Saturday, March 11, 2023

Zach Haters

Since there are numerous YouTube videos floating around these days attacking Zach, it’s overdue to address some of these issues.  Shortly I intend to make some more pointed comments regarding how the “non-Truther” (or whatever insulting nickname we are these days) viewers incorrectly approach the subject of disinformation.

One of the tenets of the scientific approach is appreciation for actual evidence.  Regardless of the complexity of dealing with a huge number of people, with our messy emotions and survival instincts, is attention to when something doesn’t work anymore.  Things change, and it comes a time to just admit that for example - the globe is actually, verifiably getting warmer.  Adapt or fail.

All these years later, there is some subjective evidence that regardless of the reasons being correct or justified, the Alex Jones method has run its course and there is significant push back.  The messy emotions are getting more and more fed up with the constant stream of lies and grifting.

In the absence of a direct long term solution, as a species we tend to mitigate the damages.  Stopping the fire from spreading must be done in the absence of finding a direct and inevitably super costly method of stopping unwanted fires from ever starting.

Since Zach, being at the core a unoriginal copycat, has mimicked the Alex Jones method, there has been a lot of Zach hating regarding death threats and his promoting suicide.  There is significant evidence that this content can and does have a negative impact on those that fall for the tactics designed to make people think they are smarter than they really are.  Namely, the Sandy Hook defamation lawsuits and awards.

It’s difficult to sort out who is genuinely disgusted with Zach’s dicier content and who is trying to capitalize on the hate to get more of the grifting market share.  There are a lot of cliques, so that all the grifting talking points are covered.  Spirituality, sports betting, politics, cryptocurrency…and violence.  Zach, as the original at least as far as utilizing gematria for the Alex Jones method, is a “one stop shopping” wholesale club.  Which requires a lot of hypocrisy and contradiction.  Whether by design or accident there is obsolescence built into the system.  A lot of Zach’s contradictions are buried, long forgotten about because the original source material has disappeared and hand waved away with a “I never said that.”  Or forgotten about because the cult members refuse to do some soul searching and actual research to uncover what took me less than a year to figure out.

So, as fire damage mitigation goes, if you are genuinely fed up with Zach’s violent content, and you intend to keep clipping the original content and making attack videos there are some steps you can take.

For starters, I recommend this for those gematria newbies who are starting to wake up on how he’s bad news.  Take a break early in the video, suggest that if you are seriously adversely affected by not finding real answers to your deeper questions, post a sincere message about it and this link.

There ARE people trained to listen what you have to say.  People far better equipped than me to point you in what could be a better direction.

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