Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Heemeyer - Killdozer

There’s a 1974 made for TV movie named Killdozer.  A construction bulldozer hits a rock that has some kind of alien presence in it and starts terrorizing the area.  Complete with running without fuel.  Starring Clint Walker, a young Robert Urich it is an absolute gem.

And it became predictive programming for the Heemeyer story above.

A funny thing about conspiracy theories and reporting after the fact is that there’s this quackery called predictive programming.  And since gematria lays claim to prediction there’s always a chance that “predictive” programming will be brought up.  Curiously (read in sarcasm voice) you don’t hear in 1974 some self proclaimed prophet saying, “Behold ye, this crappy but fun Killdozer movie in 1974 will yield unto us a Simpsons episode with a bulldozer in season 26, complete with undeniable gematria.”

Real life and conspiracy theories don’t mix.  The story of Heemeyer is nuanced, not black and white.  He was as described in that recap your best friend if you were on his good side, and on the other side willing to cause millions of dollars worth of damage for real and perceived injustices.  And the damage was done affecting some people who are classic ‘innocent bystanders’.  Including according to one video I watched having to evacuate children from a story time hour at the public library he mashed his Killdozer into.  No word on whether it was drag queens doing the reading or not.

Not knowing exactly what went through his head without being him, people can make up whatever conspiracy theories they want about unknown details of Heemeyer.  And closer to the time of the rampage some chose to call him a monster.  Some imagined him a folk hero of sorts.  The guy willing to put his life on the line to stick up for the little guy.  And that is an encapsulation of what is wrong with the conspiracy theory mentality today.  Using confirmation bias to justify your own preconceived notions, claiming all along you’re educated and smart when in fact you’re extremely closed minded and subject to propaganda.  Propaganda designed to push you to the extreme.

If the Killdozer rampage was last week instead of in 2004 we would certainly be hearing it alongside the Mangione/United Health Care assassination talk.  When financial issues go wrong, people get all kinds of cranky and lash out in unpredictable ways.  In a better world economic systems would not push people to the extremes.  There are those that say free market capitalism and anarcho-capitalism both inevitably lead to dictatorship, and I can see why.  It’s never as simple as just “finding a new job” or “pulling up roots and moving to a new place for a fresh start”.  Free market capitalism tells all employers that they are justified for anything related to profitability, while competition dictates that their competitors do the same.

And all the corporate laws and governmental structures are suffering at the same time.  The health care industry wants to suck you dry with exorbitant rates and no payment on claims.  Housing wants you to buy a home at a mortgage rate you can’t afford, paying more in interest over 30 years than you can really afford.  Utilities, you need them.  But here’s a water line insurance program since we don’t actually need to replace the water lines ourselves after years of depreciation.  That’s your problem now.  You don’t just need a car for employment now, there’s also your phone.  Google searches need to be paid for so more and better Google searches can find you bad information on the internet in the future.  If one is really paying attention the idea that we are in a free market has slipped more and more to anarcho-capitalism each passing generation.  With nowhere in not just your town or country, but the entire world to race off to for a better chance of a tiny bit of freedom and happiness.  If Greenland isn’t even safe anymore, then what else can we turn to?

Substituting economic warfare for bullets hasn’t resolved how oligarchy allows the worst and most selfish of us to gather a self sustaining power base.  Money leads to power which is used to make more money.  And we actually have examples of how to stop it.  It’s called taxing the rich.  An actual non violent way to simply generate more revenue that actually gets used for road repairs, hospitals, and schools where kids don’t get shot.

Aligning with my personal philosophy of cooperation above all else.  A demonstration of empathy towards those that show they are worthy of it.  Progress instead of regressive corporate laws that maintain the rich and make radicalized people think that shooting CEOs or arming bulldozers might actually be a good idea.

And amidst the talk of rich Hollywood elites deserving to lose their homes to wildfires it’s time to remind you that there’s no good side versus bad side within the government.  Mostly one side is enacting legislation to stay in power.  The other side is mostly using the argument of taxing the rich as an election talking point without worrying about it actually happening.  A solution will come from someone far smarter than I am.  My position in life is to whine and complain about it.  I’m too poor to buy a bulldozer.  But at least I didn’t make up gematria evidence to try and fake any of this.

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