Saturday, January 6, 2024

On Set Safety - How Star Wars Recognized People are Idiots

An interesting story came out about the filming during the original Star Wars Trilogy.  Mostly during the third Installment, Return of the Jedi.  On set safety issues regarding guns were put in place.

And of course the laser blasters were special effects, so we aren’t discussing someone getting shot a la Brandon Lee on The Crow.  What we had was a “better safe than sorry” approach to actor safety.  One that would be unnecessary if people weren’t idiots.

Late 70’s and early 80’s didn’t have the internet to get things viral.  But TV news stations and radio talk shows and newspapers were awash with Bigfoot stories.  I live in a mid Atlantic state and I’m pretty sure I saw my first Bigfoot story in a newspaper article back in the mid 70’s.  Even without severe problems of seeing patterns that don’t really exist, one can certainly describe a Wookie as looking like a Bigfoot.

I’ve seen the Bigfoot legend being credited as early as 1958.  And a couple decades later it was still popular enough to have a following of amateur cryptozoologists.  And where there are people there are guns.  Just because they knew there was a chance that some idiot thinking that bagging a Bigfoot trophy would be a good idea, film crewmen needed safety vests to help give a clue that something other than weird monster stumbling around the forest was going on.  Similarly, a plot for an episode of the original CSI revolves around Furries.  A poisoned person in full costume staggered near a ranch a nighttime, getting shot by a rancher thinking it was a coyote.

Sadly there’s no modern equivalent to stop people looking for pizza parlor basements that don’t exist.  When conspiracy things go bad without guns it’s just silly.  When things go bad with guns, not such much.

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