Thursday, September 26, 2024

Weather Griftfare


That’s the brand new FG-13 fighter jet.  F=6, G=7.  So that’s the 13-13 fighter jet.  It is made mostly of aluminum, element number 13 on the periodic table which is also called aluminium if you want to phraseshop for alternative gematria values.  It runs on carbon (element 6) and nitrogen (element 7) for your additional 13.  It was designed to for use by the 🇺🇸 to bomb the shit out of non 🇺🇸 countries that dare to use the word aluminium instead of aluminum like proper North American English.


Watching climate change and the associated grift playing out in real time over the span of my lifetime has not exactly been a lot of fun.  I admit to basing some long term decision based on passing away before the worst of it hits.  I guess that’s been mostly true, but the hidden costs are now becoming more exposed extremely often.

Climate science was not a thing.  And now that we still have a SCIENCE = BAD mentality it translates into GRIFT = GOOD.  There’s only one science topic the conservatives have held up as good science, and that’s military technology.  You’d better believe my thoughts on traditional values are good because my science education gun is bigger than yours.

The FG (Fucking Gematria)-13 has onboard computer systems driven by inflation.  Now that the cat is out of the bag about how climate change is a real thing the politicians who rely on traditional values for votes and not education that supports reality are left arguing about inflation.  And boy are they good at it.  The cuts displayed on the FG-13 are actually related to the costs of inflation to keep the air force flying and keeping the debt at a believable level.

So, little Timmy, let me explain one piece of the FG-13 today.  The Aid to Cities cuts.  Because weather warfare is the only thing that the FG-13 isn’t equipped to handle.  Sure lots of other parts are involved, but focus Timmy - just the weather for today.

There’s another big hurricane smashing into Florida today, Helene.  But free speech and promotion of bad and blatantly wrong information is more important than the causes.  Yes, we would have hurricanes anyway.  But they wouldn’t be this bad.  A hurricane doesn’t need to make humans go extinct.  It just needs to be worse than normal to affect the onboard inflation powered systems to have the negative impact.  Decades of climate change = warmer water = nastier hurricanes.  Free speech = fossil fuel lobbyists = GOP votes = incompetence like a Trump or DeSantis.

Weather warfare is not a real thing, but the grift economy loves it.  You can do bullshit gematria numbers on it.  You can do a flat earth narrative.  You can get uneducated morons pointing their phone at the sky and complaining about chemtrails.  Or aliens.  And these always come from social media accounts that inevitably support conservative talking points.  And when the innocent bystanders have their lives interrupted the government steps in to help it costs more.  And the feedback loop gets them complaining about the price of gas and eggs framed as “liberal wokeness” instead of the wheels set in motion long ago.  Whoever is President come November really doesn’t have much impact on the decades old cycle of corporate profits, massive insurance company executive bonuses, etc… because we didn’t just not turn off the real kettle, we decided the water wasn’t hot enough and threw more fuel under the fire.

This is as far as the armchair constitutional law experts go —> Free speech good.  Guns and planes —> Really fucking good.  Inflation —> What?!?  That’s bad, the left must have done it.

So Timmy, put on your flak jacket, forget about having a chance of eating lunch today*, go to school and don’t study any science today.  There are lots of other jet parts to go over here later.

* You could beat up little Gerald for his lunch money again.  He’s got the wrong color skin and I hear his Mom is an atheist.  There’s like no chance he’ll be bitter about it and fight back.

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