Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The National Fixed League

Our often used starting point today, the gematria equivalent of why psychic’s can’t use their powers to win the lottery or even get any vision of anything right.

If gematria worked, Zach and the copycat wallet killers would simply do the gematria decodes, make a bundle and have no need to sell picks on a paywall blocked Patreon page.

There is a sort of opposite to this.  And that lies within the overused gematria sports decoder phrase, The National Fixed League.  There are some people, you can call them normies, or sane people, or ordinary people, who can actually watch a ball game on TV or even fork over the high ticket price to watch a game live and in person and just relax and watch the game.  And get this, they probably have a team they’re rooting for and can accept when then favorite team goes down in defeat.

But psychologically, sane people don’t do well in a gematria setting.  If you want to force feed somebody a constant narrative of the world and not just football is rigged against them, these people need a constant supply of cheating.  Seriously, if you want an actual armed insurrection to occur based on stolen election lies do you want someone who can shake hands like a gentleman and walk away after a loss or someone that thinks there are magnets in footballs?

That’s right, the undying cheating with magnets narrative is back.  And even the gematria gurus who don’t do sports regularly have used it.  The Gematrinator has or at least had an old post about magnets in golf balls.  But of course it’s mostly Zach that will put the line about the NFL being rigged, call it the National Fixed League, then just let some clueless newbie put in the comment about magnets in for trying to score Attaboy!TM points.  Or relegate the magnets to a sock puppet.

It’s safe to assume that a lot of people don’t understand electromagnetism and how something like induction cooktops work.  And it’s thoroughly pointless to try to educate someone who is listening to a magnets in sports scammers rhetoric.  And trying to educate people about that misses the point of why it’s even brought up.  It’s about the cheating and not the mechanics of how and when it’s used.  It’s grooming the uninitiated into a world of gaslighting and a steady diet of lies just in case they want to take their losing on sports bets to the next level.  Like getting boozed up and punching someone in the parking lot after the game, the sports equivalent of road rage.  I know everything about everything, I was cheated so here’s a boot to the head, charlatan!

Now I promised the opposite of just using your magic powers to pick winners.  Let’s assume you’re right and the NFL is using magnets in footballs to fix the games.  Exactly the way you describe, despite the laws of physics and such.  And you’re using gematria to decode.  The only assumption I am making here is that you predicted in advance instead of pulling an After the Fact Zach post mortem reverse engineering analysis.  The magnets are in place every play of every single game and you know about them, you’re absolutely dead certain they are there.  And you know that they are forcing the narrative at times by using magnets for weird looking plays like the horrendously missed extra point that brought about the original comment above

Where in your decode is the discussion of which narrative better matches MAGNETS = 25 or MAGNETISM = 101 or similar magnets are super important to making me personally look bad decode?  Never.  That’s how often the decodes mention magnets.  Never.

Somewhere in the science classes they didn’t have or failed is the well known idea that magnetic opposites attract.  And this applies to crank magnetism as well.  People that fall for gematria style grift are attracted to both the confirmation bias of looking at things that they can claim to be right about and things that require being cheated to justify being wrong about.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.

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