Sunday, September 29, 2024

Gematria Causes Inflation

It’s sad because it’s true.  And this goes for the lefties that are starting to court ideas that are dangerously close to a Kamala cult, too.  One of the advantages of capitalism is a motivation to team up and create a group of people to produce something of value that can be traded in for something that represents value that can be traded in for food, water, a roof over your head, etc….  Or maybe that’s etc……., I can’t tell anymore.  And we’ll get to that.

People tend to go crazy over a subject they are passionate about, and buying swag instead of just the equipment is the way to proudly declare your individuality.  If you collect comic books, you need to buy comic books.  Do you *need* to take a second job to afford that mint condition issue #1 of your favorite?  Does the wealthy 1%er *need* a second yacht?  Do you need to hoard eggs when they are two for the price of one today and they’ll go bad before they use them all?

Our friends that think capitalism and democracy are synonymous think that inflation is just some magical thing that when it hits in the future will be easily absorbed.  Squandering money today is no big deal.  That’s why it’s easier for them to dismiss the idea of climate change mega inflation that is already helene here.  I’ll always have a nice job and me and my kids will always have nice jobs and let the peasants worry about unaffordable health care and the price of bacon.  The higher up the food chain you are dollar wise is a lovely buffer towards not caring about the effects of misinformation on the commoner.  Now on to the actual gematria inflation:

Something interesting?  Or just stupid?  What this gematria loving Qanon did was talk about the seven periods after “the Storm is upon us.”

Well sure.  This isn’t about the number 7, it’s about 8 since “obviously” it’s Morse code and “obviously” it was a magic message that the starting point is 7 instead of any other number around the same.  Oh, just a wild a crazy number like 8 periods comes to mind.  Because this makes all kinds of fucking sense.  Let’s see, 8/7…figure it couldn’t have taken more than a day, multiply by 365 that’s annualized to 417%!!!

The swag these people have chosen to show their support is remarkably useless.  It’s way overpriced, they can and do spend way above their means.  And the value they get is being stuck in a negative feedback loop of overspending, complaining, and never improving their lives.  But they still get to vote.  And just because they failed or never had math and science we have to put up with 417% inflation.  And it doesn’t matter who they vote for, they’ll still get to complain about the climate change mega inflation for a long time to come.

The advertisements on social media that rely on the “free speech” arguments are getting worse all the time.  Companies that relied on reputation and making a quality product are getting a squeeze by having to compete with our ever evolving global griftocracy.  No new toaster for you.  You spent $100 on a silver coin to put in your water cup because you saw that add on YouTube.  No field trip for little Darlene.  Daddy needed that $132 for his annual sports Patreon subscription.  Forget about going to college.  No going to the state fair.  The ticket price went up because additional security was hired since that local sovereign citizen leader who advertises on Facebook is a ten minute drive away and they’ve been stirring up trouble, etc…. Or etc……..   or however many fucking …………. is the right number.

And the beauty of the internet is that these ads can originate from anywhere.  It’s hard to imagine having a country that thinks it can operate on a platform of stealing only from other countries, not eating your own.

Just because YOU are smart enough to not fall for scams doesn’t mean others are.  If we’re not allowed to put education in our schools about it, there has to be an alternative that doesn’t have bad information given equal weight to the right answer.  I want a world where seven dots means seven, not eight.  Facts matter.

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