Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why Is That The Hoax Code?

If there’s a barbecue with a particularly aggressive horsefly, a picnic with some ants or any annoying insect someone is bound to mention that the offending bug should be dealt with in a manner that ultimately leads to the demise of the evildoers.  And chances are that there’s someone who knows that ants and flies aren’t really bugs and feels the need to mention, “All bugs are insects, not all insects are bugs!!” As if expecting to be rewarded for that high quality information when everyone knows what was meant and providing the information does nothing to resolve the annoying horsefly/ant problem.  I used to be guilty of this until I realized I was wasting my time with the information and it was a lot easier to just squash and spray and move on with life.

I could apply the same philosophy to 33 (and 13 and 3) being the HOAX code(s), but as I am the annoying insect with a bug up my ass, or bug with an insect up my ass, and since they’ve elevated these numbers to life and death (go free or get squished) status my team and I ran the data through our Calculatrix 3000 and it spat out the reply.

33 as the primary HOAX code makes no fucking sense.

Of all the available numbers directly attributed to HOAX, 33 is not one of them.  One would tend to think that an evil empire that takes unholy delight in flaunting 113 means mainstream dishonesty would be a tad more forthcoming about something as important as HOAX being 33 or not.

A not in depth review from memory tells me that FALSE FLAG=33 and I can’t think of another.  All false flags are hoaxes, but not all hoaxes are false flags.  So if you want to claim  that the death of a celebrity is proven by the False Flag code of 33 it sounds silly.  MASONRY=33 doesn’t help much for renaming the 33 code.  That’s a solar eclipse ritual, see the Masonry code buried in the story!  Pffft.

Now look at the list of 113s.  Not a single reduction mentioned.  And based on math and average word length 113 is right around the useful range for a little longer than average word or a short two word phrase.  FALSE FLAG and MASONRY are reductions.  HOAX is just a tiny little four letter word.  So a completely arbitrary decision with no historical precedent has been made to declare 33 to be the HOAX code, because 48 and 60 are just too hard to match.  It’s a dead zone between low values basic ordinal elisions and high valued reduction elisions.

But of course it gets worse.  Under the operating standard of making things more ridiculous now 3 and 13 are also HOAX codes while they also  aren’t directly attributed to the word HOAX.  There’s not even a prime number escape hatch since 48 and 60 aren’t prime.  The Language Of Gematria Committee really screwed up big time on this one without having a really good word for HOAX to go with a 33 code.

Couldn’t you think of a better name?  Just declare 33 to be the master hoax code without any explanation?  You guys are REALLY good at arbitrary things without explanation.  That’s what you’re doing now, I mean make it official like have a summit meeting and start putting that in the intro videos and web page descriptions.  First line.  Gematria- the practice of declaring 33 to be a hoax just because I said so.  Get used to it because we do stuff like this all the time.

I’m feeling in a generous mood and I did a bit of work on my own.  There aren’t really good options for a word that equals 33 in simple or reverse not reduced.  Though I must say that I’m partial to the BANANA=33 code because declaring 33 to be a hoax seems fruity.  (PEACH=33, too).  Completely by accident WEEBLE works out.  WEE=33.  B AND L=33.  The Weeble code.  Which also leads to some nice “that reminds me of...” descriptions for your system, WEE WEE and We bull(shit).

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