Wednesday, February 14, 2018

One For The Rednecks

Let's keep this out of the subject of racism as much as possible and just focus that the "proof" consists of a lot of words that equal the tiny little number 42.
It works both ways. Just like there are a lot of words used to designate black people there are hordes for the whiteys. I feel obligated to warn you that some of these are filthy, so if you are sensitive to that, don't continue. Here's a website dedicated to racial slurs and their list of 348 phrases. The point is, I didn't make these up.
Based on the date, the 42nd day of the year, 42 is important to Black History month which is February. Well garsh. Something happened to a black person somewhere on that day. At last count there were quite a few. Out of 348 phrases to pick from I should be able to make a white list (starring Megan Spader and James Boone) of 42 in short order. So after starting alphabetically, as expected I gave up any ideas of a complete list and started picking and choosing. However, these are presented mostly in alphabetic order.

Abe Lincoln - Well, that's on Dan's list for Black History month. Somewhat ironic that it's been used as a slur. Goes nicely with MASTER
 and SLAVE equaling 76.
Afro Saxons - Plurals count. Dan's list has BLACKS=42, not BLACK.
Bird Turd - The first one I really like.
Blackrobe, Briar - Aw bird turds! I'm not even out of the B's and I've already got five! Time to start hunting instead of going through them all.
Eggshell- Technically not in the database, but EGG does not equal 42. However, by the egg definition that's a subset. Just the shell is white. And presumably the NIPTUCKS foresaw my use of it and instantly added it to the lexicon like all additions to the dictionary each year. (For example, see Sniglets material, especially the first post).
Honkey - In case there's any objection to Honky/Honkie as the head word and honkey only in the definition, don't worry. Porch Honkey further down the list also equals 42.
Milky - 420. No real list is complete without dropping a zero somewhere.
Mupp - Another favorite of mine. Mupp has the benefit of being
 in a non reduction elision. And although it's definition related to "mop" is weak it evokes the next entry, Muppetfucker. Why say Jigaboo when you can say Jig? I'd not be surprised to find out people use mupp as an abbreviation.
Nilla, Pastyface - Getting tedious now. Time to kick the searching only into high gear and looking only for the more, <ahem>, colorful phrases.
Pigmently challenged - Ok, this doesn't equal 42. But it does equal 93 and would be great in a Sun story.
Redneck - You have got to be joking. This one is so common. Between this and honkey you really don't need a full list.
Sheethead - Is it O.KKK. if I call you that, Fred?
Wigger - Just the same as NIGGER appears ironically on this list and is part of the black list (the original Megan Boone and James Spader along with Abe Lincoln Nigger seems out of place for white trash. Problem solved. N and W have the same reduced value and Wigger makes the cut.

In some ways I was hoping that Cancer would have bern 42. But we'll settle for 44. I'll use my superior predictive powers to guess that some white person will die of cancer on a date that means 44. I'm also going to suggest that we have about 0% chance of hearing about it.

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