Monday, November 11, 2024

More Gematria & Economics

Both the grifter community and actual day to day living economics.

The gematria community is easy.  Whatever is currently trending - go with the flow.  And almost universally they are back to nothing but sports unless you’re one of the types that would have been called Qanon in previous years.  Those are taking their victory laps and putting out a lot of hooray for us! content.

Now since this is a two for one special today let’s talk about what gematria, flat earth, and other online scammy content doesn’t address.  If you seriously think a two digit number has any control over global economics, that’s sad.

Purposeful lack of education has done a remarkable job of getting us to where we are at.  The cult mentality of being fed positive reinforcement for dumb ideas has produced a worker pool that isn’t the most brilliant of minds.  There’s a big whirlpool of conflicting information that is impossible to make sense of.  And the indoctrination might not be what you think.  At least part of it.  Usually indoctrination is used referring to a religious context, and gets thrown around a lot with phrases like “cult indoctrination.”

There’s also economic (or class) indoctrination.  And that’s where the confusion of misinformation works best.  Gematria is never, and has never been in the 21st century, used to prove something like “Christianity is better than Islam”.  What it has been used for is an appeal to people who aren’t as smart as they think they are to post bad ideas about economics on Twixter and Facebook.  Gaining confidence in their bad ideas being reinforced online and “taking it home to the dinner table.”

Economic indoctrination.  The goal of economic indoctrination is to conflate economic policy with democracy.  Keep people misinformed about the core issues to make them fail to realize they end up voting directly against what they think they are protecting.  (Jan 6th 2021 and gun rights, free speech and shitty scam ads on social media, pretty much anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth).  Because the cognitive dissonance of the technology used to sustain unchecked capitalism versus the inevitable conflict with religious incompatibility is getting harder to ignore.  The framers of the Constitution deliberately separated church and state for a reason.  They saw how conflict over thousands of years in Europe was economically disastrous at intervals.  A huge shock to the system.  Nothing was better than religion for an excuse to start a holy war, incorrectly framed as a divine inspiration when it was just an excuse to take or retake lost “stuff”.  Cooperation and trade work much better to keeping people happy than dying because someone wants to take your stuff.

As social progress increased the strength of capitalism versus other economic systems has become obvious.  But how do the rich elites keep their power?  By being better at stealing other peoples stuff - what is illegal for a low class or working class citizen is off limits to being charged to and making it stick on to a wealthy citizen.

Now instead of a comfort in religion, we have the conspiracy theories.  Conspiracy theories that more and more make the idea of various divine entities look like the saner and more believable choice.  Religion could get you through socially.  Where I live, if you wanted to date a “nice girl”, she was inevitably a “good, white Christian girl”.  Then you get married in a big Christian wedding.  Get some decent income.  Share expenses which economically is a lot better than single people trying to live alone.  And make divorce shameful and expensive.  And don’t even think about suicide because buying an expensive funeral plot is the far better for the state than being responsible for cleaning up the mess.  (No, don’t commit suicide, it’s really not THAT bad, yet.). The point is, religion is good economics.

And that’s as opposed to baseless conspiracy which is bad for economics.  The content appeals to violence and hatred.  Unless your good Christian girl adopts the same mindset forget about a compatible long term relationship.  She’s more likely to have a bit of empathy.  Women, especially when treated as second class citizens like they are regressing to now, have always been the more compassionate of the genders.  Probably something to do with giving a shit for babies and not giving a shit about arbitrary scapegoats.

As conspiracy thinking takes hold we get sample conversations like this:

Trying to explain to a conspiracy theorist even the most basic economic facts is already impossible.  Now you average nice Christian girl has also been indoctrinated into believing that everything the liberals have ever said is wrong.  And when that doesn’t work out, instead of getting some comfort in a religion that promotes a kind and loving deity we get things like Haitian immigrants eating dogs.  While the rich republicans who created the inflation (no effort into mitigating climate change, because of MONEY) has made economic teaming up of people a necessity.

We already have some good educated guesses about the next four years. People have been voting against their long term self interest for a very, very long time. One prime example is super charged climate change hurricanes destroying lots of property in the southern U.S.  The odds of getting serious economic relief are pretty slim.  Insurance companies won’t touch policies, it’s even now.  Although they’ve mastered million dollar bonuses instead of paying out on legitimate claims it’s too obvious that bankruptcy is a serious problem.  Another fun one will be economic warfare on the global stage.  The kind of things that really drive gas prices instead of what Joe Biden said three days before.  We already have four years of Trump the terrible businessman and his go to tactic of not paying his bills.  When his tariff plan is put into place (relax for now, it was probably just an empty vote getting soon to be broken political promise) other sovereign entities will just stop doing business with us, or raise their prices to the U.S. as long as there’s enough demand elsewhere.  Again, blaming the liberals when you’re in full control of what is supposed to have checks and balances in place has been disastrous.  Get ready for the very, very real possibility of a global economic recession even as early as next year.  The pieces are already in place.  And that’s the shock to the system that results from pseudo economics.  Nothing in moderation.  The working class gets screwed over, the banks and insurance companies with their bloated CEO salaries survive.  And this is generated by populist voting activity by people who think the U.S. is a completely self sustained corporation that doesn’t ever need outside help.

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