Sunday, October 13, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Bad Etymology

I think the most common is the “realize” story.  It’s the Superb Owl go to phrase that you can recognize someone is a newbie to being grifted online.  Superficially it seems amazing for your gullible new truth seeker, and in case you haven’t heard it yet,

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

Congratulations weirdo, you just discovered what normies call a play on words.  You could, in theory, just annoy your coworkers with Dad jokes, but you’re blossoming into the person who thinks they are special and ultra cool for posting something that really doesn’t make sense.  The  typical newbie has no clue that the lies are being perpetuated by the grifter and not the artificially manufactured scapegoat.  Pretty soon they’ll be picking Ohio State to beat Oregon because of a gematria narrative where the #3 team beats the #2 team and blame it on the Jesuits.

And speaking of Dad jokes, the specific reason to bring this up today is I heard a new one for me.  It’s not just fun to do numbers only like our passcode from yesterday.  These false definitions and etymology often crop up in the same manner.  Your numbers only nonsense with dates isn’t even gematria.  Your words only without numbers isn’t even gematria.  There’s an awful lot of not doing gematria going around by these clowns that are into gematria.  I’ve never seen anyone actually do the gematria decode of REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES.  And that’s got a perfectly good 5666 in it which you can insist is 56 or 666 since you don’t even need a good reason to be wrong about stuff.  But anyway, the picture:


I snatched that from a Reddit talking about sovereign citizen word magic.  There you go, gematria users are a perfect core base of clueless people to move on to brighter and bigger things.  And once you get tired 🥱 f losing money picking football games, you get to lose your driver’s license for driving uninsured and then you’re gonna need some word magic to insist that you don’t need to follow licensing rules.  You’ll just need the hundreds of dollars to attend the seminar to learn word magic.  Pseudo Law.  With a success rate of about 0% in actual court settings.

The first thing that strikes me is that there is an equally valid claim that it’s not a pair that is renting the child, it’s just the Dad.  Pa, the common nickname for dear old Dad.  Pa Rents = Dad rents.  Mom still owns the kid.  And typical of society in real life not realizing real lies the deadbeat Dad is off tucked away in a jail cell while Mom “owns” the kid by herself as a single Mom working two jobs at minimum wage, forced to keep the kid because she wasn’t allowed to get an abortion.

Actual Dad jokes are subjective in their effectiveness and humorous impact.  Some of them I find to be quite good.  They’re short, so if not funny the pain is also short lived.  But these bad definitions are wrong 100% of the time.  That’s the point.  Spammed over and over to see who is actually gullible enough to get drawn into a rabbit hole of psychological projecting lying on to the opposite side of who is doing the majority of the lying.

 But Mom!!!!!  The nice man who told me to ask you for a gun for my 14th birthday isn’t trying to get money from me!  He said so!

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