Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Death Bed Cons

Take heart before you accidentally misinterpret. You may have heard of med beds,

An extremely transparent con that of course people scared of dying believe in.  This isn’t about a bed that kills you because you squandered your life savings on it instead of a legitimately beneficial alternative.

The first is the death bed confession.  Picture an over 100 year old man dying from the Covid vaccine being really old.  And he’s got a super guilty conscience because he’s done something terribly wrong in his life that’s been gnawing away.  He knows the time is short, the gematria proved it.  And as a last effort to deal with the sudden growth of a spine admits that he was the cause of that hit and run accident that killed that 13 year old boy decades earlier.  Alternatively, still being a spineless douchebag, it could take the form of a parting shot.  “Dearest Janet, I confess that I slept with your sister.  Those were the 672 biggest mistakes in my life.”

<pause for the gematria addicts to check on what 672 means>

We’re not here to judge on the sincerity of these final statements.  It’s not possible to talk to the dead (thanks, Houdini!) to get an idea of whether the truth was finally told, nor possible to get further evidence if this was meant to console the old man or comfort/hurt those left behind.

The deathbed conversion is more extreme.  Now the old man has spent an entire lifetime generating a pattern of behavior, and it’s well known where it is he stands on a major issue.  The miser who could have supported his immediate family during his lifetime, who had bragged about how he was leaving all his money to his mistress, realizes that it doesn’t matter anymore and uses his remaining days to rewrite the last will.  Or a classic scenario of the atheistic soldier getting  religion right after he was shot in a war.

There is a side of the deathbed conversion quite useful to the grifter.  The hoax deathbed conversion.  Darwin allegedly converting.  “Yeah, I spent my life working on evolution, and yeah I found out that time and again it was working like I thought.  And all those other smart people peer reviewing…who cares.  I’m embracing the Lord, because I’m sure spending a tiny fraction of time showing a change of heart is a good bet to fool an omnipotent being.”  Christopher Hitchens supposedly had the same change of heart.  Never mind that these conversions may have been over years instead of final minutes, I trust you get the point.

Somebody, just like a conspiracy grifter, made the story up because they have an ulterior motive.

It seems that the rate of conversion from rabid conspiracy theorist to escaping the rabbit hole more or less normal, is really low.  Sure we’re experiencing some content where the sports gematria crowd is vocal about what’s wrong with Hubbard’s system, but the belief in the NWO and every play of every sports game being rigged still lingers.  Not only are these detractors looking at alternative baseless conspiracies, some are still looking at alternative leadership to the same sports content.

The deathbed cons operate unilaterally - sudden belief in something without evidence after a lifetime of non belief.  The atheist gets religion.  The religious person does not admit suddenly that they have become atheistic.  What’s the gain?  What’s in it for ME?

This is why it’s said that an effective starting point for engaging real life conspiracy content includes something like asking, “Can you describe what kind of evidence would change your mind?”  And what would change it now, not until something extreme happens like you didn’t get vaccinated and you are probably dying miserably in a hospital bed with tubes stuck in you.  This is why I constantly repeat this about gematria.

It doesn’t matter if it is sports, or the NWO, or cryptocurrency.  EXACTLY, which numbers DON’T mean something.  Which numbers can we exclude?  Just so we’re clear on which ones are not symbolic of the evil empire?  You’re either going to find that they are all evil, or if you didn’t I can find someone else that thinks it’s evil.  Or it’s a number with statistical significance instead of just two-four digits.  And do that today instead of waiting until this NFL season is put on its deathbed.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Sock Puppet Shill Game Screen Names

Nobody can tell what’s really going on in the Zachosphere right now.  It’s a crazy hot mess of accusations on who is a shill.  Who is a deceiver and fraud.  Not so strangely, the proof offered is limited to non empirical evidence of the old, “Here’s what I did right with my gematria” while the counter side is actual screenshots and video clips of utter failure.

For entertainment purposes this has led to some creative nicknames, presented within comment sections of YouTube videos or even bolder is the effort to create an entire sock puppet account to taunt the target.  You know you are the king of the hill when you are the one that gets the sock puppet taunting.  Lots of people get slammed around in the comments.

Within the wondering of what exactly is going on is an element of actual danger.  The legal ramifications of publicly going on record as having accused someone - that’s libel and slander territory.  The system has always been rigged so that the wealthy who can afford high powered lawyers can do whatever the fuck they want.  Case in point - regardless of how a court case deemed Alex Jones guilty, the actual judgment might be settled for far less.  

Social media has always been a disastrous quagmire of insults and false accusations, and the courts don’t want to get involved in small potatoes battles centered on someone calling someone else a poopyhead after the poopyhead went off on a rant from a bad day including a couple too many shots of tequila.  It’s those high profile cases that make the news that involve actual damages - crossing that line that’s deemed too far by the court of public opinion.  In the short term, until some actual guidance is provided, by the social media companies that spend a lot of time arbitrarily making a decision and rely on vague algorithms for content moderation, you might want to stop before getting too involved in the “I am going to get a lawyer content” I’m seeing now.

Penn And Teller with their show Bullshit! proved that you don’t make a career out of calling someone a poopyhead openly.  The court of public opinion may not match the court of actual lawyers sorting out damages.

Unless you make it a joke.  Don’t say “Person X is a con man”.  Unless you have some actual evidence and Mark Bankston on speed dial.  Call them an asshole bullshit merchant (while not having a financial interest yourself) goes a long way towards the possibly necessary defense of, “I was just joking on social media!  FREE SPEECH!”

So these sock puppet accounts have been performing some service.  And while entertaining, the same grammatical tricks are getting boring.  Alliteration, certainly anything that rhymes with the target name, variations of the common truther lingo, etc….  Do not worry, after analyzing the content the past few months, I can help.  And ironically, this is gematria related.

When you don’t get the right value for a target number based on a word, use your Phraseshopping skills to substitute synonyms.  And there are a bunch of synonyms for fraudster that rarely or never get used:

There’s more that got cut off.  That’s how prevalent grifting is in our society.  People are assholes so much we have more names for it than there are gematria ciphers.  I’m yearning for the day when I see a sock puppet account use illywhacker or schlenter.  For starters, those two come up as needing spell checked.  Next, some of those words have a specific etymology for their origin.  For instance schlenter is particularly related to fake diamonds.  So if somebody has a screen name related to precious gems, or card tricks, or carbon atoms, BLAM!  Hit ‘em with a schlenter shot.  You don’t even want to know what I’m thinking about for using defalcator.  Well, you can probably guess.

Monday, November 27, 2023

I Ching - An Untapped Sports Gematria Resource

I was looking into what 2024 was in the Chinese Zodiac, wondering why I hadn’t seen some crazy nonsense about how the Jesuits use that to mock us.  The biggest use is when the zodiac happens to align with a super common animal like Tiger means any cat, or Rooster means any bird, or Dog means underdog.  That last one isn’t an attempt to be silly, that actually happens.  Disappointing to find that it’s the year of the dragon and there aren’t a lot of NFL options to play the “reminds me of” game for lizards.

So my easily distracted brain turned to happier times where I played around with my antique yarrow sticks.  Well, actually popsicle sticks colored appropriately with a black magic marker.  And they weren’t craft store popsicle sticks, I got to eat some of the popsicles, too.  Win!!

Anything in the realm of fortune telling and divination leads to similar pathways of gematria.  The text is considered somewhat of a holy book.  It’s spiritual instead of directly religious.  So it’s the kind of thing that can be associated with selling magic healing crystals and cheap amulets.  Which then get consumed by wellness industry grifters when anti-vaxx content gets grift magnetized.

The traditional way the I Ching operates has the fortune seeker, armed with some disposable income, approach an expert I Ching reader.  The yarrow sticks are thrown, arranged, and that yields a character that is cross indexed to text.  And just like an inevitable narrative for both teams in an NFL game, that text is incredibly vague.

The person looking for divine inspiration already has an idea of what they are seeking.  And even if the sticks yield something only remotely close to the question, confirmation bias is satisfied.  The seeker pays the expert.  Everyone is happy.  Even without popsicles being involved.  And if it’s too vague for the seeker to even begin to associate something.  Pay the expert for their expert interpretation.  Everyone is happy, although still no popsicles.

The I Ching adds a layer of illusional mathematical superiority to predicting a winner between two teams playing on Monday Night Football.  The sticks can yield 64 different answers.  Casting the sticks, the seeker is likely thinking towards the future.  Should I take that new job?  Should I get married?  Should I really pay this grifter or try to sneak out when his back is turned?  Should I buy the grape popsicles?  Then they sit back, and cross their fingers.  Please be Joy.  Please be Joy.  Please be Joy.  And when the disappointment comes up that it’s something like Cauldron.  Well, that’s got to be more sincere than losing a coin flip, right?  Of course the odds are against any single one in 64 chance appearing.  

Gematria is all about covering up failed predictions.  And people are on to Zach’s not being any better than a coin flip, slightly improved by his emphasizing the narratives for the favorite to beat the underdog. We need an I Ching reading for every NFL team at the start of preseason.  That will draw in some of the spiritual gematria crowd that’s tired that the world didn’t end yesterday like it was supposed to.

Team A - Cauldron.  That’s a climate change narrative!
Team B - Pushing Upward.  They aren’t going to win the Super Bowl, but what a rebuilding year this will be.
Team C - Standstill.  That’s a narrative for a tie somewhere during the season.
Team D - Conflict.  Terrell Owens is coming out of retirement and ruining the locker room chemistry!


But how to pull it off when this requires keeping with the narrative at the preseason start of the I Ching selection?  Sock puppets and cult leader charisma.  And waiting until the game is over to emphasize the contradictory narrative.  I don’t see Zach sullying his hands with directly doing the yarrow stick through.  Just have an apparently overzealous loyal follower say, here’s what I did.  Then as the season progresses, emphasize the hits, ignore the misses, reinterpret as needed.  Cauldron - team is on a hot streak.  Cauldron - quarterback had heatstroke in practice.  Cauldron - Player X had a college coach named Boyle.  Cauldron - A trolled “called in”, which sounds like cauldron.  Cauldron - popsicles banned by team nutritionist, they melt and make the locker room floor sticky.

Don’t let your Dunning-Kruger take control and assume that people aren’t gullible enough to believe something like this could happen.  The year that the Zodiac was the Tiger was classic vague association gibberish.  And that part of paying when you figured out the vague answer yourself versus paying for needing the expert to interpret it for you.  Zach has that down to a fine art.  It’s called Patreon.  Pay me when I’m right.  Pay me when I’m wrong.  Everyone’s happy, especially those with extra money for popsicles.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Conspiracy Mindset of PETA

Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, PETA engaged in one of the things they are very good at - Outrage Porn.

And since this is on social media, it naturally got the desired reaction.  The knee jerk emotional response, outrage from PETA critics, outrage from animal rights activists, and the millions of views that go with it.

It’s only natural that with humans being terrible long term companions that people project their empathy on the beloved pets.  Cats and dogs have much more genuine responses to stimulus.  Take care of them they are fun.  Abuse them and they aren’t fun.  And there’s PETA right at the forefront of the fight to insist that you are a bad person for deciding to have a different idea of what is appropriate for your diet.

The cartoon displayed was community noted on Twixter with a message regarding how in the wild turkeys are way more like tiny little dinosaurs than a calm farm raised animal waiting to be slathered in gravy for your holiday meal.  They eat frogs, lizards, mice and stuff too small to defend itself or too slow to escape.  The real reason turkeys wouldn’t do this to humans are the lack of opposable thumbs and intellect necessary to hire gun lobbyists.  Nothing ruins Thanksgiving more than a pissed off turkey with an assault rifle.  This was substituted out (although amply screenshot before the change) to a message about how stress can lead turkeys to cannibalism.  Pack enough AR-15 deficient turkeys in a small space, they will freak out and eat each other.  Which is the way that community notes on Twixter (don’t) work now.  The first was decidedly a “PETA are assholes” message.  The second gives fuel to the outrage porn as the cognitively challenged start associating human cannibalism with turkeys freaking out.

Financial profit is the main motivation for outrage porn, not the actual outrage.  That’s a stepping stone along the way.  And the money itself is just a stepping stone to food, so PETA has a (turkey) leg up on the competition.  As animals are both pets and food, or both, they get to play the hypocrite game on a regular basis.  The story of Mary Beth Sweetland is well known.

Animal testing leading to the insulin that keeps me alive is ok.  My mission is too important.  That mission is to stop animal testing for medical advances, because screw you other diabetics, you aren’t me.  Hypocrisy is one of the big red flags for conspiracists.  It’s ok for me to be critical of others lack of Christian values as my re-election is coming up.  At the same time as my messy divorce because I was sleeping with my yoga instructor.

I was about to call them our turkey friends, but let’s change that a bit.  Like our turkey pet wannabes that can’t stop acting like idiots and won’t cuddle, humans do not do well in close spaces with lots of other humans.  My favorite outrage porn evangelicals are complaining about the migrants messing things up in town.  And there are lots of good points made that are not based in conspiracy thinking.  Parks are cluttered with tents.  Migrant cars are blocking street cleaning.  Videos have been made showing the slow reaction to the interruption of the established citizenry’s lives.  And yes, they have been eating each…er…these videos don’t mention anything but the valid points.

But in the meantime, the other YouTube content is complete and utter conspiracy rubbish.  Embellishing with completely meaningless “symbolism” and ritual sacrifice content.  And a daily message of requests for donations to support…tomorrow’s production of outrage porn.

PETA’s core message predates the internet and social media.  So they have the other (turkey) leg up on internet grifters.  A head start.  And they used that, even if inadvertently to train the new wave of grifters.  Because what’s a good story about an unrelated topic if you can’t drag autism into it?

In the eternal war between logical reasoning/critical thinking and people believing stupid shit, stupid shit is winning.  People would rather be pissed off than enlightened.

Friday, November 24, 2023

How Not To Use A Gematria Calculator


I’m not going to dive deep in the history of Garry.  Just know that his numerology operates more or less the same as Zach’s gematria.  He tends to not call it gematria.  He loves to push back against Zach’s loyal meat puppets, which is simply for the reason that they are competing for the same sports gambling addicts gullible enough to believe that picking both teams before the game and the winner after the game makes you a genius level predictor.  He also managed to get some MSM coverage years ago while Zach was just starting out.

There’s an old saying in the opponents of the health and wellness grifter crowd.  “If alternative medicine worked it would be just called ‘medicine’.”  And here, whether planned or just an overexcited newbie, our supporter of Garry demonstrates a level of ignorance above and beyond normal.  If a gematria calculator worked and had real value, it would simply be called a calculator.

Flashback to many years ago when Derek was first introducing the internet to addiction to putting random phrases into a calculator to avoid the tedious work (and greater potential for oopsies) of using a real calculator or, *gasp*, handwritten notes, there was a peculiar problem.  What do you do with something like a license plate that’s a mix of numbers and letters?  The same with a missle with different model numbers.  The initial calculator ignored input that wasn’t a letter.  And the RIM-7 and the RIM-66 would give the same result.

Early gematria aficionados were confused.  It seemed logical to add the numbers.  The Gematrinator apparently agreed and now numbers are added in to the total.  And in the lag time, the approach was the classic confirmation bias reaction to hypocritical dropping zeroes or not.  Force the result by adding numbers or not all willy nilly.  Ahh, the nostalgia of a bygone era when you could do that without a different cult leader than your chosen leader calling you out for making the “work” look bad.

Sorry to say, this genius doing gematria on all numbers to produce a 33 is likely to get called out.  Only using the numbers of 171978 to equal 33, you’ve got yourself a calculator there.  Not a gematria calculator.  I suppose this is a date, and a simple statement that 1/7/1978 has date numerology of 33 would suffice.  And then instead of just leaving it at that - loading up maximum ciphers to show a screen full of 33’s.  That’s just tacky and actually proves that this overuse of date numerology in decodes isn’t really gematria.  Good decodes hide the illogical.  Throwing it in the faces of the potentially critical normies doesn’t sell the idea.

After further review of my recently discussed evangelical end of the world decoding.  It’s a fake fight for engagement.  Lately the sports crowd activity has me leaning into thinking it’s fake fight activity.  Up until the point when a newbie is tired of paying for losing picks they are pressured to pick a side.  Typical internet grifting behavior of striking while the iron is hot.  Reeling the fish in before it thrashes around enough to escape.  A quick review of the originator of the screenful of 33’s shows retweeting content from a diehard Zach supporter as well as this pro Garry content.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Guess Who’s Back In The Building

Elvis.  Elvis is still alive.  But there is, of course a twist.

Whether by boredom with the concept or being trained little primates not clever enough to go beyond failed sports predictions, the Zachosphere crowd does not dwell much on the famous celebrity not being actually dead stuff.

My search of top celebrities who really are quite dead but aren’t according to less than reputable sources are:

7). Jim Morrison
6). Michael Jackson
5). Andy Kauffman 
4). Kurt Cobain
3). Princess Diana
2). Tupac Shakur
1).  Elvis Presley

I’m going to add Bruce Lee, I know I’ve heard that one.
Other than being insensitive and tacky it’s also rather pointless.  It’s like spotting a UFO you can’t prove, because your sighting predates your cell phone camera.  But mostly just because you’re making it up for the attention.  And Bigfoot isn’t as pretty or as good as a musician to be worth the trouble.

My opinion is that Andy Kauffman is oddly placed on the list.  The others are icons of sorts, and have the stigma of being lost too early, like a candle in the wind.  Andy was just one weird dude that flamboyantly displayed his search for attention.  But it’s not worth searching out an alternate list.  I’m sure a page full of other worthwhile selections could be produced.

Your typical dead celebrity sighting does not get much attention these days.  Like we as a society are desensitized to things once taboo (dirty words on tv, gun violence, dishonesty of politicians).  The old stories were rather boring.  Somebody would simply claim the sighting.  They had no proof.  Or it was something lame like a celebrity impersonator stopping at the gas station for a soda.

The political dead celebrities do get some press.  That’s probably part of the reason that the Kennedy nonsense from Negative 48 is lingering, despite his death.  Did you know they are so serious about this that a 13 year old girl nicknamed Tiny Teflon is maybe going to be a cult leader?!?  Such is the power of political dead celebrity.  These stories are more bizarre.  These are, they look like somebody else because they are a masked reptilian, an imperfect clone, or a robot.  They use trickery to hide the actual face since people might freak out if their beloved icon was still around and they could vote for them again.

I’m keeping my source under wraps for now to see if the lunacy develops more.  So far it’s just one person, as far as I can tell.  If others are thinking it, it’s not being commented on.  Elvis is alive and <drumroll during your attempt to guess>…
Elvis is the Antichrist.

The satanic panic, that filthy rock and roll music, the disgusting gyration of the hood and the desecration of everything sacred about peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  That’s not enough reason to go into hiding.  Gotta keep a low profile until the big reveal that you’re about to end the world.

Usually the United States declarations of Antichristdom are high profile liberals because of the projection that they are more evil than people with a well documented track record of being evil.  Having an icon beloved for his music that you miss, that’s somewhat you want to be still here.  But now, if he’s the Antichrist, maybe not so much.  Or, there are some that make it sound like the world can’t end soon enough for them.  These are the ones draining their bank accounts talking about the coming rapture that I guess they get that last fuzzy warm feeling of being right that the world and life has betrayed them.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Know Your Conspiracy Theory Debunks - Too Many Moving Parts

At the end credits of the Get Smart! TV show, Smart (Don Adams treks down a barren hallway with multiple security doors.  As the journey ends, these doors close begin to close behind him, one by one.  Until that last one that doesn’t shut, luring him to step back to check it out and booping his nose at it finally does close.

Of course, this is done for the comedy value as this is a comedy series.  If you do intellectualize this, you realize that multiple doors aren’t really necessary.  One, absolutely.  Two, maybe a good idea if the first fails.  Three, now you’re pushing it.  After that, is there really any point.  In a barren hallway?  And why not some other security measures, like an armed guard with an attack dog?

Real espionage is *boring*.  Crazy stupid levels of boring sifting through computer files, papers and mindless grunt work.  And sending in a team to do the work is too many moving parts, since those extra parts, like our extra doors, just give extra chances for something to go wrong.

One of the hallmarks of a good (bad) conspiracy theory is the insinuation that it’s super large and part of the reason the conspiracy continues is the overwhelming number of people in on it.  Your shadowy evil empire ruling over everything you do.  Ultimately, thanks to grift and crank magnetism chiming in to add more moving parts these bullshit conspiracies include everyone but the conspiracist being in on it.

For other real examples:

1). The assassination of Caesar.  Part of the idea was a show of strength in numbers.  It’s not just a couple of angry upstarts, but dozens of high profile people united in a goal to stop what they deemed to be a serious problem.  Don’t be thinking, “Wait a second sunshine, it worked!  They did kill him.”  True, but ultimately their end goal was not achieved.  Caesar’s martyrdom and the end of the Roman Republic.  Too many moving parts as the general population had other ideas.  Note though in the buildup to the killing the description of the painstaking efforts to carefully select and groom the conspirators for fear of the plot being uncovered before the deed was done.

2). The plot to kill Hitler.  A more classical scenario where the plot was not successful.  Assassination survivors don’t like to be targets and the aftermath was not pleasant for some 7,000 people, many of which were executed.  The idea of using a briefcase filled with explosives never included the extra moving part of some random dude moving the briefcase off its assigned location to do the intended job.

Most of the failed bullshit conspiracy theories combine unexplained elements of these experiments, as well as the overestimation of the number people involved.  Turning to an old favorite, chemtrails (gematria is way too easy since every single person that ever lived, is alive and will live is evil based on gematria).

I should note also that I saw a new name for them.  Sky tampons.  That’s kind of cute.  Planes producing contrails fly every day.  These are starkly visible on normal days.  So if they are part of a plot to poison the general population.  How many other people are involved.  They’re indiscriminate, dropping their poison on potential conspirators.  So add all the staff producing counter agents or whatever to the toxins.  Better get all the hospitals in on it, just in case.  Certainly the flight crews know.  The ground crews fueling the planes.  Air traffic controllers dealing with not poison spreading twin engine Cessnas.

And there’s the conspiracy theorists pointing out the poisoning.  All those other moving parts require care and secrecy to keep the conspiracy under wraps.  Somehow, despite decades of poisoning there’s no direct violent response by the perpetrators to those that have uncovered the scheme.  Ultimately, real conspiracies involve lots of money.  There may be a shorter term aspect of political control that ultimately leads to a monetary reason.  And dealing with a population of billions of angry, poisoned people would be a helluva lot more expensive.  Killing people in expensive ways so you can keep them under control doesn’t give you a controlled population.  It gives you dead people.  Way too many moving parts for that to work.

The grift magnetism crowd loves to make up all kinds of interesting side stories about how their failures in predictions don’t come to fruition.  “They flipped the script on that sports game because I’M getting too close to the truth.”  “That billion dollar judgment is trying to silence me because I’M right about everything.”  Sure.  Whatever.  Just keep adding more moving parts to a machine that already is doomed to breakdown.

Ironically, real conspiracies are NEVER uncovered by conspiracy theorists.

Sometimes it’s a government agency that takes a break from ineptitude and honors that oath of office they took.  Sometimes it’s a legit investigative reporter, which helps with the MLM is evil narrative of the grifters.  And sometimes it’s too many moving parts and someone grows a conscience.  It’s never a random person on the internet who can be directly asking for funding openly, or can at least be easily traced to someone else asking you for money.

Legitimate conspiracies don’t need you to send random people money.  The issue is out in the open now.  Legitimate conspiracies rightfully show that there are reasons do mistrust even your own government.  These in no way prove the wacko conspiracies with way too many moving parts exist.  If you want to be taken seriously, stop sending random people money, save it up and take some journalism classes.  Or blow the whistle on that school board member spouting baseless Qanon gematria based accusations on Facebook.  Or contact a legitimate government agency about how you heard that car makers were cheating on diesel emissions testing.  Picking and choosing your battles is easier when you don’t involve sending money to random oddballs on the internet.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Time To Address The Elonphant In The Room

Using my amazing predictive powers, sharpened by years of practice with gematria, I long ago predicted that Musk was a perfect candidate for super stardom.  Even that didn’t prepare me for the current state.

If one digs into the background he’s got all the worst characteristics of Trump.  Obviously any attention, even being outrageously controversial and getting called out for, is good attention.  His acclaim as a businessman is not non-existent, but way overrated.  The same model is there - do the hard work of being born into wealth, sit on massive amounts of passive income, find convenient smart people to do the actual heavy lifting.  Throw them under the bus when the shit hits the fan.  Enjoy the talk about the overrated genius since people with the intellectual capacity of a toddler are more interested in his hateful content than objective evidence like his rockets blowing up and how his policies on Twitter have made his billions of dollars vanity project be worth less than half of what he bought it for.

But he’s got the money for lawyers, so he can do whatever he wants.  And no doubt my X account will soon be an Ex account after this post.

Numerous times I’ve covered how people pick shitty heroes, and this is the same here.  There’s always going to be somebody like a Trump, Musk, Santos, etc… who people question (far too late) how they got into a position of power based on the questionable decisions made on a daily basis.  And actually, as much as I’ve complained about Musk ruining his own pet project, I don’t give a damn if it crashes and burns.  However it plays out, so be it.  It has happened before, it will happen again.  Information, hatred and money have been going on for so long, I have a historical example to share.

Buried amidst my comic book pages were loads of advertisements for fun products.  And Harold here was one of the all time kings of false advertisement.  And getting away with it.  And using his wealth from products for promoting his political ideology.

The Sea Monkeys are the most famous.  And they weren’t too bad.  Although not actually monkeys leading a happy life in the sea, there is an actual product with a good case of having some entertainment and educational value.  Score one point for pro Harry.  The Invisible Goldfish - not so much.  That was likely the inspiration for the novelty value of concepts like the pet rock.  Call that one a draw.  The X-Ray specs is a loss.  There’s no way these cheap optical illusion producing spectacles did anything remotely like the claims made in the comic book pages.

Although nowhere near the scale of Elon, having acquired some notoriety and the associated income, he did what any bored, narcissistic, conspiracy minded dictator wannabe would do.  Spend money on funding extremist groups.  As the news stories surrounding the state of Twitter suggest this could be considered a big fail.  And likely it will be, just not in the time frame people are preaching about now.

Musk has invested in his image by associating in long term projects, which on the surface are good things.  Space travel building towards future colonization outside the planet.  Electric cars.  Artificial intelligence.  And social media politics.  Each of these have the downside of the mind numbing costs involved and the near impossible to control concept of getting a planet on board with the whole program.

We really don’t need more atmospheric debris falling on people’s heads in the future.  We don’t need more wasted dollars by Big Oil to keep their climate changing heavy train flowing.  We don’t need deep fakes and misinformation spambots muddying the waters on social media.  And as for X itself, every single policy is either sensible and hypocritically ignored (his war on spambots that are thriving more than ever) or directly aligned with making it easier for internet grifters.  (Welcoming back every deleted questionable account because free speech is absolute.  Except when it calls Elon a poopyhead, that gets you sued.)

And again, like Trump, we have the failed relationships.  Of course they failed.  Being in close contact with an enormous hypocrite is psychologically draining.  Like Twitter tanking there’s simply too much money left over after a financial hit to care about a divorce settlement or the welfare of children involved.

As my thoughts stray towards what should be depressing I find myself at times like this numb to caring.  At least too much.  Taking solace in the knowledge that my life span is going to miss out on the super rich trying to figure out how to water golf courses, stop overpopulation and what do to about housing, the next war that interrupts the food chain where people complain about the cost of gas more than how they can’t feed their kids.  But mostly how there won’t be gematria predictions on sports when they can’t be played safely outdoors anymore.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Cold Reading, Hot Reading And Internet Grifting MLM

Gematria is a fantastic tool for cold reading.  It’s really kind of the only point for a large number of aficionados.  If a standardized set of rules existed, which ain’t gonna happen, some sort of replication of results giving it empirical value would exist.  Instead what we have is a ton of ways to alter, manipulate, cherry pick the data.

Pick any common two digit gematriat, for example 83.  This can and is not just 83, but it’s also:

38 by transposition
23 by place on prime number list
308 since zeroes are dropped, and vice versa
803 because combine both those rules
318 because 1’s also don’t count since multiplying something by 1 yields the same number.
And even more creative manipulation, usually used to truncate a larger number into a smaller number.

Then there’s the classic other common practice.  Putting a word or phrase into a calculator.  Even if you just use the four base ciphers that’s four different values.  If you’re looking for 83, you’re likely to only find one 83.  Maybe two if it’s a gematria palindrome with the same value in a forward and reverse.  Now add that the Gematrinator calculator offers 30ish different ciphers.  That’s a lot more chances to hit your 83 you crave.  And what do you do when you hit that 83?  Gloat about how smart you are.  And what do you do when you miss?

Ignore it.  You’ve been trained it’s ok to be wrong.  Even though with the vast number of ciphers and manipulation the chances of getting a hit approach 100%.

Our classic psychic cold reading uses rapid fire magically based suppositions to psychologically prime the target. 

John Edwards: “I’m seeing a woman’s name, Rose or Rita or something close.”

Clueless Scamee:  We’ll my uncle has a dog named Roxy.

John:  Ow, yeah, that’s it.  Let me go fishing some more.

The man had a full length tv show based on this bullshit.  Instead of a human woman with a name starting off with more than one pick, now we’re talking about a dog.

Be wary of gematria social media accounts offering a service costing big bucks.  Something like a season long sports package of guaranteed money making picks for a $1000.  The basic gematria has already done its work of getting a cold reading on you.  The creator already has a good idea of who your favorite team is.  He has a rough idea of your age and socioeconomic group.  It’s the same reason you shouldn’t be putting out your birth month with a fun gif generator based on some fun meme.  The cold reading has turned into a hot reading.  Now the gematria guru has identified you as a gung ho believer, someone advanced enough for special attention.

In the MLM format of going for petty theft of Patreon subscriptions this is where the gung ho gematria newbie is used as free advertisement for the top tier.  Encouraged to create their own blogs, videos and further disseminate the message of the leader.  In this setting, the psychic style gematria leader is looking for a bigger score.  Individual messages to the target are tailored to fit the cold reading information to encourage further entry into the rabbit hole.  And with the beauty of gematria, an individualized narrative can be created for multiple targets at the same time.

What these targeted marks fail to do, could do, and probably won’t do, is compare notes looking for the contradictions that result.  But attention and money issues are powerful reinforcers.  Wanting to feel special and not seeing the misses far outnumbering the hits has put them in a cognitive blind spot.

*Anecdotal Evidence Warning*
My favorite from five years ago is the Twitter guy that openly was bragging about scoring what he called something like his ‘hot spiritual hippie chick.’  He purposefully used gematria to get her into divulging details about herself so he could manipulate her.  It’s a pretty safe bet that the relationship was just a fling and didn’t last.  Maybe that’s all she wanted, no way for me to tell.  But what I could see was he was bragging about being manipulative.

This kind of thing is outside what social media should be expected to control.  It would be extremely unfair to have governments step in and force social media companies to ban gematria and similar content.  It’s up to the users to get themselves educated on the kinds of things that are out there.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Grab Your Popcorn -Fight!,and%20pay%20any%20necessary%20taxes.

Fight! Fight!  After school Billy and Donnie are going to…call each other more nasty names.  But this time it’s serious.  This could actually lead to a challenge to call each other nasty names during RECESS!!

Billy and Donnie are actually working together.  They have been getting more attention by calling each other poopyheads, and being the type of bully that is basically a coward at heart they really don’t want to both be ostracized by it actually coming to blows.

Due to lack of time I’ve been fairly focused on the lunacy of sports betting gematria.  As time has marched forward there is now significant content regarding the basic format.  The format I’ve posted about starting over five years ago.  Pick both teams, fudge your prediction success rate by finding a narrative for the favorite.  Lie like crazy about past results and hopefully you’ve done some maintenance to remove all the backlog of damaging wrong info you previously posted.  Now I have the utter joy of watching the entire process play out in the fundamentalist religious setting.

So here’s the way that works.  You don’t want it to be an actual spiritual message.  No need for going into the love of God.  You aren’t going to be doing marriage ceremonies, consoling people at funerals, visiting the sick at hospitals or any of the good things that religion does in society.  The grift is in the hatred, and nobody is hated more than the Devil.  That scapegoat is way overused.  So you need your standard internet grifting arbitrary scapegoat.  The Antichrist is your go to guy.  It’s super easy to predict that anyone is going to be exposed as the Antichrist soon.  And of course gematria comes into play anytime you want to get away with a wrong prediction.  A new narrative for “soon” will appear tomorrow.

Actually, that “soon” and tomorrow line is startling true.  On the sports side you have your bullshit claims of your “most mind blowing decode ever” every day.  Maybe, if each day is constantly better than the last you just plain suck at your job.  If you put a little more effort into the previous one, that would always be your bestest decode forever.  But, I digress.  It’s pretty tiresome and unoriginal to predict the Revelation scripture end of the world being tomorrow.  Every.  Single. Day.  But here we are.

I actually get along pretty well hanging out with real Christians, despite my agnostic stance.  I have a lot of experience with family and friends and will even pop into a church as a show of support for a wedding and to be mildly sociable.  I go to religious holidays get togethers and behave respectfully during the pre meal prayer.  It’s not harming anyone.  I’ve been blessed that my life among real Christians taught me that there are a lot that take the good side seriously.  And I can spot a fake a mile away.

Well, we’ve already covered the go to failed prediction of end of the world enough for now.  So let’s go to the part about “Thou shalt not steal, even if you’re a libertarian that doesn’t want to pay taxes”. (See, I’m willing to annoy anyone.  What’s it matter if the world ends tomorrow?). That’s why that link is at the start.

In the real economic format of YouTube, the goal is to get monetized, so advertisers get to share in your success by putting out people can enjoy.  Fake Christian YouTubers have many unfair advantages.  They are used to their targets being in an atmosphere of donating to support the ministry.  And they are used to the idea of not paying taxes.  And they are familiar with the theme of being persecuted for their beliefs.  And they have forgiveness for being wrong covered by the big guy.

The typical sports decode gone wrong is sidestepped by reporting the decode after the game.  You know it’s going to be wrong as soon as you put out the “world ends tomorrow” message.  There’s no pressure for covering up your tracks.  The being wrong all the time and forgiven for it part is rock solid.  Alex Jones approves.

Not everyone, like a couple gazillion butt tons of people, aren’t going searching for the constant downer content.  So you’re going to have a large number of people to cast shade on as your persecutors.  Somehow, not being interested isn’t actually persecution, but whatever.  You don’t want your channel monetized.  The big bucks are donations.  Donations aren’t taxable to a church.  Both Patreon and YouTube income are taxable.  But psychologically, Patreon gets an edge since sending money as a gift seems like you’re supporting a tax free charity.

If a fake Christian grifter wants to go to the extent of making a fake charity, that’s too much like work.  The go to for actual non taxable gifts is having people send you money through PayPal.  Bingo.  A friend sent me money.

So for some time now, we’ve had the Sports Gematria channel pointing out the actual deficiencies in the sports betting gematria format.  These have in turn lead to a lot of hate video trades between some of the bigger names in the sports gematria arena.  Some sports predictors dabble in how God loves you (and may or may not have a favorite team.  That’s my guess, they don’t actually talk about that.). Some fake Christians dabble in sports betting.  That’s the way grift magnetism works.  But now, oh boy, the attacks between competing fake Christian messagers is really heating up.

That’s a long walk for something that can be summed up quite easily.  The religious YouTube grifter reality check.  Why on Earth, if the world is ending soon, does it do you any good to give someone else your money today?  That’s a super easy way to spot the fakes.  The world is ending soon.  Here’s my PayPal account.  Send me your money today and then I’ll ask you for more tomorrow since the world isn’t going to end.

In theory, one could keep the money saved up so that you can buy candied yams for the Thanksgiving dinner, and share with your table mates what you are actually thankful for.  Your health, your promotion, how much you love your kids, kind of like a nice normal conversation.  One could, in theory, donate money to a brick and mortar church that has some programs in place like feeding shut in elderly people.  Or maybe just going right for a respectable well established charity.  Red Cross is a pretty safe one, for example.

Wouldn’t that be better than getting conflicting messages on who exactly is the Antichrist?

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Gematria And The Psychology Of Priming

Gematria in its role as conspiracy theory light is perfectly designed for psychological priming.   No, that’s not about the annoying habit of changing a prime number too large to be useful into its position on the sequential list of prime numbers.  Although certainly the repetition of that trick is a form of psychological priming.

Training a dog is loads of fun when priming goes wrong.  The dog scratches on the door, goes out and pees, cokes back in and gets rewarded for being a good not peeing in the house dog.  Do that often enough and doggie will learn that they can scam a treat by insisting they need to go pee when they don’t need to.  Sorry Dad, I just want the cookie and I don’t have opposable thumbs to comment on YouTube videos and get a cult leader Attaboy!

Repetition is the cause and source of the problem, as minor as it might be.  Repetition is an important and effective method of psychological nudging to get the desired result.  But, as our brains do a good job of tricking ourselves, there are some further issues with priming to think about.

Your average gematria newcomer who likes what they are seeing is already primed to not give credit to their own biases.  Likely they will settle on one of the many cliques and get primed further by that leader’s messaging.  In a not gematria setting, imagine a person has saved money for that first car.  A life altering experience that has an immediate impact.  They may have never paid attention to the numerous shitty Ford Escorts on the road before.  Now, all of a sudden their brain has latched onto the idea of shitty Ford Escorts and they start noticing every single one that crosses their path.  In a gematria setting, those first satisfying self done decodes about your recently cancelled beloved TV show have a certain set of numbers that stuck out.  You’re on the road to being primed to think every time you see those numbers it’s synchronous and symbolic with that TV show.  Your first love takes a special place in your heart and brain.

Insidiously, the priming doesn’t end with associating numbers with the main message of the clique.  The sports decoders are talking about Monday Night Football and the double narrative for the Commanders and the Saints.  Your favorite team is Detroit, because they make shitty Ford Escorts, too.  And the game is triple coded because 52 also means something about all three teams.  (You can build a narrative for every team given any two digit number if you try hard enough.)  You’ve been told you have some good points, so you stick around for more videos that have basically the same format.

And you’re stuck on your confirmation bias, and not learning that it’s time to stop faking that you need to pee for a cookie and start saving up for a better car than a shitty Ford Escort.

You’re adding other sports decoders to your playlist and subscribing to all their channels.  Maybe some of them don’t even mention the Jesuits rigging the games at all.  Maybe they do and that’s what attracted you to that other account.  You lose psychologically either way.  You’re stuck on your confirmation bias of already hating the Jesuits or getting primed on some newer equally invalid concepts through association with the new leader’s content.

There’s a lot of different things out there in the priming of the conspiracy rabbit hole.  Arbitrary scapegoats based on race, religion, gender identity.  Some of these guys are super gung ho guns are the best thing ever.  Maybe that spiritual guru loves to light up a blunt at the start of every video.  Maybe you came for the gambling and got caught up in the get rich quick cryptocurrency messages.

This is why I say that it doesn’t matter if it’s accidental or design that gematria operates as a starter drug - conspiracy theory light.  It’s easy to do.  Whether they got scammed or bored by the repetition they move on.  And boy is it repetitious.  Hey teacher, I already fucking know 2 + 2 = 4.  Do I really need you to start today with that again?  Do we really need daily gematria videos stating the obvious of A=1, B=2, C=3…?  Do we really need to know that the same number that means Obama is the Antichrist appeared again?  Of course it did.  It happens every day, bunches of times.  You’ve just been primed so much on the other not gematria stuff you don’t care.

The reward system for conspiracy content, once somebody is beyond the stage of regularly getting an attaboy cookie for sucking up, is self contained.  And fatigue becomes an issue, resulting for some in the cognitive dissonance of not understanding why the overt results are the same, the repetition of the statistically insignificant tiny numbers, but the message doesn’t bring the rush it did when it was fresh and new.  Your real life circle of family and acquaintances still think you’re weird and at times just dead wrong about important stuff like getting a real job.  Your dog still needs to pee.  And you still have that shitty Ford Escort that you spend more money repairing than if you had bought a better car the first time.

Yes, I rely on repetition, too.  For the same reasons.  People are far less likely to go to the bottom of a list of blog posts than they are to look at the most recent content.  Some people out there are now primed to associate the word shitty with Ford Escort, an unfair negative association that my legal team tells me I’ll regret.  Repetition is that powerful.  The key is to recognize that overly repeated misinformation is still bad information.  You’ll never find the right way to do the wrong thing, it’s always wrong.  You’ll never find the right way to present misinformation, it’s still bad information.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Someone Has Found Out About Anagrams


A decode with anagrams is just plain lazy.  You’re not even trying.  The third and fourth lines are a lazy anagram on top of anagrams being lazy for decodes.  Of course the gematria matches, it’s the same frigging letters.  Move the H from the small common word and over to the front of the other small word.  And nobody talks like this now that Shakespeare stopped writing new decodes.

  As dioxin hid through the clouds of yonder, mine sweetest Juliet whose lips doth quench my bosom’s fire.  Behold, the dioxin has id!  ‘Twas nonce of regretted memories for the Bengals to upseteth the Browns with a late field goal kickery.

Then to prove the point that anagram gibberish is just fine, the 6th and 7th lines pull the same trick.

Whenever I do a counter decode to turn a bummer of a narrative into the opposite of what the original author intended, my go to is Phraseshopping with synonyms and antonyms.  It breaks the tedium and is kind of fun to create a long list of equally invalid evidence just to prove the point that you can make small numbers mean anything you want.  This lazy anagram gibberish gets dangerously close to exposing one of the simplest gematria debunks out there.  Basic grammar in compound sentences.

I should point out that the “everything is coded by the evil empire” content is nothing like it used to be.  And that’s because of the reason I said, it makes it way too obvious.  But it still crops up, and I imagine or dioxin fan from above has dabbled in it more than just here.  So, if you’re confronted with a rabid gematria fan in real life who won’t shut up about how all of gematria pervades our language, keep these tools in your anti-crank toolbox.

1). Two of your favorite nouns.
2). A simple setting for a quick story.
3). A conjunction 

Then combine these into your own mega HAARP anti gematria super weapon.

Cats are awesome, and dogs suck.
Dogs are awesome, and cats suck.

Tom is dead, but Beatrice is still alive.
Beatrice is dead, but Tom is still alive.

Anacondas are dangerous, while* garter snakes are safe.
Garter snakes are dangerous, while* anacondas are safe.

And being anagrams with just switching the nouns around they have matching gematria in all the base ciphers.  The only ones they don’t match in are when people use the oddball ciphers that fuck around with different values for capital letters.  Of course, if need be you can forego the conjunction and make two sentences instead of a single compound sentence and even that idea is foiled.

And unlike our dioxide fan who apparently hates titanium dioxide in sunscreens and pigments, these sentences sound like normal speech instead of making you look like a low functioning moron.

And it’s extremely important to emphasize that these rudimentary sentences are effectively antonyms.  They communicate opposite meanings.

Real anagrams are tough.  And real anagrams that sound and read normal are easier when they are longer.  Short anagrams with weird Scrabble letters like X are tough.  This person might be better off punching in random synonyms to force the right number than moving a single letter around.  Just until they build up enough self confidence to start making videos that Zach won’t say about how, “you’re making this work look bad.”  That’s his job, to make the work look bad by being wrong all the time about the unavoidable, inescapable fact that the whole gematria system can be used to make any number mean whatever your confirmation bias decides it should mean.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Know Your Grifter Marketing - Forced Paredolia


A lot of you right now are wondering why the number 6 has anything to do with Pareidolia.  Well let me tell you, because for gematria purposes this one 6 was forced to be three sixes because that’s evil and the 6 was on a can of Diet Coke and…wait.  What?  You’re saying what?  That’s not a 6?  It’s an upside down e?

Congratulations, for now you are still a normie.  But who knows when that can change.  We normies have to deal with internet grifters affecting people’s attitudes and actions out in the real world every day.  The problem with the video that contained this gem was it was loaded with Qanon style content.  Everything including the entire YouTube channel is evil this, evil that, the Antichrist is here.  And a heavy dose of “I’m being persecuted by YouTube by demonetizing my channel, so give me your money.”

A Fox News style channel where the target audience doesn’t give a damn about facts, just wants to put out clickbait for views and hope that somebody will fall for the message of the world ending tomorrow, so give me your money today.  Because that makes aaaaalllllll kinds of sense.

The cult leader here also threw in a nice little gem about Cheetos being evil because Kim Kardashians Cheetos bag has the symbolism of the sign of Baphomet.  And she’s wearing black and white, because she’s up to something not because she just happened to wear black and white.  All three of these specific examples are visual pareidolia.  Making something out of nothing, and making a big deal of something out of nothing.  The pareidolia isn’t just your own brain tricking you thinking that the pattern on that slice of toast resembles your dog - it’s forced by suggestion of the leader.  And the Emperor’s new clothes are so beautiful, nobody calls him out on it.  (He wasn’t wearing black and white at the time.)

The Diet Coke image was the standard 12 ounce can, with the lettering being sideways.  Twisting your neck to read it is awkward, so the doctrine of “close enough” applies.  If you don’t already know outright that an upside down e isn’t the same as a 6 or you’re just there for the owning the libs it’s easier to ignore the mistake.  No attaboy! for you by pointing it out.  Dump out enough Cheetos on the table and you can find a lot of different finger shapes.  You just need someone with a hidden agenda to nudge your brain along to exactly why that’s evil.  But that’s ok, your into arbitrary scapegoating of celebrities because you need an excuse to declare anybody is trans.  And not wearing clothes like the Emperor is the only real solution to the evil clothes problem.  Every color is evil, alone or in combination with any other color.

The people that believe these things are the same people that like, share, retweet every single meme that crosses their path.  They are the same people that freak out at fast food drive through window employees when the slightest thing goes wrong.  The same people that are more likely to be the person that causes your plane to turn around because of the onboard incident.  The same people that need years of evidence to combat the simplest of gematria concepts like every single number is evil.  It’s just that some cult leaders are better than others at forcing your making something out of nothing along.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Know Your Grifter Incoherent Story Telling - Crisis Actors

I have read a lot of what would be called nutty stuff.  And I can honestly say that I didn’t see this one coming and simultaneously not be surprised at all how people can hold opposing thoughts simultaneously.

One of the never ending quests of the internet grifter is to develop a narrative about a problem that is not a problem.  And choosing an arbitrary scapegoat as the figurehead of the problem is the key to the story.  It’s not just enough that all sports are rigged.  Every athlete that gets injured is a “Manchurian Candidate”.  A puppet of the evil empire. Born and bred to play professional sports, where leviathans with fitness training band good nutrition ram into each other all the time and actually do get hurt on a regular basis because of something called physics.  And naturally, in the sports world this means that all popular sports figures are arbitrary scapegoats for being targeted as faking an injury.  Just like nobody dies from being a 97 year old with declining health it was the Covid vaccine that killed them - every single sports injury is fake.  You also get to add to the incoherent stories and proclaim that every single sports injury is related to the vaccine.

The ultimate and most famous case of arbitrary crisis actor declarations is Sandy Hook families.  The same way that later Pizzagate content whipped up Edgar Welch - into arming himself and “investigating” a pizza parlor basement for human trafficking at a pizza parlor that didn’t even have a basement, Alex Jones target audience of people with zero critical thinking skills got the bright idea that the grieving families were not real.  They were simply actors, getting paid to pretend to grieve children who were not dead.

The concept of crisis actors has been around a long time now.  It’s a staple of conspiracy mentality.  And as with Pizzagate and Sandy Hook, the concept usually involves actors of some notoriety.  A face that was seen on TV such as a grieving parent of a dead child.  A game show contestant.  A victim of an earthquake or other disaster that had their photo taken by actual journalists.  Now we have homeless crisis actors.

Sure, they’ve been seen on TV, but interviewing actual homeless people isn’t spectacular news.  There’s a bunch of them.  You don’t need to have an actor portraying a homeless person with so many actual homeless people to pick and choose from.  It’s an actual problem instead of a fictitious narrative about Hillary Clinton sucking adrenochrome out of young children.

As near as I can tell this started after washed up actor Scott Baio announced his departure from California because of the actual homeless problem.  Ultimately, it doesn’t matter as long as there is a healthy sized crowd of people that don’t think before the type and press the like and share buttons.  Now in addition to the challenges of being actually homeless these not actually actors have the suspicion and unwanted attention of people that don’t believe in facts making arbitrary decisions about what happens to them.

An out of work actor walks into the office of the Cabal and begs for work since he’s so desperate, he’s been out of work so long that he’s lost his his home.

“Please, I haven’t eaten in days.”
“We’re looking for crisis actors for our next school shooting, ya got any skills?”
“Actually, I’m an actor and I live in my car because I don’t have a home.”
“Screw you, you’re an actor and homeless, we’re looking for people to play a role of being homeless.”
“But, but…”

The next time there is a mass shooting, which I suppose is today, that might not be an active shooter.  It may just be a crisis shooter.  Somebody who shoots people to give the illusion that there are people who shoot people.  

Monday, November 13, 2023

The Doomsday Clock

Actual Doomsday end of all life as we know it stuff in the conspiracy world is a curious mix.  There’s the “buy my useless shit now to be ready for the end” crowd.  Those same vitamin supplements that in the useless overdoses you spend now on “wellness” will keep you nutritionally good to go on your daily ration of dried meat.  And someone will certainly keep refining oil for that generator of yours to keep pumping out your electricity needs.  (The other option being dealing with zombies to steal dwindling hoards of preexisting supply - messy.)  And you just know there’s bound to be a veterinarian to take care of all your medical needs.  They couldn’t put that in movies if it wasn’t true.  And then there’s the fundies who seem downright eager for the end to be raptured away.  Their timeline on the beginning is all wrong, and their timeline of the end is always wrong, because the world was going to end every day for at least the past several thousand years.

Scientists, not to be outdone in the depressing end of the world news cycle put out their greatest ratings booster ever -
And now that the cat is out of the bag only gematria and gematria style thinking can save us.  Yes, that’s right.  Actual scientists, at least some of which have actual credentials have been trying to factor in sociological factors like disinformation and reaction to scarcity of resources to give everyone the fuzzy, warm feeling of realizing how screwed we are.

Before diving in to the reasons gematria is perfect for saving us, let’s look at the more realistic outcome of something like climate change.  We already know that putting off dealing with it has contributed to where we are today.  Maybe it’s not going to directly finish us off.  But the mind boggling astronomical cost - nobody wants to pay for it.  Whatever superpower(s) exist beyond the near future, in the midst of trying to keep their populace content will have to dispense with their precious super resources as part of that opiation.  A made up but real sounding word to describe a false sense of feeling everything is just hunky dory.  While Finding Dory in actuality is far more difficult.

For example, we here in the US think we are the bestest, while having a bad track record of not electing representatives that are the bestest.  Keep it up, and other governments may decide we’re too not fun to play with any more.  Stopping trade with the US won’t end the world.  But for at least some time, a lengthy time, it’s going to destroy a lot of 1%er 401k balances.

So, how is gematria the solution?  We will cover ignorance, changing the goalposts, always being wrong about everything, and more direct gematria solutions.

Ignorance is bliss.  And gematria grifters are perfect for ignoring the actual problem at hand.  Part of the grifter marketing is to whine about serious problems without providing a solution to the actual current problems.  The mark has money today, they have a mindset of not caring about not having that money anymore.  They are the crowd that needs to start a massive social media campaign regarding how the Doomsday Clock scientists are shills.  No doubt there are numbers proving the Jesuit connections.  Discrediting the Doomsday Clock, life goes on blissfully unaware.

Changing the goalposts involves gematria’s notoriously shady understanding of time.  Like predicting synchronicity.  That’s an oxymoron.  Somehow making lots of sports predictions with a 50%ish win rate and forcing synchronicity after the fact represents meaningful journalism.  A clock has numbers.  NUMBERS, PEOPLE!  NUMBERS!  Gematria is all about any numbers right down to random digits of pi and the % of FDA requirements in your breakfast cereal fortifying additives.  If you see a number in gematria you don’t like, change the damn thing!  Let’s look at what happens to the Doomsday Clock at 30 seconds.  In the four base ciphers that’s 140 in reverse on the Gematrinator calculator.  The biggest of the four values.  Now there is an unwritten rule of not changing 140 into a second time to get a bigger value, it makes the bullshit too obvious.  But you don’t get anyone stopping you from claiming that the unit is different.  That’s 140 YEARS!  We’ve got 140 years to fix this mess.  More time to give your money to a grifter.  Lots more time.

For engagement purposes, nothing is a substitute for being deliberately wrong about everything to whip up the clueless into a frenzy.  In theory, the gematria crowd being firmly in the disinformation camp, could start an easy campaign of just arbitrarily assigning a different number other than the actual Doomsday number.  Of course, they will never come to a consensus on a new number.  That hardly matters to them or everyone else.  The new number is wrong.  But the mere existence of a number means that it’s not zero.  And if somehow it were to drop to zero?  In gematria you drop zeroes!  It must be a number other than zero!  Saved!

Trying to get these guys motivated for something other than doom and gloom is tough, really tough.  Although with minimal practice you could turn words and phrases like DOOMSDAY, ARMAGEDDON and END OF GHE WORLD into messages of peace, love, tranquility, utopia and happiness we haven’t seen these tried yet.  Maybe one day someone will successfully predict their decode that they can get through the next day without acting like an irresponsible douchebag.  Thereby starting a new trend and maybe not be right 100% of the time, but each day of not being an irresponsible douchebag makes the world a better place, one day at a time.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

1st Amendment Auditing - Gematria Style Grifting But Live On Camera

Do some quick Google searches for phrases like “First Amendment Auditor Arrested”.  And don’t let your confirmation bias deny there is a two sided argument.

Yes, there are some bad police out there.  It’s a sad fact that over and over again some that have a badge and a gun prove that they really have no business being in that occupation.  The idea of a First Amendment Audit is to catch a government official in the act of denying your constitutional right to free speech.  Some police react badly to this.  Really badly.  Like excessive use of force that cities need to pay damages for legitimate harm to the auditor badly.

But take a step back before you decide to join the lucrative world of First Amendment auditing.  There’s some problems with the method that law enforcement over time has caught on to.  And with effective training, the desired reaction is avoided.

FAA’s invariably call themselves journalists, which they aren’t.  A journalist would seek out a story, not attempt to manufacture it.  The purpose of an FAA encounter is to provoke, record, and disseminate the video content to your YouTube channel.  There you can declare yourself right all the time, get enough arrogant and clueless folks who hate the police for good or bad reasons to donate to you.  And if you’re lucky also pick up enough subscribers to get a couple ad revenue bucks.

Gematria is very easy to spin the decode into whatever narrative you want.  And somehow, every gematria decode is supremely negative.  There is no honest search for truth, the evil empire idea is a foregone conclusion.  An FAA video is a foregone conclusion.  There’s no point to it if the audit passes.  They are prank phone calls with a live action twist.  Why bother a public official on the phone when you can harass them face to face?  And disrupt them enough to get police to arrive at the scene?

A common trick is to force the narrative at a place like a post office, or even the DMV.  When the FA auditor arrives he will do something like give a quick video clip of the poster 7 content to verify it is actually a real post office.  Meanwhile, we think more honest auditing would have the entire poster be presented fully before each video.  But that shows the official government rules on disturbances and things you can and can’t do on government property.

At a minimum there’s loitering as the auditor lingers around until sufficient provocation occurs to generate a reaction from employees and innocent bystanders and the police if they get called.  Like gematria forcing the evil numbers to appear, the setting is nudged to get an immediate emotional reaction from those that don’t understand that it’s all about the grift behind the maker of the video.

I’ve seen FAA videos that range from very believable they just might be legitimate from a misguided maker to ones that follow the standard format of harassment to achieve the desired reaction to one’s that are pretty clearly staged where an accomplice is playing the role of the innocent bystander.  The first one is rare.  The last is less rare, and always have innocent “postal customer takes offense to being recorded and magically mentions the First Amendment within his first three sentences” kinds of stupidity.  Although there’s some cojones involved (like Zach showing up live at OKC or New York for 911), you are going to want friendly fire instead of an actively pissed off opponent who would rather punch your lights out instead of waiting for the police.

And the badassery can pay off.  If you have die hard sovereign citizen personalities looking at similar content, you can get them to bail you out!  And you could even spend some time in the pokey, request donations for bail and…keep them!  Good luck finding a normal job after you find out that YouTube isn’t really that profitable for you.  There are cases of FAAs with multiple arrests on records.  This is more of the kind of thing a cult leader encourages his loyal followers to do than actually engages in himself too much.  Let the subjects take the rap for the death threats you incited.

The same way that there are scam baiting videos of hackers going after the robocalling, gift card loving scammers there are auditors of the auditors.  These can be a bit lazy, since the video content is uploaded by the FA auditor and just repurposed to support the anti FAA narrative.

The whole FAA thing is just another facet of the crowd of people that assume constitutional rights apply to themselves but not others.  That somehow their right to own a gun outweighs the right to others not having their kid shot a school.  That their free speech is more important than someone who just wants to go to the post office to buy a fucking stamp instead of waiting half an hour for the police to deal with the guy that knows the poster documenting he’s not allowed to loiter is in the lobby.  The crowd that WILL get vaccinated because they don’t have to show proof and can scam others by selling Ivermectin, because that’s the world we live in now.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Zeal Of The Convert

The Zeal Of the Convert applies to the gung ho attitude displayed by someone who embraces a new belief that opposes their previous beliefs.  Generally, to me this seems applicable to a complete 180 degree turn, something major like figuring out that you’d be better off as a Tibetan monk instead of an atheist.  Or vice versa, since it’s 180 degree turn around.  It’s life altering, a truly light bulb turning on moment that has long term staying power.

Social pressures are not so easy in real life.  In the extremely murky world of internet grifting personalities it’s difficult to assess whether a newly outed convert is being sincere.  Since I’ve been on a kick ranting about internet games, let’s start with a non internet game.

Starweb is a play by mail game where diplomacy was a real factor in success.  Not just some vague in game set up like trining a diplomat character for a boost to your nation’s status in the world, real messages between two human beings.  Coordinating alliance activities.  And backstabbing others for a boost to your score.  Paying for success was quite different than now.  Instead of stealing Dad’s credit card to buy a booster package (to be faster, not better) you could run up the phone bill.  That’s how old the game is.

Within the game is a character type called the Apostle.  Instead of ordinary population Apostles start with converts.  And converts make more converts on enemy planets just by being there.  That’s all they do, their function as representing real people, their entire existence is limited to making more converts or being eliminated for being converts and reconverted back to “normal”.  Both of which require an expenditure of in game resources.

This, of course is a ludicrous over the top example of rampant overzealous behavior.  But even more honorable things can have encouragement of overzealousness.  After Scrooge was visited by some ghosts he changed from stingy miser to the most pro Christmas of all pro Christmas folk.  A real life previously uncharitable CEO may take a step back from making more money than he can possibly spend after the tragedy of his small child’s cancer diagnosis and maybe start his company on joining the fundraisers for cancer research he just found out about.

Being overzealous is not necessarily a bad thing, if one still keeps a sense of what’s going on short term versus long term.  A respectable charity’s campaign coordinator will provide some paperwork, slide show presentations and some celebrity endorsements to encourage short term zeal.  Send you some return mail labels, try to sell some swag and keep poking for more.  And when the zeal fades will know that it’s time to move on.  An internet grifter is stuck with encouraging overzealousness without ever providing any quid pro quo other than not harassing you when you leave the fold.

Yesterday, Zach had a master class in live-streaming how to attack those who have had the fatigue set in on his cult methods.  The entire point was to encourage his biggest detractors to call in for a “debate”.  And one of them took the bait during the short time I popped in.  Zach was in full, well practiced Gish Gallop angry rant mode.  Every time the poor target tried to make a point he was interrupted.  New lies presented to distract and confuse.  (All the old lies, like picking every Super Bowl winner forever, waking up millions to his great work, etc…).  And just in general putting on a show for the current crop of overzealous converts.

Well, one of his detractors that has provided us with video clips of some of the worst of Hubbard was also encouraged to debate.  Hopefully he was paying attention to the claim of waking up millions just in one cycle of football season picks.

Zach has NEVER had a million converts, much less a million overzealous converts.  In fact, the internet grifter critics have noticed that the tops on his Patreon never tops out at more than something like 5000 zealous followers.  Being generous on the math since he said millions

5,000 / 2,000,000 = 0.25%.  

It’s pretty reasonable to assume that out of millions of truly totally awakened converts that more than a quarter of a percent would be present now.  Even with some dropping out over the years, they would still be out there converting others.  Internet chess cheaters aren’t actively recruiting other cheaters (at least not that they brag and whine about) and they’re still a couple of %.  My God, these overzealous converts suck at their job of recruiting more converts.  No wonder Zach has so much time to rant about his enemies that are supposedly fellow truth seekers.

And even the 3737 current patrons is dubious.  There’s no doubt there’s been some astroturfing in those numbers over the years.  Apparently Patreon cleans house once a month and deletes inactive, non paying accounts at the start of each month.  It’s been like clockwork.  Zach builds up about 5,000 followers, start of the month comes drops 20%.  Zach builds up to 5,000.  Drops 20%.  From who shows up actively in the comments of each video it looks like the overzealous followers tops out at the hundreds, at most.  Hopefully he’s paying for fake followers and it at least takes a portion of the scammed earnings right off the top of profits.

And speaking of these things.  This was the oddest month ever in the cyclical Patreon drop off.  The drop off occurred about a week late.  And he’s been stuck at 3737 for days on end now.  Hmmmmm.

At least the constantly interrupted would be debater did get one poke in before getting yelled at back into submission.  Zach rants are all for drama, all for the show of the few overzealous converts that actually were watching (255 at the time I was there).  Drama equals engagement, even if it’s being attacked.  Drama is the short term emotional reaction that bypasses the life long convert and gets you hooked on short term give me a football winner now!!!  How these overzealous converts are supposed to do a proper job of converting more when they can’t even be bothered to learn how to properly rant by joining the stream - ???  They would be better off being a bit of AI code in a play by mail game.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Internet Chess Cheating 6 - What The Future May Show

There certainly is a lot of fun in armchair self proclaimed expert analysis.  At least mine is backed up by decades of hands on experience, and having events of some major issues unfold coinciding with what I predicted.  It’s been forty years now since I foresaw disinformation and misinformation being a huge problem with the massive amount of money involved in fossil fuels.  I foresaw the stagnation of Covid vaccination well before the threshold to achieve something close to the herd being at a level to keep the damage to a minimum.  I foresaw the eventual public awareness of governments waking up to the rampant fraud in internet poker, most of which was the sites themselves and not random strangers finding a way to successfully cheat.

People that don’t understand the scientific method might not get the idea of basing predictions on what happened in the past in this respect - time.  Boil water —> water gets hotter —> heat makes stuff dissolve in water.  That’s easy since one’s patience needs only be in place for the seconds or minutes it takes for the water to boil.  Psychological and social related issues take much longer to percolate.  The satisfaction of being right about major topics is outweighed by the lag time until the population in general wakes up.

Based on what I’ve seen I find it easy to make some educated guesses about the future of internet chess and cheating.  And these will take years to unfold.  But here we go.

Internet culture had invaded stand alone pc games.  A popular game would also contain a play by internet option, and some games were designed to be solely internet play.  Buying a new game would open you up to constant emails or pop ups suggesting similar games.  That stand alone pc game may play out oddly, where “smart play” is punished to slow down the competent player.  Poor play was rewarded to try and keep interest in making a big comeback.  When these expectations are transferred to an arena of alleged all real human players the poor player has a sense of being smarter than they are.  The good player is frustrated and moves on.  They are not the target audience.  They are not the type to mindlessly click on every suggestion of a new game.

Long ago, scammy games figured out how to make an AI position more realistic by being at least at times deliberately incompetent.  A sense of kinship by not being the dumbest knob on the block.  These could just chug along modestly growing until needed, when an actual human could pop in to take control and present themselves as a real human position that had been at it for ages.  Bridging the gap between full blown bots and full blown humans.  Helping if needed to pump the egos of the lesser minds.  Punishing if necessary to slow down people too good for the surrounding competition.  All the while using whatever tricks and resources available to get an in game play option to spend real money for an upgrade.  An upgrade that makes you faster, not better.

The difference with poker, there’s no illusory end that you are seeking to be faster at.  There’s a definite goal of winning as many hands as possible.  Definite losers among the winners.  Strangely, AI does not mind losing money it does not have.  And the resulting game play became way too obvious that something funny was going on.  Going all in every hand was by far the most common tactic.  And it absolutely does not work in real life.  Just like conspiracy grifting, the goal here is to admit that it’s not going to succeed long term and focus on what can be sucked out TODAY.  Stretched into weeks or maybe months.  This kind of psychological warfare wormed its way into other real life/internet aided scams.  Like a job placement industry that has spam emails for bogus jobs and real humans that think they’re helping people get a job, but the actual placement is more the strength of the candidate and not the job finding guru.

Now the meat of the talk about the chess itself. 

Chess has the reputation of being, well, the king of games.  The demonstration of intellect.  The smarter person wins.  There’s already something going on now with the only question being exactly how prevalent it is.  The top chess computer, Stockfish, has an option for levels of play.  The idea is that you’re outmatched at the higher levels, play a lower level for a chance.  You can run Stockfish analysis simultaneously while playing moves and see that it KNOWS a better move than it plays.  It’s programmed to be deliberately incompetent at low levels.  The world champion’s app lets you play Magnus Carlsen at different ages.  You just might be able to beat Magnus aged 10.  Forget about it at age 21.  Although you’re playing aged 10, it KNOWS it’s not playing the best moves.  

A super common tactic in chess cheating is that instead of running the top computer suggestion for a full game is for the less than spectacular player to occasionally put out something else to make it less obvious.  The sites know about this, and only catch it by human intervention in post game analysis.  Just like YouTube not having the time or desire to deal with a gematria video including blatant death threats, this doesn’t do much good for the person that was cheated at the time.  Sure, you can complain about it and the ratings will get adjusted, the cheater may get banned.  But there’s no effective pre game mechanism to stop it before it happens.  And the sites are struggling to keep up with the complaints.  Just like Twitter pretending it cares about bots when even now you can find porn bots easily.  And the banned cheater will simply create a new account and try to cheat better tue next time.

For the, “Oh, nobody is dumb enough to fall for that” crowd - here’s my vision.  Creation of sites that have mostly bots and a constant stream of advertisements for shitty merchandise.  Dubious value books.  Maybe fancy chess sets that Amazon “forgot to deliver”.  Tournaments with big prize offerings that are won by an AI position.  That post game analysis shows didn’t play perfect - just good enough to keep a real human from getting any significant prize money.  And yes, sales offers of a “foolproof cheating app” so you too can cheat like the pro cheaters.  These are all things that go on in internet grifting now.  There’s no reason to expect anything different just because it’s chess.

The accusatory atmosphere of OTB chess will get worse and worse.  Fueled by misinformation on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube we will see more talk about cheating than compliments of how great any particular grandmaster is.  Hundreds of years ago a talented chess player was admired for smarts.  In the misinformation age the actual expert is treated like Fauci with vaccines - the subject of ridicule.  We’re already seeing the interrupting conversations tactic.  Out of the blue in the middle of a chess discussion somebody will throw in a racist remark.  Celebrity chess players starting to weigh in on the merits of genocide and not taxing rich people or climate change being a hoax.  Hell yeah.  I can’t wait for Niemann’s take on mask mandates.  His opinion should be taken with knowledge of his dubious past and not being an expert on vaccines.  But it’s more likely he’ll be on Joe Rogan talking about this instead of world chess champion.  That’s the way the internet works these days.

I’ve never had the better time to mention the end of the movie Wargames than now.  After nuclear Armageddon is narrowly avoided by AI run amok,

“How about a nice game of chess?”

Big Tech, Big Oil, Big Pharma, all the other Bigs.  Cheating to get ahead is just fine as long as it makes money today for those that do a better job on capitalizing on the loopholes.  Internet chess is about to get punished for trying to have a soul, or rich for pretending to have a soul.  Until our education system formalizes something about grifting on the internet these misinformation issues will invade not just chess but any other new, hot topic.  As long as education is throwing a smartphone in front of the child and they are left on their own with no guidance, and that’s called parenting, they will find misinformation.