Friday, July 26, 2024

NPC’s - Sheep Aren’t Real

Sheep and Sheeple are common enough terms that people familiar with the basics of conspiracy theories can identify with.  There’s another similar phrase that gets some significant press, NPC.  When I research NPC, I get hits that it’s derived from video game culture.  I don’t think so, it’s more accurate to say popularized by video game culture.  Its origin goes back to pre-internet role playing games, even more specifically the daddy of all RPG’s, Dungeons and Dragons.

The format of D&D is a group of people are player characters on some sort of mission.  And one person is not playing, the Dungeon Master.  His responsible is to create the setting the PC’s interact with.  Put in some monsters, traps & loot, the PC’s slog around and try to figure out how to achieve the Dungeon Master’s goal.  And not everything is meant to be fought, killed and looted.  Somebody has to run the shop where you get a new sword.  The stable boy knows where the cave is that the orcs use as a hideout, the farmer’s daughter is a distraction just to make it more real than the PC’s slogging by themselves.  These are all examples of D&D NPCs.  Then video game culture just took this to its naturally expected next step.

When one is accused of being a sheep, you’re not being accused of being totally mindless.  You are a puppet; a fool and an idiot for following the government regulations or mainstream media.  If you don’t follow a proven to be propaganda outlet like Fox or OAN which isn’t real news, you’re supposed to be so insulted by being called a sheeple that you are going to bow to the peer pressure and join in.  The end result is often the opposite, because those that are accusing others of being sheep and sheeple tend to rely on emotional outrage porn instead of actual evidence.  It’s more projection.  The actual sheep of someone like an Alex Jones fire off preemptive strikes, accusing others of being the non thinking lemmings first.

There could be a lot of NPC usage merely because the sheep meme is worn out, tired and ineffective.  It’s so well known now that when it is used it’s readily dismissed.  But it does seem to have a darker side that comes into play.  Especially if you understand the conspiracy hoax mentality and use of psychological tricks for artificial scapegoating.  While a sheep is a living and breathing idiot, an NPC is a piece of a computer program or some other simulacrum and not really alive.

So it’s only natural that the talk about NPCs appears within spirituality and occult circles as well as whenever the Matrix and pill popping.  For a couple of film references, there’s 1982’s Rona Jaffe’s Mazes and Monsters.  An obvious Dungeons & Dragons reference barely disguising the copyright violating material, where a young Tom Hanks goes crazy and starts thinking that the real world doesn’t exist anymore and through his psychotic delusions an unlucky mugger is treated as an NPC, a monster that it’s ok to stab.  And in the documentary A Glitch in the Matrix some cases of “we’re living in a simulation” gone too far are explored.

I would suggest that instead of absolutely no inner dialogue that the actual conspiracist(not just in it for the grift or attention) has a limited inner dialogue.  They have a pretty good idea that they aren’t part of the evil empire or whatever “bad guys” they’ve identified.  And beyond that, anyone else is definitely an NPC or at least a potential NPC.  Thinking about some of the statistics in that linked article - you are encountering someone every day that is depressed or languishing.  And it really doesn’t help them that they’re being fed information that might make them think that their actions don’t have any real consequences since everyone else is just an NPC.

Gematria NPC manipulation manifests in the mental gymnastics required to justify how it’s impossible to avoid a negative story about your own personal gematria existing.  There’s an old post here where I detailed a lot of overlapping gematria of rednecks with various racial slurs for black people.  A hardcore racist has a pretty good idea he’s not a part of the target race.  He’s like to think that he’s not actually a redneck but justified in his attacks.  But anyone else in the interactions they encounter with each day can be gematrified as either good or bad and also not be worried about as, “it’s no problem, they’re just an NPC.”  A psyop soup of ever changing lists of who is a good guy and who is a bad guy.  And throw in some conspiracy talk about guns into those that are languishing while doing their own research.  What could possibly go wrong?  Let’s ask Tom Hanks.

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