by those that are fully aware of the way the grift works and those that qualify as true believers.  The true believers have lost their prime source of positive reinforcement.  They’ve lost that main source of being told they are right all the time.

The chicken or the egg coming first doesn’t matter.  Whether the conspiracy mentality bleeds over into real life or real life pressure turns you to belief in conspiracies, there is a link between being a real life pain in the ass and an online conspiracy spouting bad ass who is never wrong.  And here we see another problem with the mix.  How social media historically has mishandled conspiracy content.


I would like to check that link thoroughly to verify it looks like a legitimate study.  No way am I going to put that much effort into it.  On the surface it looks fine, but it’s blocked off from full view unless I click more links.  Even that short blurb in the abstract isn’t written in normal English.  It’s science talk.  Your going to get a heavy dose of standard deviations, psychology terms and things way outside a high school education for the average kid.  Historically, I personally do a terrible job of communicating higher end concepts.  I’m not the only one, so at least I have that going for me.  It’s way too easy for me to fall into the trap of assuming people know what I’m talking about when I’m just getting a vacant stare, hoping the awkward conversation ends.  I’m also guilty of just giving up on what I deem to be a hopeless situation.

Real life workplace, school, social contact - it’s a never ending battle on dealing with one side that’s a pain in the ass being force fed bad information and constantly being showered with praise even when colossally wrong about important issues and a more knowledgeable community who can’t effectively communicate the correct information.  It doesn’t help when the experts are being attacked because the Alex Jones’s of the world are directing the attacks, going after the experts that can debunk the bullshit.

Compare these statements:

“While the efficacy of H2SO4 on dissolution of plumbing congestion is not to be denied, its corrosive attributes make it an overall less than worthy ultimate answer.”


“Don’t use acid for plumbing problems, it eats the hell out of the pipes.”

In the gematria world:

“Astute grifters use psychological techniques to motivate and exploit their target audience.”


“I’m important because Zachary Hubbard said so.”

And over the past decade that’s all it has taken.  Support the cause I give you an attaboy.  Stop paying me, or question what I say on even whether 69,66 means Colts or Lions, you are a worthless shill, controlled opposition less than human piece of garbage.

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