Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Know Your Grifter Unfair Advantages - YouTube Policies

Media Matters - Alex Jones Is Back

In spirit I’m aligned with the idea of Alex not being on the internet.  But like a toxic narcissist at work that feeds on the extra attention that complaints about them brings attempting to ban someone completely doesn’t work.

Ban evasion tactics were born almost immediately after ban evasion policies were dreamed up.  Once you realize that misinformation is a given part of human nature and existed long before the internet you realize that misinformation sources have been paying attention to what social media companies have been up to and pre planning actions to take advantage of it.

You want to ban books?  It brings more attention to them.  You want to get rid of Scientology?  It brings more attention to it.  You want to stop gematria related grift?  It brings more attention to it if you start a blog.  Although awareness of real or imagined atrocities must have awareness as a function of stopping the problem the “other side” will always seek out methods to counterattack.

Books —> radio—>television—>internet

As the methods of information spreading progressed the methods of misinformation have progressed.  And now apparently the psychologically astute that wield misinformation as a tool have learned from the past to anticipate what could possibly happen and pre plan suppression tactics.  A decade ago there were the cries of coming to take away our free speech, normalizing people to the thoughts that the government would be stealing away their voices.  Now, what do you do when the economics dictate that political fundraisers and social media advertising dictate that social media can’t go away?  Slap on a label that pretends to care and let the future sort out the aftermath.

Alex isn’t the problem, but a symptom of how easily people are manipulated.  An internet ban is the modern equivalent of starting a bonfire and burning a bunch of books.  A bunch of books that we still know about decades or even hundreds of years later.  Even the lower level grifters have their own websites now.  Constantly complaining about Big Tech censorship they damn well know doesn’t exist.  That gets merged into their, “Look at what an internet badass I am” appeal.  On a daily basis I find someone who is best described as being very low on the misinformation food chain complaining about how they themselves are being targeted by evil forces without any real damage done to them.  Why are they complaining?  The video they are watching was created by someone complaining about it.  And lots of times the evidence is easily faked or totally made up.  Even without advanced AI trickery.  For example, all you need to do is delete a couple of key user comments and stir the pot with a video about YouTube deleting comments.  Blammo!  Instant engagement!

There has finally been an uptick in gematria related misinformation on the hellhole formerly known as Twitter.  Not surprising as the U.S. election draws closer.  Another old tactic that can’t be banned.  The gematria itself remains a kind of weird and not generally effective in and of itself.  But you can always just create an account with gematria in the username and the dog whistle is heard.  You just know it’s going to end up being nothing but Trump is the greatest thing ever and the libs are ruining the world.  (They are, but not in the manner you suggest.)  And at least two of them are not posting gematria at all but are pretend political pundits with messages that amount to nothing more than F**k Joe Biden.  Ultimately it’s up to the consumers of the information to recognize that these don’t give any practical information, it’s just outrage porn.  And then these consumers need to take the next critical thinking step to recognize anything else put out by that source is untrustworthy.

The crank magnetism YouRube (not a typo) ads are already in place.  Waiting for the gullible outraged consumers to click away on their healing crystals, vision loss cures with vitamins, electric generators for the upcoming civil war and all the other illegitimate marketing that apparently the majority of people who prefer a totally unregulated market seem to want.  Just waiting to suck the finances away from the next generation who grows up filled with more bad ideas about what makes a YouTube presence a quality source of how to lead their lives.  I’ll give you a hint.  The solution will be to give them your money.

Monday, May 13, 2024

She Turned Me Into A Newt!

I got better.

In the timeless classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the villagers do their best to think like baseless conspiracy believers.  Confronted with the possibility of there being a witch in their midst, a wise knight queries them on what evidence they have.  And a peasant (John Cleese), seeking an Attaboy!TM chimes in with how the foul witch turned him into a newt.  As the other villagers incredulously look at him as he’s obviously not still a newt he offers his excuse.

So RFK, Jr. had a brain worm.  But he got better.


And the media articles range from the factual accounts of actual brain worm sufferers to the, “What bs is this?”  I personally think it’s bs, being far too convenient financially.  Like Trump’s net worth being low when he needs to pay taxes, but high when it comes time for favorable loan rates it was a problem for divorce settlement but now that a presidency would benefit him he’s fine.  But we mustn’t allow ourselves the luxury of assuming guilt when it’s possible for innocence.  Which is kind of the whole point of the Python witch hunt scene.  If one does have a parasitic brain worm it’s safe to assume you don’t want to just live with it.  So benefit of the doubt.

But what you need to know about for improving your pattern recognition skills is a filing system that can retrieve nuggets of wisdom like this as needed.  Giving someone a pass for a gaffe today doesn’t mean they continue to get a free pass when they make the same outrageous claims over and over and over.  When you get to the point where you successfully predict an excuse is coming up, you’re in big trouble already.  A serial fabulist is not going to settle down and suddenly change their ways without removing the brain parasite causing them to act like a lunatic.

The echo chambers of social media are designed for Attaboys! and not being challenged on outrageous excuses.  If your cult leader of choice practices gematria, even if it’s just dabbling in it instead of relying on it as the main tool, you are stuck in an excuse making trap.  Even if it’s not openly stated the point is to get you thinking that decoding today’s bad news has some impact on your ability to foresee the future.  And really bold and obvious actual predictions based on gematria are non existent.  The excuses are built into the system, starting with how even something as simple as a celebrity’s last name has dozens of values to pick from - accepting the one hit and ignoring the many misses.

There’s a reason that Hubbard’s critics have latched on to After the Fact Zach as the favorite nickname.  His YouTube content and blog posts are filled with decodes that were done after the news story was announced.  This bypasses the need to provide an excuse for a wrong prediction.  He certainly didn’t do a decode well in advance that said RFK was going to claim he had a brain worm.  Well, they all do it.  All the decoders look at the daily news and report it after the fact.  And the few times they predict an event it’s something simple like a single mid season sports game that nobody makes a big deal about.  The bold predictions of life altering events are always after the fact.

Ironically, the pervasive pattern that the echo chamber listeners are missing on is the DAILY excuse.  The entire point of their being there is the prediction of startling (yet vague) life changing events upcoming.  The daily lie is that decoding yesterday’s news never provides an iota of predictive outcomes for tomorrow.  And you have to wait until the day after tomorrow to find out what the cult leader said about tomorrow for your gematria fix.

It’s always amusing when a troll pins Hubbard down on his predictions.  Although we’ll practiced on retaliatory tactics like deflecting and every logical fallacy available he has often been caught saying:

1). I’m the greatest predictor ever

2). I never said I could predict anything.

It should be

3). I predicted Team A would win.  Team B won.  I got better.

The simplest challenge, if you can get a word in edgewise in a fake debate, is to point out there’s no reason for his internet presence at all without a claim to be able to predict the future.  The same for the synchronicity crowd.  Stunning beyond coincidental things that happened yesterday don’t predict exactly what happens tomorrow that amazes you.  Qanon is still waiting for something big to habben.  And certainly the daily Obama is the Antichrist numbers haven’t successfully predicted the end of the world.

And once the leader of the clique admits to the entire point is actually about predicting, challenge them to start predicting instead of waiting till the next day.  And watch that fail and watch the ludicrous excuses start flowing.  There’s going to be a lot of newts.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Zacho’s Basilisk

Roko’s Basilisk is a thought experiment where a bunch of nerdy people with an overwhelming sense of self importance and way too much free time on their hands took their best shot at a fifteen minutes internet fame.  It’s still argued whether the legacy of some people getting carried away and developing mental health issues is a real thing.

For the clicking on links averse, there’s a beneficial AI entity with one dubious not necessarily benevolent quality - those that are aware of it but don’t promote it suffer.  This dichotomy is the heart of the thought experiment.  The AI has deemed itself to be so important that bringing about its creation by affecting the past makes it ok to incentivize punishment of not bringing it to be.

After much pondering I’ve figured out what’s wrong with the entire Roko variation and my overwhelming sense of self importance has determined that it’s not Less Wrong, it’s Dead Wrong.  Diametrically opposed dead wrong.

We know from media especially movies with an overwhelming sense of self importance that malevolent AI seeking extinction of humanity is a lot more fun.  It’s far more logical that Zacho’s Basilisk has already taken hold and through massive misinformation and disinformation tactics is well on its way to becoming our new reality.  Having money and the associated fun with that is far more important than continued existence as a species.

The traditional mythical basilisk kills with its gaze.  Zacho’s basilisk kills with its whiny voice that constantly flip flops between stated positions and lies.  It lies a lot.  Politicians are key members of the ZB creation movement.

We have long passed the point where lying is simply normalized and leaving us numb and unaffected.  The basilisk voice leaves us compelled to realize the only way to keep pace is to also lie.  The more abrasive and bold the liar you are - the more you are revered.  The more resources wasted in combatting your lies - the ZB grows stronger.  George Santos was in the running for the title but didn’t make as an effective a moniker as Zacho, so there you have it.

Fairly recently Hubbard put out a post on the hellhole formerly known as Twitter about how he lost subs on his Patreon for attacking flat earth “tards”. Meanwhile, after some possible astroturfing, his membership shows as 2000 more than what it had been all of 2023.  Recently some convincing video about him speaking about already being married to his Sweet Lady was presented.  And now we’re back to it not being a thing, yet.

Seriously, if he secretly married the girl years ago like in the video commentary shouldn’t there be a correction to the comment instead of a ❤️?

It’s got to be the ZB.  The video footage of him claiming to already be hitched was a deep fake.  No better subject matter for an AI fake than Hubbard, just about any argument other than gematria is a more lucid and believable source.  A firm history of something being obviously wrong, but the source malingering like a well dig in tick.  And the ZB attracting what it really wants.  The resistance grifters.  Being malevolent AI requires some goody two shoes white knights getting involved.  And what better way to get them setting up their own social media talking about how you should give them money to fight the evil.  Pretty soon all anybody that’s not AI will do nothing but donate money and ask for money to be given to them.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Martin Gardner - The Mutilated Chessboard

Martin Gardner was a mathematician known for what is called recreational mathematics, puzzles, magic, and being cranky about pseudoscience.

His extensive writing about gematria…sorry.  Being invested in real math he wanted nothing to do with gematria.  Math and puzzles and in general Gardner’s world was filled with actual solutions to the questions.  Gematria, being the reigning champion of fake math and forcing the wrong answer to be viewed as correct is diametrically opposed to this.

My poor parents had their hands full with me as try as he might to hide them, Dad’s collection of chess books and Martin Gardner books as well as similar fare fascinated me.  Again with the facetiousness, they were just lying around on his desktop and on the bookshelf.

One of Gardner’s notable puzzles is the Mutilated Chessboard puzzle.

The challenge is this:  Take an ordinary chessboard, cut off two diagonally opposite corner squares.  Then get yourself some dominos, big enough to cover two squares at a time.  And answer this question, “Is it possible to cover the remaining 62 squares with 31 dominos?

The long answer, by trial and error, is to physically place dominos around and keep retrying until you get frustrated and bored and never get it to happen.  Which doesn’t prove you can’t, but intuitively you get a good idea that it’s not possible.  While you’re doing that you may get some critical thinking boosting and figure out the real answer.  A math based answer.  Or you flip the pages to the solutions section and read it and then it sinks in why the answer is NO.  You can’t do it.

The actual solution - each domino must cover exactly one light colored square and one dark colored square.  The corners you chopped off must be the same color.  So there’s 32 of one color and 30 of the other remaining, which can’t possible be handled by your 31 of each color dominos.

Or you can do a gematria style solution which is based on fake math and bullshit.  Gematria is all about convincing people to break the rules and that’s supposed to be a good thing.  Like Kirk reprogramming the computer simulation and being rewarded, the most ridiculous method of outstupiding your rival decoders is rewarded with the most attention.  So let’s run through some gematria style break the rules solutions.

1). 31x2=62.  End of story.  Yes it can be done.

2).  THIRTY AND ONE = 63 in both reduction ciphers, so that makes it doubly magically.  The corners cut off are the same color and are the same, so 64-1=63.  Bonus points for phraseshopping in the AND in THIRTY ONE.  Yes it can be done.

3).  The chessboard represents the eternal struggle between light and dark, good and evil.  Which are opposite sides of the same coin.  All the squares are the same color.  Yes it can be done.

4).  Chess is beyond my target audience.  That’s a checkerboard.  Checkers only cover one space at a time, fuck the dominos.  Yes it can be done.  Bonus points for getting away with not being challenged that chess pieces also occupy just one square.

5).  CHESSBOARD = 444 in the Satanic cipher.  Triple digits are cool.  The Satanic cipher is cool.  The Antichrist is coming, so that’s cool.  Yes it can be done.

6).  Cut one domino in half.  Yes it can be done.

7).  Cut all the dominos in half.  Yes it can be done.

8).  Cut all the squares off the board.  Let’s save time on a number nine and just cut all the dominos in half as well as cutting up the board.  Yes it can be done.

That could go on awhile because the gematria style solutions are only bound by imagination.  The only common factor is that deliberately getting the wrong solution and that making you a better person for being wrong has been achieved.  Appropriately, gematria does a lot of cutting in the process.  Large numbers are reviled.  They are chopped down into tiny bits with dropping digits and prime number lists all the time.  Which somehow makes getting the wrong answer much cooler.

Friday, May 10, 2024

A Favorite Old Book

Not the entire comment, but most of it.  It’s all the key points from an old favorite book.

Before this, and if I remember correctly *just* before this, comments were open.  Occasionally a Zachosphere flunky would pop in to drop a nastygram.  But this was the most lengthy and surprisingly coherent attempt at adding a comment to the blog.  It’s not worthy of being a posted comment without the context I’m providing here.

So a summary.  “Real truth seeking” does not include the frivolity of gematria.  And his debunk (superior than mine according to his own words) is not wrong.  But there’s already a research no-no.  He’s unearthed pretty much zilch, except one comment on a blog loaded with criticism.  A blog that includes similar mathematical analysis, for example tue ability to find words of just the right length and adding a negative modifier to them to produce contradictions between normal ordinal and reverse.  So he’s already managed to cherry pick and insinuate that all he could find was one post on antonyms without digging through an entire blog obviously focused on anti gematria content.

And he tips his hand, probably intentionally, by calling the post he was referencing was about -chilling antonyms.  The Rationalwiki article I originally wrote still refers to the antonym chart as -cool antonyms.  Oh, he knows exactly who I am.  Whether a Freudian slip or as I guess an intentional nod to let me know Qanon was aware of this material.

June 15, 2021 - less than six months after some overzealous gullible and violent people attempted to topple the government of the country they claim to be defending.  And the best they can do is try to through shade on gematria.  A straw man argument to distract from other disinformation presented in the comment that I might have been dumb enough to allow on the blog.  Nope.  No extra oxygen on the internet for your insinuation that these debunked ideas are true just because you think gematria is silly.  So to clarify and for the record:

Jan 6 was not a peaceful protest.  The election was not stolen.  Real children died at Sandy Hook.  The Cyber Ninjas had bs to work with and no choice but to give up.  Big Tech is not promoting gematria other than allowing monetized videos on dubious content.

Rereading an old favorite book is like rewatching TV shows in syndication reruns.  It doesn’t work unless you have forgotten parts, or pick up on something that you missed the first time around and have a eureka moment.  Or nostalgia.  And that’s what I get from readdressing this now.  The vindication that my being one of the first to be openly critical of the potential of gematria to add fuel to the misinformation ecosystem.  To foreshadow how what started as a way to rip off people for a couple of bucks on sorts betting could easily be used for other, bigger projects.  Like the megachurch of Alex Jones and the Qanon involvement in the incitement of one of the darkest days of American history.  Things average people wish they didn’t have to put up with and hope someone puts the effort in to it so they don’t have to.

The landscape in the misinformation/disinformation ecosystem constantly changes.  And Mr. Cherrypicker Strawman might have been right about gematria not being legitimate truth seeking, but for people like Mr. CS nothing is legitimate other than what gets the most engagement that day.  AI is getting better and better and playing with that is bound to be more convincing than SOCIETY OF JESUS=56.  I hope someone else invests effort in to minimizing the damage that’s brewing there.  People have been lying for a long time and there’s no reason to think that our nature will ever change.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Hellhole Formerly Known As Twitter

Refuse to call it anything but the original Twitter, call it X, call it Twixter, or call it out for the Hellhole it is now, there’s no doubt the place is nothing like it was before Elon purchased it.

Those with the intelligence and empathy to have true concern have been trying and failing to decode Elon for some time.  To be clear, that’s not a gematria decode - I said empathy.  That task is near insurmountable as he is a human weather vane, impossible to predict with a rapid storm front that changes its nature several times a second.  Whether by accident or design policy changes regarding the operation of our favorite Hellhole always seem to end up favoring those that seek to use it for propagation of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda containing those previous two, and grifters.

I shared a lot of the story of bot invasion yesterday.  The part that was most disturbing is that in the old Twitter days you would receive a notification when any other account followed you.  A prime feature of functional social media is the attempt to bring together people that think alike, to form groups of shared interests.  Despite a previous lack of contact defined by geographic barriers.  The chance for me to clearly see that Elfreda, the Sylvan Goddess, followed me, wants to CamChat and give me the easy opportunity to say, “oh yeah baby, I’d tap that!”, click on the handy follow back button at the top and start the good times rolling.

What attention seekers like Musk fail to realize is that one who truly has empathy and gives a damn about what’s going on around them realize that empathy also includes caring not just about the effects on yourself, but the possible outcomes of poor decisions by those in charge.  Since I never received notification that Elfreda followed me, somehow she (or rather, it) was allowed to bypass a normal, sensible process and just magically follow me.

Sure, I’m smart enough to recognize that the only post this account has put up since creation of the account in September 2023 is this one.  And I’m smart enough to recognize the red flags and soft block of hard block it.  Even without the experience of having to waste my time on five dozen of similar accounts in recent history I’d know that nothing good would come about from engaging with what is…to me…an obviously fake and unserious account.  But never let your Dunning-Kruger stop you from realizing that it can and does affect other people without the IQ to recognize the pattern or the life experiences to have them take pause and get a little dose of healthy skepticism.

Elon is a perfect example of how powerful money is, where it gets to a point of having money instead of being right is the top priority.  The money itself isn’t that important.  It’s how that money gets him what he really wants - the attention.  Even colossally bad financial decisions about his fluctuating net worth is still attention.

In the unlikely event that top tier corporations return to Twitter because the policy of allowing porn bots to follow people magically proves the Hellhole is good for business, I’ll be the first to publicly acknowledge how wrong I was about Musk.  In the meantime I expect a lot more head shaking, eye rolling a WTFing, as his pet projects are all dreams that are scientifically viable, but economically horrendously difficult to implement.

The two pieces of media that come to mind are Mel Brooks, The History of the World Part I and a Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode.  In History, Brooks as King Louis XVI makes colossally bad decisions and shrugs them off with a simple, “It’s good to be king!”  Totally unconcerned about the downtrodden and impoverished people he rules over.  The Simpsons and Springfield are attacked by all the giant advertisements and the solution was to just not look.  Unfortunately, although we will never get over the colossal failures of the Hellhole’s creator and keep looking like deer stuck in the headlights, also not looking at his ads isn’t a fix since he’ll just create alternative to main stream advertising.  Like porn bots that magically appear.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Copy and Paste


If you were to go to the hellhole formerly known as Twitter and dig down into the conversation you would find that there was a minor excuse for what passes as a conversation between two people.  The first step was for this account in the screenshot to post a vague prediction regarding August 3, 2025.  Gematria is great at just a couple of things, and one of them is an excuse to make fake predictions that always fail because nothing ever happens on the chosen date.  Nothing extraordinary or if it is extraordinary there’s no explanation why those with the magical knowledge didn’t have more detail than, “Something big is about to happen.”

Notice there are two separate but identical replies and more importantly two separate people that were replied to.  This is a red flag for deeply unserious content, as if the idea of picking a random date a year and a half in the future isn’t a red flag enough.  It’s a recruiting message.  And it’s the social media equivalent of Nigerian Prince mass email tactics.  Send out a couple hundred million emails.  Only pay further attention to the few people that bite.  The advantage of the social media variation is that your target demographic, those with a confirmation bias come to you instead of the effort of putting together a long list of emails.

Gematria has always been good at this.  Making something totally ridiculous become a search for deep underlying secrets that don’t exist.

And our story gets better.  Content like this also attracts scam baiters.  So knowing how scams and scam baiters operate I put this to a little bit of a test.  And I’ll be the first to admit it is not conclusive and the results are somewhat speculative.

So how can you tell if these messages, certainly less than a minute apart are completely bot driven to auto reply or if there’s a real human behind it?  I have had a lot of bot issues lately, having a network of bots with 4.8k accounts they are following and all created between August 2023 and January 2024 follow me on the hellhole formerly known as Twitter.  Soft blocking the five dozen of those yesterday and the one that appeared last night took more minutes than I wanted to.  But I’m getting beyond the point and just venting.  So I put my scam baiter shoes on and sent mister copy and paste replier a message asking what happens on August 3, 2025.

Bot activity hasn’t been totally stagnant and does improve all the time.  But it’s unlikely a true bot would have been able to read my profile and figure out that I was trouble and should be ignored.  That’s what happened.  A true bot would have auto replied with the same canned, “It’s a bit hard to explain…” nonsense.  This is all happening less than an hour after these copy and paste replies were made.  So it’s unlikely someone else with scam baiting knowledge and a habit of searching Twitter for gematria related posts would have beaten me to it and scared the bot network off. (The word Gematria in boldface indicates it was a search result.  I search for all gematria related posts every day.  I doubt many other people have that level of self flagellation in their mental make up.)

So that leaves us with at least some conscious human activity.  As lazy as it might be to copy word for word instead of at least personalizing the message a little bit.  And that’s another great thing gematria does.  Even those that actually believe in it are posting meaningless gibberish disguised as facts and evidence.  Even the cult leaders high up on the pyramid scheme are posting meaningless gibberish every day.  All designed to create engagement above anything else.

Who knows where these two will fall on the spectrum.  Anywhere from figuring out that it’s more trouble than it’s worth, or getting sucked into the gibberish rabbit hole completely.  Maybe they like sports and that will drive their continued search for all things gematria through sports decodes.  Maybe they’ll pick up on the attempted revival of synchronicity that’s going on now.  Maybe it’s crypto.  Maybe it’s hatred of democrats and Obama is the Antichrist.  What we do know is that there’s a wide variety of cliques available to pick from with gematria.  While a Nigerian Prince email is stuck to the format presented in the first email, there’s no better substitute than a real person like an Alex Jones driving an ever changing narrative immediately.  Some real human activity - bridging the gap between a true bot and someone with some critical thinking skills that’s purposefully using psychological manipulation tactics designed to make the target feel smarter than they think they are.  The human bridges mostly fall in the mid level of the pyramid scheming.  Instead of asking for money right away do a little bit of a scouting mission to find out what makes the target tick.

A copy and paste like this —>shouldn’t<— work.  People asking the question about the magic date have a higher chance of not having previous experience with numerology and gematria and getting curious.  These two —>should<— do the gematria search I did and say, “Holy shit.  Why is that reply to the other guy the exact same as mine?!?  I mean really WTF!?!”  But if you’re asking the question about the magic date in the first place you probably aren’t big on researching instead of relying on your flawed intuition.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Gematria Sustainability

Without the gematria part, by itself sustainability is probably most often associated with fossil fuel consumption and resource depletion.  There’s been so many birthdays our helium is running low:


While it could be used for some arguably better purposes than a practice of tradition generated by social inertia instead of actual value.  (Although a dog confronted with a leftover birthday balloon filled with helium can be vastly entertaining.)  And of course gas and oil will eventually run out other than if climate change finishes us off first.

The often quoted bad science relating to the apparent vastness (almost infinite, relatively speaking) of fossil fuel reserves doesn’t take in to account that the low hanging fruit has already been picked.  Thousands of years ago useful stuff was just lying around with minimal effort to utilize compared to modern mining operations.  Now it’s a self fulfilling feedback loop, the materials to make the equipment are necessary to get access to further sources of grabbing the equipment.

Gematria is showing signs of a sustainability problem.  If you have a group of fields in a plot of farmland you can leave some in a state of fallowing.  Let some natural organic activity return nitrogen to the soil without paying for nitrogen based fertilizer applications.  Before the internet we had forgotten about the grifting activity practiced by con men that we consider old timers now.  Back in era when you had to market your schtick like a traveling snake oil salesman.

The low hanging fruit of gematria is exhausted, and it shows.  The favorites are way overused and frankly quite boring.  Not just to the critics, but to the practitioners.  Gematria became its own worst enemy by repetition.  The same repetition that treats every video as an introduction to the craft instead of building on the past.

For example, it hasn’t even been 10 years from when the cult leader would throw out a Pi reference in a video, usually something related to a circle since circular things are super common, a bunch of comments from the fascinated flock would try to impress noble leader with their own Pi reference.  Some of the decline in Pi activity is from the shift to pro spiritual content.  The old Pi references are back at a time when science references coincided peacefully with religious and spiritual content.  Modern gematria use has been invaded by crowds that prefer to attack science to merge in all the dangerous ideas like anti vaccination content or any other medical issue.  Making a 227 gematria Pi reference only serves to bring the lunacy of 22 divided by 7 not being Pi to the attention of the debunkers.

Relying on two and three digit numbers for a lengthy time period wasn’t a sustainable long term plan, and likely wasn’t intended to be.  There isn’t anything new to add to sports decoding that hasn’t already been done.  The defenses, like with other internet grift, are overused.  Continually resorting to bold lies about your track record also brings down the marketability of other internet scam content.  The dropout rate has been higher than the new recruit rate, which isn’t an immediate problem for the top tier.  If you keep in mind that gematria content is not the top of the food chain when the conspirituality merging of right wing and left wing polarizing nuttery has co-opted gematria for their purposes.

It’s simply not possible for someone to have enough time, even with the required intellect and ambition to be a top tier scammer, to produce enough content for anything other than two and three digit matches.

The reason for this topic today is reflection on how difficult it is to find something remotely interesting to discuss as a critic.  My go to source of Twixter is an empty wasteland compared to the good old days.  I satisfied myself by being repetitious as well, with something I’ve done before appearing at the top of the blog since lack of research skills don’t allow the genuinely curious as to what’s wrong with gematria to dig deep down.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Anons Everywhere

And the first few are actually real!

Qanon remains the champ for now.  Combine some shady YouTube channels with some attention seeking larpers and the inevitable grift of that and watch your movement grow.  Especially when foreign powers can just put some bright minds in front of a keyboard to stir the pot up instead of expending a lot of the propaganda budget, voila!  You just never know what they’ll latch on to next, although the Donald Trump saved the world theme is still big.  Polarization is the key.  Keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of picking serious politicians.

BlueAnon is something I’ve touched on before.  What if you want to apply the same tactics but target the super gung ho liberals?  You are fighting the evil conservatives!  Give me your money since I’m the expert evil fighter!  Look at my awesome social media presence and ignore that I’m just as bad as the Q’s regarding meaningful content!

StewAnon is BlueAnon with the fortunate requisite rhyme built in to the founder’s name.  There’s a fundraiser for balloons in the history, so there’s all I need to know.  You’re not really fighting evil conservatives without a balloon, highly symbolic of wasting natural resources like our dwindling supply of helium.

TruAnon is the inspiration for today’s topic.  Why shouldn’t other countries share in the fun?  Q inspired turmoil in Germany.  And although Queen Romana has got her foothold in Canada they NEED TruAnon.  Qanon style content regarding Trudeau.

That’s enough of the real ones.  Let’s make up some more.


GrooAnon.  Groo the Wanderer is an amusing comic series about a dim witted mercenary swordsman.  Violent and not very bright.  That’s a perfect combination for an Anon movement, but wait.  It gets better!  A recurring theme is beating the joke of using the word mendicant to death.  Violent, dim witted and begging for money.  That’s some serious predictive programming content there.

ClueAnon.  Picking the one that rhymes as the poster child for board games conspiracy.  Ever notice that in Monopoly, having a monopoly is a good thing?  Corporate greed is fun.  Risk - conquering the world is fun, there are no civilian problems to worry about, just armies that apparently don’t need to worry about logistics.  And of course in Clue itself murder is fun.  The game ends and you have no clue what the sentencing is like, which is the real origin of its name.

DoAnon.  Transvestigation can identify anybody that’s misgendered.  Usually it’s claiming the opposite of reality, but sometimes they try to add a little bit of physical characteristics in to spice up the story.  Adam’s apples, cheekbones, that kind of stuff.  But they’re hairdo - an untapped resource.  A man bun is actually a woman bun, you morons.  You can arbitrarily claim any hair style to be what you want, which is what they do already, but without the Anon part.

FewAnon.  Qanon when it first started, it was cool to be a Q.  Proudly throwing out your Qship with a WWG1WGA and other Q identifiers.  Boldly proclaiming that you have nothing to hide about your membership as you are UltraQPatriotMissle45 which is surely not hiding behind a keyboard.  Eventually these folks got called regularly and there was literally a directive to claim, “There is Q.  There are Anons.  But there is no Qanon.”  For these confused about their stance in what was once a proud organization totally not hiding behind a keyboard that went to nonexistent in a flash- FewAnon.  There are really like four or five of us max.  Everyone else is just a poser.

CooAnon.  Using the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy as a springboard to present that pigeons are taking over the world.  Alternatively spelled CoupAnon.  And more correctly known as CuckooAnon or CooCoupAnon.

2Anon.  Oh you knew it was coming if you’ve been paying attention this past few years.  A problem with the gematria clowns - they aren’t Anons.  ONE doesn’t have the rhyme we need.  And doing gematria of 1 related things would be just plain stupid.  But 2, that’s twice as big as 1 and is OBVIOUSLY much more significant.  They’re working on it.  They’re probably stuck at 10Anon right now and don’t spend a lot of time shaving it below two digits.  Not they don’t try to make the evidence as insignificant as possible.

RueAnon.  For those that regret not getting into one of the Anon groups with more cachet than this one.

SueAnon.  For lawyers or conspiracies about evil lawyers?  Could go either way, as long as there’s a frivolous lawsuit in the making.

GlueAnon.  Batshit crazy Q style content dialed up to 11 because they are stoned out of their minds.

KazooAnon.  I don’t know what the inventor was thinking, those things are fucking evil.  

PooAnon/LooAnon.  For all the miscellaneous shit that doesn’t fit in the other Anon groups.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Bad Cop, the Good Cop, and the Internet Grifter

Personal pet peeve time.  Brought on by personal experience of a couple days ago.  For the record, someone blew a red light, no big deal for me since I saw it coming.  The officer had a vehicle pulled over in the mini mart lot at the intersection with the light.  My light had just changed green, but instead of taking my turn I saw the second traffic violator was going way too fast to be able to stop.  He blew the full red light right beside a policeman who was already busy with another customer.

For purposes of this post, the Bad Cop is defined as one that doesn’t even try.  Drunk with power he just issues speeding tickets arbitrarily, like YouTube passing out community guidelines strikes.  He’s the famous bad cop that is the nemesis of those stating my pet peeve.  Listening to some people, every single one of their speeding violations is not their fault, but the result of being always in the wrong spot at the wrong time and the bad cop is out to get them.  Like a targeted individual with a persecution complex thinking he’s being gang stalked on the internet and not internet life.

Why this irks me is that I haven’t had a speeding ticket in decades.  Like a lot of people I bend the rules a little bit and pay attention to my speed and to avoid too much ire from those behind me settle for a couple of miles per hour over the speed limit.  For purposes of this post a good cop is defined as one that tries to follow the job description.  (Difficult for conspiracy theorists to understand as that job description includes some empathy.)  They don’t let everyone get away every time for fearing they ruin the (fake) good cop reputation of being a nice guy.  Instead of bothering with someone that’s 3mph over the speed limit they save it for the 25 miles per hour over the limit in a 15  mph school zone of the rich bastard who thinks he’s too important to only drive 65 mph in his sports car.  The typical rules don’t apply to me people.

Even with a lot of personal and other anecdotal evidence there are a decent number of people like me that do not get traffic violations handed out willy nilly by Mr. Bad Cop.  And mathematically it always amazes me how those that insist Mr. Bad Cop is out to get them share their stories regularly about how they got unjustly cited again.

I really don’t believe them because of the math.  The next step in the logic process is to admit that some cops are Mr. Good cop that, that would rather have you calm the fuck down and not run over a child in a school zone some day.  Even if the ratio is massively lopsided with Bad Cops outnumbering Good Cops 90% to 10% your chances of being ticketed by a bad cop are 100%.  Barring  extenuating circumstances like lunch break or already servicing another customer in the mini mart lot.  If you are violating the traffic laws around a Good Cop your chances are 100% for getting cited.  And even those that bend the rules too much because they didn’t leave the house on time to make it to work by 8am at least subconsciously know they won’t get a speeding ticket for being within a reasonable approximation of the limit if not within the limit entirely.

So let me get your story straight Mr. Targeted Complainer.  All cops are evil, so your response is to, what, purposefully violate the law as a gesture of defiance to the grand Bad Cop conspiracy going on that doesn’t pull over lots of people?  They’re all in on it too?  Maybe even reporting your whereabouts to the Bad Cops and laughing at you behind your back?  Closeted Bad Cop lovers who are bribing the Bad Cops to avoid the same fate?  Knock it off.  Some cops are not only Good Cops but overall decent quality human beings.  The Bad Cop stories make news because they’re sensational.  You do hear Good Cop stories, but our love affair with the painful and evil in society means you don’t hear unexceptional Good Cop stories of how the police finally arrested the shoplifter plaguing the Mom & Pop gift shop that couldn’t afford a security camera.

Now we turn our attention to the Internet Grifter.  A Bad Cop that doesn’t care about his reputation as a Bad Cop.  Internet scammers are now pretty easy to find.  You don’t get a lot of money from your targets unless you…wait for it…ask for money.  At least Mr. Bad Cop has a flimsy excuse for forcing money out of you.  Strangely, unless he’s trying to coerce a smaller amount as a personal bribe he’s getting fines for the benefit of the department instead of his own wallet.

So let me get this straight.  You’re supporting someone you know has been accused of being a grifter.  Credibly accused.  And your solution is to support them financially?  Where 100% of the tile your money goes into their pocket?  When maybe if you bought lunch you might get a benefit for yourself?

A lot of scams have a hurry up and make a decision now aspect to it.  Get down to the Walmart and buy that gift card NOW and give me the code on the card NOW.  For whatever reason.  Yet strangely the sports gematria join my Patreon gives you the opportunity to do a little actual homework and see what you’re getting yourself into.  Homework that shows Mr. Bad Cop who has no intention of doing anything but keeping your money.  And the kicker is that people with good intentions think they are looking for Mr. Good Cop.

Actually, you don’t need to give someone your money to be a good person.  Charity is ok if it’s a decent charity and not one of the many scammy charities.  But you can start by showing a little respect for others around you.  And in addition to the 100s of dollars saved not having to pay the speeding ticket you can not run over a child in a school zone.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Meme of the Month - May 2024

There’s nothing scientific or literate about gematria.  In the header I’ve long had the comment about how gematria is not even high enough on the crank magnetism food chain to qualify as pseudoscience.  As a special present I updated the header this morning, adding:



And both in ordinal.  Very easy to argue that if you had to pick one cipher that would be the one.  So many videos start off just referencing A=1, B=2, C=3….  Without even getting into the many other ciphers, things that aren’t gematria that are claimed to be gematria, number alteration tricks and all the other BS that goes along with gematria decoding.

For anybody that this helps understand, you’re welcome.  To the grifters catching up on what’s new here, you are also welcome.  Being science literate is what lead me to instantly recognize that the ring leaders were full of shit.  Gematria decoding is bait.  An introduction to conspiracy content that you can actively participate in by “decoding”.  But what it’s doing is giving you a dose of your own cognitive biases making you think you’re smarter than you really are.  Anybody can make any narrative out of a given basic set of facts (e.g. news story + people’s names).  And you can play around on the calculator and just find something that suits your purpose like the GEMATRIA DECODING/COGNITIVE BIAS matc here.  But the real gauge of how badly your cognition and critical thinking are damaged is how many wrong answers you ignore.  Just with the four base ciphers there are more misses on GEMATRIA DECODING/COGNITIVE BIAS than there are hits.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Know Your Grifter Defense Mechanism- Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

Imagine this scenario.  A new to YouTube E-Begger sets their sights on stealing away a portion of an existing flock.  They don’t have any significant new content to offer.  It could be more repetition of old debunked flat earth stuff.  It could be tarot card readings.  Or it could be my favorite, sports decoding with gematria.  Being wrong in gematria is expected and happens all the time.  Even now the NBA playoff talk on Twixter is mostly arguing on who posted their winning picks in advance or if they waited until the game was over to hindsight it.

Within the marketing is an arbitrary scapegoat, a marginalized group.  LGBTQ+, race, offbeat religion, whatever.  And somebody that is part of that group finds the content and is pissed off.  And trolls them for it.

One of the sure signs of a disingenuous social media source is if they react with the “Don’t judge a book by its cover” mechanism.  An attempt to deflect and psychologically project that the “troll” is the problem, not the creator of the dubious content.

There is a case to be made for evolving to judge a book by its cover as a good thing.


But this isn’t about that.  This is about how you actually haven’t judged a book by its cover.  If you haven’t read the entire damn book you’ve read enough to get a really solid idea of the content.  It may be that it’s just not your style, your cup of tea.  Or it could actually just be a shitty book.

Your grifting champions know their book is shitty.  And the newer grifters model their anti troll content after the tried and true methods of their predecessors.  Accusing others of being judgmental to deflect is commonplace.  A self proclaimed non racist person who continually uses slurs that results in being called out for it that dares to use the “don’t judge a book by its cover” defense should also be called out for that.  No, I haven’t.  I’ve read a lot of the book and the cover is pretty accurate.  The same applies to wildly incorrect scientific content.  The trolls will mention what’s wrong, some overly enthusiastic troll will pull out the “you’re dumber than Marjorie Taylor Greene” style rhetoric and get hit with a don’t judge a book by its cover deflection.  The response should be to point out again that there’s more wrong than the current video of blog post.  The book is consistently wrong over and over and over.  But leave the part about MTG out.  Nobody is dumber.

A simple look through the comments will reveal that the followers are way more quick to judge others for cognitively biased based reasons.  They’re way more over judgmental than the troll quick to being accused as too quick to judge.