Saturday, September 21, 2024

35 Thursday

“Learn gematria and you’ll see this code repeated every day.”

An often used phrase or some variation you will hear from your chosen gematria cult leader frequently .  The implication is that the evil forces that don’t allow you to simply sit down and enjoy a game for the sake of entertainment are mocking you with these hidden rituals.  And once you figure out how to find these hidden ritual scripted events you will enjoy wealth beyond the dreams of avarice.  The reality is, once you focus on some tiny numbers it’s impossible not to find that tiny number.  But marketing a particular number, at least short term, gives your newcomers something to do.  Get them looking for some numbers they can’t help but find, then let their own brains convince them that it was hard work, and that this qualifies as real evidence.

I heard Zach finally give an endorsement of the Composite Number Cipher.  So let's go for a quick recap.  Rewinding way back to a time when gematria was mostly a fake sports prediction scam and Qanonsense hadn’t taken hold, Derek created the Gematrinator calculator.  No more fussing around with a standard calculator or pen and paper.  And that’s when adding ciphers other than the four basic ones was “cool”.  Making things easier for those you want to scam is always cool.  And to this day, the Primes and Reverse Primes ciphers are a feature on the online calculator.  So one day, someone else (Zenith) thought, you know, we haven’t had a good new cipher for a while.  Something to keep the newbies busy typing away.  And composite numbers are the numbers that aren’t primes.  That sounds good.  So let’s just ignore that history doesn’t show any occult leader declaring that they were searching for new cheats.  Bingo Composite Cipher is born.

But we aren’t quite through the process.  Even though the calculator has an option (if you pay for a membership) to make a customized cipher which can literally and obviously force any number you want, it needs to be vetted.  A sort of baptism where if the big names don’t give it a stamp of approval then it’s not cool to use it, even if only occasionally.

At times these big names veer off in idealogy.  Nothing major like one ever admitting to some of the big problems like reverse engineering after the game is over or, well, creating a customizable cipher to force any result you want.  And they like to fake fight occasionally about stuff.  Any engagement is good engagement in weirdo world.  It keeps the newbies busy typing away and painting bullseyes on themselves - you like Derek and his astronomy, synchronicity mish mash and a butt ton of ciphers - crypto might be the right fit for you.  Zach and emphasis on just four base ciphers, well that can end up almost anywhere because he’s all over the place.  The bottom line is, some of the odder and newer ciphers have survived the test of time and are still kickin’.

And Zach has finally acknowledged the existence of the Composite cipher and didn’t say, yet, “That’s the stupidest thing ever.”  Attaboys! have been disseminated.

Finally, we are at 35 Thursday.  THURSDAY=35 in the reduction cipher.  And there’s NFL football on Thursday night.  So instead of doing your algebra homework, family board game night or sleeping you’re supposed to be watching the NFL game and looking for the 35’s that appear.  Because the evil empire is so busy mocking you they hide 35’s JUST on Thursday night football.  Because the cult leader said so.  More engagement, more chance that those who haven’t had their wallet emptied out yet and their interest waning a chance to pop into the comments and state that they indeed were smart enough to find a 35.  Thursday night is not for finding 666 or 47 or 56 or other overused numbers.  It’s 35 Thursday.  Because even though you’ll find 35’s in abundance every day the proclamation has been set forth.  You can eat tacos on a day that’s not Tuesday, but your glorious leader has set the record straight.

Well, what day of the week has the most NFL action?  That’s not a trick question.  It’s Sunday.  And at around the same time we got the Primes ciphers we got another one.  Sorry if my talking about composites led you astray, it’s not about that.  The background was to illustrate the birthing process of ciphers beyond a single one which might actually make some sense.  We’re talking about the Keypad cipher.

You could be looking for 35 on Sunday.  Except you haven’t been instructed to.  Based on the system 35 should be just as magical on Sunday as on Thursday night.  But sports gematria doesn’t work that way.  First of all, focusing newbies on 35 on Sunday would make the figure out faster that multiple 35’s show up every single week for both teams.  Just like it’s super easy to find something like Sunday having matching gematria with Thursday they’ll get bombarded with 35 and some will figure it out early, maybe even posting comments about it.  (Zach hates that and will call you a troll.  You’ll get the “discernment” lecture). Also, Zach does put significant effort into his narratives for the Sunday games.  These utilize a lot of less frequently used numbers, numbers with more plausible deniability when the narrative shows up for both teams.  He needs that instead of people figuring out that both teams have 35’s every week.  Because if you see those Sunday narratives, you’re already paying for a Patreon subscription.

Just for the record, Saturday (college football) has a 53.  It hasn’t happened much lately, but this “mirror image” fake match trick is still used.  So technically it’s also 35 Saturday and 35 Sunday and 35 Thursday.

“Learn repeating numbers every day and you will see repeated numbers every day.”

There’s no code.  35 has gematria existence everyday.  And so do all the other two digit and most three digit numbers.  It just matters if you’re a good little brainwashed wallet emptied puppet or not to admit it on social media.

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