Friday, September 27, 2024

When Narratives Go Off the Rails

You never know how much longer Twixter is going to last, but for now:

Sarcastic real life trolling without hiding behind a keyboard.  Skipping to the end, after our actor has gone through his prepared material supplemented by the audience presenting him with random parts of speech he culminates with the creation of a new conspiracy:

Guatemalan immigrants are going to steal our birds and set them on fire.

Along the journey (and a sidebar for future searches, this is Maximilian Clark, the video is also on Tik Tok) he points out that some of these people from Haitia [sic] turn out to be decent quality U.S. citizens.  Some of them utilizing social service programs as intended.

So if you’re new here, first of all don’t join my nonexistent Patreon.  That being done, now, you know what the generation of the new conspiracy about bird arson sounds like?

A gematria narrative.  A gematria narrative without the numbers.  Don’t expect the republican leaders to actually talk about immigration policy or combatting inflation when there are elections to be won by stoking fear and hatred by making up some bullshit along the way.

Instead of finding individual <insert migrant demonym> who are committing <insert crime>, which incidentally aren’t a real thing at all, let’s give the cyber bullies ammunition to clog up the internet with more disinformation.  Let’s get that broad brush stroke out and paint the entire <demonym> community with something negative.  Even though you could just as easily choose the opposite narrative to paint your picture.  The beauty of fiction aimed at emotion.  Like that’s never gone wrong before.  And now I’m the bad person, since sarcasm isn’t great for dealing with cognitively biased people, you bastards, look what you made me do.

Just for fun I thought I’d make a new gematria narrative.

Vote for 38 people because 202 98 are hunting 155.

There.  I will totally forgot what semi-random words I threw into a calculator to make that, but with the beauty of insignificant small numbers I’ll just substitute some other words.

The theme is that this stuff makes you look bad.  Darn right, instead of actually being a leader with constructive ideas you’re getting help from the alliance of the online grift community who doesn’t give a hoot beyond capitalizing on the confirmation bias of their target audience.  It makes you looked unhinged, weird and stupid because it is.   And there's somebody else preaching the don’t go off the rails message.

He wants you to stick to the officially approved cult leader message.  In other words, wait until you get the official Attaboy!TM before you go off the rails and post something that makes the gematria community look unhinged and weird.  In reality, nothing in a gematria narrative can be viewed as anything but unhinged and weird.  The entire point is clickbait to get sports pick subscribers, donations for fake methods to invest in cryptocurrency, or even drum up a little hatred for votes.

True leadership would be denouncing the unhinged and weird narratives, not promoting it.  Joining that team, well, you get what you paid for.

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