Sunday, October 6, 2024

Project Gematria

Project 2025 is not the best name for the GOP’s vision for the future under another term of Trump rule.  It sounds like they’re predicting what is going to happen.  And for predictions that you wait until the events actually unfold first you need gematria.  As proof of this - the gematria community on Twixter is busy decoding the MLB baseball games finished last night and not putting up material for today’s football games.

As part of the conspiracy hoaxer umbrella, Project Gematria would be a lovely name.  The events that have been unfolding for decades can be talked about forever, as long as there isn’t s belief by enough people without critical thinking skills to correctly assess the source.  The scapegoat, even an unnamed and individually personalized scapegoat, is better for the modern GOP than finding the true source which is themselves.

So starting with a way to brief recap before the attached image.

Climate change topics are the granddaddy of hoax material.  Fossil fuel billionaire money has paid for enough industrial output that we’ve officially reached the point where the dangerous side effects are here now.  And there’s a lot more people that have to live with it than they used to.  People in large groups are impossible to manage.  The percent of people that think they are smarter than average should be about 50% if we could individually correctly assess our intelligence.  Probably about 70% think they are smarter than average.1

The only significant shift in the conversation about climate change is a trend to scapegoat the inflation and clean up costs associated with the actual negative impacts.  Like viruses are a hoax claims led to unproductive talk about the origins and lack of focus on the current fire.

So finally, the image.  There was a large group of voters that decided to make Texas a pretty gung ho Red State.  And the chances that a lot of them can’t chain together the long term thought process that fossil fuel and insurance executive greed was going to make disaster response a nightmare for all of them never occurred.  In addition to that recap I saw videos of out of state electrical linemen talking about the experience of being threatened.  Going above and beyond the call of duty to try and be compassionate and caring about fellow human beings in need is “rewarded” with death threats.

The same pattern holds true for Helene.  Spurred on by conspiracy rhetoric of big name talking heads2, there is baseless conspiracy talk that the liberals/dems have weather technology and purposefully sent Helene to damage a “red” voting area.  Rhetoric centering around mistrust of FEMA and forming militias to shoot at relief workers should be crazy talk, but is in reality an entirely predictable outcome after the kinds of nonsense that appeared after Beryl.

FEMA funding and spending is driven more by the severity of disasters and not the frequency3, although the frequency sure doesn’t help.  Although trending towards a more even distribution, historically insurance has been a gung ho rebublican/capitalist endeavor.  Although openly they state “limited” government the goal is total deregulation.  Unregulated white collar crime = good in their eyes.  Continued lack of taxation of the rich = good in their eyes.  Spending money on disaster relief victims = bad.  Less money for million dollar bonuses for insurance executives….doesn’t happen.  The bubble just keeps growing.

Now guess who can’t afford insurance?  The kind of person caught smack dab in the middle of a huge natural disaster in a rural red state.  And the cycle perpetuates.  Give them the wrong scapegoat to complain about via conspiracy theories and lack of education where it’s needed most.  That’s how you get stupid ideas like purposefully making a hurricane to kill your own citizens.  Allowing the stupid ideas displayed by the online grifting community, the gematria, the flat earth, the moon landing hoax, Covid conspiracies are all symptoms of the science illiteracy and anti intellectual movement that is literally killing people who don’t even realize the source.

Disaster relief is part of wearing the big boy pants and dealing with the horrific aftermath of a world gone awry.  There will be multiple major natural disasters in the next U.S. Presidential term.  And I can tell that there is about a zero percent chance they’ll be handled well if Trump returns to office.  Even Harris will have difficulty getting past the bipartisan block and pitfall tactics the GOP employs now, but at least she’ll try.  In the meantime a third big storm is set to hit Florida in a couple of days, and the scammers are already keeping up the dangerous rhetoric and there’s about a 100% chance that it will be the same old BS.  The party of Not Trying, the party that makes up a constant stream of BS:

Immigrants are eating cats.  Schools have litter boxes for trans kids.  FEMA makes hurricanes.  Covid is a hoax.  None of these are real things that adversely affect the quality of life of those that know they aren’t real things.  The party of Make America Grift Again and Again.

1.  Based on Dunning Kruger Effect studies.  The 70% figure is my own guesstimate.



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