Thursday, December 14, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Ritalin

RITALIN = 83, MIND =83

That's cool.

Oh, I forgot to mention in my recap yesterday of the big boxing match, that the Kelvinator turned a miss into a hit by PhraseShopping, STEPHEN BROWN & HAILEY DANDURAND = 2197 into a match by using the ampersand instead of the news headline WHICH HE SHOWED having the word AND as well as Hailey's middle name of KAI. Kind of prophetic that 2197 also fits will with my victory prediction of VENI VIDI VICI = 2197. It looks like Team A.H. has thrown in the towel. Interesting, too that one of the last Tweets from Team A.H. mentioned brain function. Also, GEMATRINATOR=183, PROPHETIC NUMBER = 183.

We have another personal story from Hubbard. This time, I think we're supposed to admire his nobility for helping the woman involved in the fender bender with him avoid getting a DUI arrest in front of her child. I, on the other hand, wonder about the welfare of the child being put into the situation of being a passenger with someone who should not be driving. Well that's on his conscie....oh. Never mind, he doesn't have one.

I began to wonder what limits, if any, there are on someone's personal experiences when affected by controlled substances or lack of needed medication. And I also saw that both he and Dan did a bit about the Jewish guys at Marcus Peter's flag throwing incident where as I would have said they were wearing YARMULKES, Hubbard choose YAMAKAS and Dan chose YAMIKAS. Both which are based on phonetic pronunciation instead of the actual original spelling. Does audible stimulus count? Then what about taste? Like if emu really tastes like beef jerky or maybe someone else personally thinks it tastes like elk? Both have three letters and start with E. EMUlating the taste of Elk?

I've never seen an emu. Or an elk. I have seen a brown recluse spider. We kept it as a pet in the entomology department. It's web was at the bottom of the jar. The flies we fed it would get stuck and it would just kind of drop down on the fly to bite and kill it. I wonder how that rates with Australian spiders for dangerousness. BROWN RECLUSE =155, PHOSPHORUS =155. Both dangerous.

I forget to mention that I would have expected Hubbard to use YAMIKA, not Dan. It's an anagram of Yakima. In Washington State where he lives.

BROWN RECLUSE =169. CLEVELAND BROWNS = 169, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS = 169, DETROIT TIGERS = 169? Poisonous spider bite tribute for the Super Bowl? Detroit Lions? Lions vs. Christians? We will see.

I wonder if Hubbard missed the Yakima anagram because he had been smoking weed? MARIJUANA = 155, ANAGRAM = 55. Probably nothing, but hmmmmmm.

Ritalin is used for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Hyper. Like hyper intelligent alien Santa Claus boogers. What would have happened if Brown and Dandurand had been taking Ritalin instead of illegal drugs?

Did you know that Hawaiian and Attu Island are in the same time zone? It's even called the Hawaiin-Aleutian time zone. Wonder of Wonders. Turtles everywhere rejoice.

Oh, did you see that Brown is the guy's name? Like Brown recluse? And he's a killer?


So, what if somebody's brain is so disjointed,and their thoughts bounce all over the place, they can't avoid getting easily distracted? Does that invalidate their personal experience?

My dog just kicked me. Not really, more like stretched out while getting more comfortable. I was in the way.

By the way, the neo nazi story, really is about Bob. It might not be his real name, but that's what the story reported. You can Google it.

And remember what I said about coincidences. If personal stories count and they aren't freemason involved who decided that your story is more real than my story?

I just remembered that I saw something about Hawaii while researching population density. The smallest population center recognized by the census is Manele, population 29. Kind of reminds me of misspelling Manila/Manilla.

PAINT = 60, HAILEY = 60 both in simple.

Some people are really smart and their brain doesn't function what ordinary people would consider to be normal. They might know the trigonometry expression for the tangent of Pi is TAN(PI), an anagram of paint.

SAVANT=77, CHRIST =77. Paint could be another clue for the Super Bowl. Or maybe HUFFING PAINT THINNER = 111.

My previous dog found a brown recluse in the kitchen. Fortunately I got him away from it before he did something stupid.

What if Brown and Dandurand where huffing paint thinner?

Other than not being taken seriously by putting out a blog post that makes you like an idiot can you say that one person's experiences and genetics and nurturing make their gematria more or less meaningful? I suspect that now that I'm out of my ADHD mode that I can just say, I sense a lamprey refutation here. You'll never be able to draw that line in the sand. Go ahead and throw in some freemason catch phrases in there and most people will still react: Yeah. Right.

My spider stories are true. But like most gematria personal stories, difficult to prove. My entomology professors are probably all dead. My graduating class small and I have no idea where these people are anymore. The kitchen spider, squished without a photo. You just have to take my word for it.

Just like the evidence for gematria being, "This was freemasons, because 33. And if I don't find an immediate 33, I'll MAKE ONE."

And my dog really did kick me. Thank Attu he's not as big as an elk.

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