Thursday, November 16, 2023

Know Your Grifter Marketing - Forced Paredolia


A lot of you right now are wondering why the number 6 has anything to do with Pareidolia.  Well let me tell you, because for gematria purposes this one 6 was forced to be three sixes because that’s evil and the 6 was on a can of Diet Coke and…wait.  What?  You’re saying what?  That’s not a 6?  It’s an upside down e?

Congratulations, for now you are still a normie.  But who knows when that can change.  We normies have to deal with internet grifters affecting people’s attitudes and actions out in the real world every day.  The problem with the video that contained this gem was it was loaded with Qanon style content.  Everything including the entire YouTube channel is evil this, evil that, the Antichrist is here.  And a heavy dose of “I’m being persecuted by YouTube by demonetizing my channel, so give me your money.”

A Fox News style channel where the target audience doesn’t give a damn about facts, just wants to put out clickbait for views and hope that somebody will fall for the message of the world ending tomorrow, so give me your money today.  Because that makes aaaaalllllll kinds of sense.

The cult leader here also threw in a nice little gem about Cheetos being evil because Kim Kardashians Cheetos bag has the symbolism of the sign of Baphomet.  And she’s wearing black and white, because she’s up to something not because she just happened to wear black and white.  All three of these specific examples are visual pareidolia.  Making something out of nothing, and making a big deal of something out of nothing.  The pareidolia isn’t just your own brain tricking you thinking that the pattern on that slice of toast resembles your dog - it’s forced by suggestion of the leader.  And the Emperor’s new clothes are so beautiful, nobody calls him out on it.  (He wasn’t wearing black and white at the time.)

The Diet Coke image was the standard 12 ounce can, with the lettering being sideways.  Twisting your neck to read it is awkward, so the doctrine of “close enough” applies.  If you don’t already know outright that an upside down e isn’t the same as a 6 or you’re just there for the owning the libs it’s easier to ignore the mistake.  No attaboy! for you by pointing it out.  Dump out enough Cheetos on the table and you can find a lot of different finger shapes.  You just need someone with a hidden agenda to nudge your brain along to exactly why that’s evil.  But that’s ok, your into arbitrary scapegoating of celebrities because you need an excuse to declare anybody is trans.  And not wearing clothes like the Emperor is the only real solution to the evil clothes problem.  Every color is evil, alone or in combination with any other color.

The people that believe these things are the same people that like, share, retweet every single meme that crosses their path.  They are the same people that freak out at fast food drive through window employees when the slightest thing goes wrong.  The same people that are more likely to be the person that causes your plane to turn around because of the onboard incident.  The same people that need years of evidence to combat the simplest of gematria concepts like every single number is evil.  It’s just that some cult leaders are better than others at forcing your making something out of nothing along.

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