In these trying times of renaming things willy nilly and threatening hostile takeover, the Gulf of Mexico meme generator has entered.
And it’s perfectly symbolic of gematria. So much so that my first gulf creation was naturally this:
Early days of gematria aficionados running rampant on social media was a shitstorm of denial. Dates would be wrong - Wikipedia changed that to make me look bad. A key word misspelled - the decode still finds meaning in the corrected value. (Or even more laughably, insistence that misspellings count as valid). In short, no matter how colossally, stupendously wrong you were about something basic and simple, an alternative reality can easily be generated. An alternative reality like a map name generator that can make up whatever you want.
And within the framework of being wrong all the time, that ever present core value of every good sports betting scam, is the sports decoder predictions. These are never admittedly stated as wrong, unless it’s puffing up the actual record. Claiming you predicted all the NFL games right last week may be a stretch, maybe better to say you got two of them wrong.
So put yourself in the shoes of a disgusting normie for a second and think about the possibility that someone (of the gematria time wasting ilk) was preparing a decode for the hurricane season in 2024, a season that the Gulf of (Mexico) played its standard big role. How many decoders had the foresight to think to rename the Gulf to Gulf of America, or ‘Murica?
Somewhere between zero and zero, and zero doesn’t count.
Everything is meme quality now. There’s no safe haven high value stock when the meme crowd will whimsically pump up Game Stop or of course anything cryptocurrency related. It’s more fun to go with the crowd that’s most vocal and just let life wash over you like the storm surge of a hurricane. Basking in how fun it was to go for the lulz of renaming a body of water to what you want than wondering about the inflation from the billions of dollars of damage coming up in a gutted federal administration’s sure to be feeble responses to the 2025 hurricane season. At least you can still rename the Guof again. Gulf of Economic Despair? Gulf of Death? Gulf of I’m Right About Everything? Can you even predict now what will bring you comfort when your life revolves around reporting your magic numbers after events have unfolded?