Saturday, September 28, 2024

How To Be Wrong Over 60 Times (Or More)


Never have I wanted to see a miserably bad baseball team win one more game of their two remaining than I do now.  The obvious prediction is that the White Sox will lose their last two games and give one of the most memorable baseball gematria narratives in quite some time.  Because as luck of the draw would have it (amidst a data set the size that rivals the number of grains of sand on a beach) two of the most common ciphers have values that just happen to add up to 162.  That’s the number of games in the MLB season.  And it’s really hard, even hard for a really bad team, to lose this many games.

The real baseball statistic junkies have seen the story unfold over the months.  The reason for the losses - the Sox have a comically bad run differential per game.  They’ve scored the fewest runs of all teams over the season and only two teams have allowed more runs.  Over the 160 games they’ve played that’s almost two full runs less a game than their opponents scored.

But factual real life analysis doesn’t suit the conspiracy mentality of gambling on sports with information that is only available after the last out in the ninth inning or the ponies have crossed the finish line.  So they’ve managed to drag in the entirety of the planet into the conspiracy.  Everyone is in on it.  That’s easy to tell just by using gematria where any narrative can be created for any story, quite literally.  It just matters how much effort and cheating you want to do to get it spicy enough for publication.  

And there’s the old fashioned way of getting most of the planet in on the conspiracy.  Starting with the username, the “201” is a dog whistle meaning Jesuit, or more specifically THE JESUIT ORDER = 201.  Any name referring to waking up is taking a shot ant the “normies” who recognize Alex Jones for the bloated bag of fetid waste of oxygen that he is. And combine this with the account retweeting Zach we know it’s a friend, if not an outright sock puppet.  So everyone with a connection to the Jesuits is in on this.  And everyone that plays on the White Sox is certainly in on it.  And to make the final results the perfect alignment over season the other teams are in on it.  And the management, trainers, umpires, and all the families.  And nobody has managed to lose their cool and be the whistleblower who came forward and said after the first loss, “That’s nothing, just wait til ya see what we got planned for this season!”,  <wink wink>.

But my favorite part by far is how these mighty powers managed to be so cosmically inept at this.  The 162 game season started in 1961.  So this is the first time they’ve managed to pull this off in over 60 years.  Gematria as a stand in for fake armchair Nostradamury has managed to be wrong over 60 times since the 162 game schedule started.  And that’s being generous.  The White Sox were established in 1894, so the prediction also claims that the evil powers that want you to give $11 a month to some schmuck planned this out 130 years ago.  And if you predicted it would finally happen in 2024 then that’s a success rate of 0.77%.  Which means you pretty much suck at predictions and should probably stop.  You’re making the gematria community look bad by going off the rails.

I’m being too harsh, for in this case the fact that it’s an already failed prediction is disguised better than most.  To an uninitiated teenager getting their first taste at stealing their parent’s credit card to set up a Draft Kings account it looks good superficially.  Just give them a full NFL season of losses and a 50% prediction rate to wake them up and they’ll be fine as they’ve moved on to bigger and brighter things like being old enough to vote for criminals or getting people killed by interrupting vaccinations.

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