Saturday, December 31, 2016

Latest Insanity From the Mindless Freaks Blog

So Nad keeps picking on football. It's a wellspring of numbers that prove that every conspiracy, every problem in the world, every fabric of the cosmos is found in football games.

Bad often mentions how he feels that some higher power is guiding him to recognize these numbers that surely can't be a coincidence. He is the numerological messiah. Note that messiah contains the word mess.

I ca give some latitude to conspiracy in regards to something like the JFK assassination. Public figure with some importance on the world stage. Also it makes the opportunity to point out that latitude has the same letters as altitude and I get the chance to refer to height and call Nad a mental midget.

But Jeopardy? Football? The cosmic entity that would hide the secrets of the universe in television or a sporting event is either seriously deranged or someone I want to party with. Or both.

Now it's not sufficient to just throw out random numbers. The two most recent Nad posts have a direct contradiction. Go ahead and update your blog Naddy Boy. I already have the screenshots.

December 29th and December 30th Mindless Freaks posts have different numbers for DOLPHINS. I could understand forgetting shit you made up from years, months or even weeks before. But one fucking day? You have got to be kidding. No self respecting charlatan would expect the flock he intends to fleece to have such a limited memory. Lets also tack on a couple of minor unchecked facts. Nebraska quarterback Turner Gill is quoted as being named Gill Turner. The Cornhuskers' are quoted as winning the national championship in 1984. (It was 1983. And minor credit to Nad - this was posted by one of his friends in a comment.). And we'll also add that August 31st is well known as the 243rd day of the year. Cosmic entities veiling conspiracies don't honor leap years. All together this just adds to the jack I credibility of the original author. To paraphrase one of my quotes about statistics and probability- Nad's credibility is somewhere between zero and zero. And zero doesn't count.

All of my friends, both of them, have asked me what I get out of busting on this. One reason is that the original blog entertains me. Not for the reason intended. It's a train wreck careening out of control. It is dangerous for the casual reader. The guy who runs our mail room read the words and had to go home early with a migraine. My office assistant thought she would do me a favor and recorded about four paragraphs onto her Dictaphone and ended up in the ICU for several days. But if you build up a tolerance over a long period of time, like me you can uncover all the insanity that's in there.

Less selfish is that part of the way I'm wired is that I hate fraud. One of my friends (I do have mo re than two, that was self deprecating humor previously) who will go nameless(see note below) said something. "I sure hope I don't do anything that makes you mad at me.". The last straw was when I found out that Nad has a book to sell. Which makes him no more than a two bit con artist. If you want to throw your money away I recommend getting involved in a Nigerian 419 scam. It will fulfill your burning need for something with a number in it and you can lose a lot of money quicker.

If I can stop just one person from buying this book then I have had some positive impact on the world.

Note: My nameless friend is Diane. I don't use her name since you can spell IE DAN with the letters in Diane.


Update: December 31st post on Mindless Freaks is up. Why am I not surprised that more football numbers are presented?

Friday, December 30, 2016

Wordology, Conspiracies, the Mindless Freaks Blog and... FOOTBALL!

Me and my crack team love football! This stuff from the Mindless Freaks blog on the 29th has got to be good. It sure is. It has taught me a few things I never knew before.

1). Football players wear numbers on their jerseys.
2). Football players have birthdates.
3). Football teams have a win-loss record.

Once I got over these cosmic, earth shattering revelations I settled into some of the more meaningful artificial creation of numbers in this faux numerology.

One example, direct from the source post. DOLPHINS = 97.
But numerology is so deep that MIAMI DOLPHINS = 142.

My how lucky that these rules let you find so many different numbers for basically the same thing! I'm sure more numbers can be created from these starting blocks. Maybe 45 would be good. The difference between 97 and 142. Or maybe 1729. I'm sure it can be manufactured somehow. And it is my favorite number. (Really!). Would be nice to see it get the press coverage it deserves. Nad is big on 51(Area 51) and 911. 1729 is far more interesting.

After extensive research we have found again that it is the words in football that show us the truth. And in the case it's all about money and the financial crisis. Please note. If you were not aware of this - NFL games were played during the financial crisis!!!

There are positions named the quarterback, nickleback and dimeback.
There is a nose tackle. Nose=knows. Who knows what the Gnomes of Zürich (Zürich =bankers) and other illuminati were doing during this.
Right guard=deodorant. Something smelled rotten here.
Goal post. The big banks posted their goals for profits by selling toxic deriviatuve securities.
Offensive coordinator. The organizers of the various schemes were extremely offensive.
Face mask=CAFE SKAM. Obviously the fraud involves the manufacture of coffee. The Colombian drug cartels were surely involved.
Field goal. Field=feeled=felt. Felt is a type if paper. Money is printed on paper. That was the goal -to print more money.
Cleveland Browns. Well, we're still researching this. But there must be something here. The financial crisis and the Browns both suck big time.
Dan Marino=merino=sheep. Rather than face prosecution some of the perpetrators of the financial crisis went on the lam=lamb.
Super Bowl=P RUSE WOBL. Participants in the ruse tried to wobble or wiggle their way out after they got caught.

Just some examples to get you started. Think about it the next time you are about to pay hundreds of dollars for a ticket in the upper level near the end zone.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Peter Popoff

Special bonus post. Here at Mindless Freeks adore the huge supply of source material at the Mindkess Freaks blog. But we are an EOA. Equal Opportunity Annoyer. There are other jackwipes that have, well, pooped up. And bow howdy Peter popped up in style.

I was messing around on the Net and didn't dual switch sea fast enough from Peter Popoff's infomercial. This televangedouche (real word) offers the miracle of
excuse me...
stop, this hurts...
spiritual debt forgiveness.

Wow. God is getting really specific these days. Obviously letting someone win the lottery is too hard. Or finding a sack of money too fantastic to be believed. But if you pray for it the IRS will cancel your unpaid taxes. Or the mortgage company CEO will be visited by three ghosts and grow a heart and tear up your mortgage.

You see, God is too busy answering athlete prayers for scoring fame winning points to just go about giving money away willy nilly. You have to prove your serious by asking specifically for debt forgiveness. And of course buy Peter's book.

Don't mind the fact that Peyer has some fraud and bankruptcy issues to deal with. Let's look at the Wordology.

Peter - WAY too easy. 'Nuff said.
Popoff= Fop Fop. A doubly bad fop.
Debt contains BED. Time to put this scam to rest.
Forgiveness derived from fork, give and Ness.
Fork your money or give this guy money if you believe he's credible. But he's as credible as the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. Also note that there is an Elliot Ness/Al Capone/ tax evasion tie in.

Wordology 101, Some Of The Basics

I would be remiss if I did not splain(real word) some of the basics of Wordology. I am the leading authority on the subject. So me and my crack team of Wordologists, me and the dog, have decided to use an example comparing something from Nad's Mindless Freaks blog as a starting point. First of all, want to point out that my dog's name is Bertie. Really. I'm not making this up. Now rearrange the letters of BERTIE and you get ETRIBE. Proves that he is part of the electronic tribe of Wordologists.

Recently Mindless Freaks had an example of various predestined things proven by numbers in football. That is worth an entire post and I promise (or threaten, if you prefer) to devote an entire post to football. But this is clearly beyond the scope of the basics I offer here.

Dan, er...I mean fond of using dates in his number "proofs." To the extent that the calendar year is often part of the so called calculation. 2016 in that scheme has a near infinite variety of numbers you can throw out there to create a number to suit yourself. You can get 36 by adding 20+16. 9 by adding 2+0+1+6. 2x16=32. 2x0x1x6=0. 16/2=8. And on and on it goes. Forget for a minute that any number can be created to fit your scenario in this manner. Wordology proves it is the words that really matter.

The year is two thousand sixteen.
Two=Too. There are too many numbers available in Nad's numerology.
Thousand=Thou Sand. Thou as in your. Sand as in the Sandman. Your dreaming if you think these numbers prove anything.
Sixteen=Sick Teen. Pre-adolescent illness prevented his brain from developing properly.

My crack team has spent some extra time reading the ingredients of food in my kitchen cabinets and unearthed that the secret is in words related to foods and dates. If you are new to this I will try to minimize my condescension. Frankly, I'm surprised I have to explain this. It's fairly obvious.

The moment that I tied in food and dates was reading the back of pasta boxes. After cooking you strain pasta in a colander. Colander =calendar. Looking at the calendar I see that this is December. Consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel followed by "mber". This is the sane pattern as Cucumber. You can pickle cucumbers. Pickle = Pick L. A clear sign that we are to pick calendar months that gave the letter L. Which are April and July. Note that April, July and December all relate to the growing season. April starts, July is at the peak. December is winter and the growing season is over. (Results can be duplicated in the Southern Hemisphere by watering plants with water that was flushed by toilets in the Northern Hemisphere).

April+July= two months. Add one since the word calendar has an L, result is three. Three=tree. Trees grow-see how this works? It's all in the words. Everything points towards plants. Not numbers.
In conclusion. Plants grow in pots. You must be on drugs to believe this stuff. Which makes me a crackpot. Remember. From the start I admit that this is parody.  So who is the real crackpot?

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Why Words, Not Numerology, Prove the Real Story of Cindy Stowell

After much research which involved copious amounts of diet Mountain Dew scanning through the quatrains of Nostradamus, the Rosetta Stone, the Encyclopedia Britannica and archived copies if the quarterly Borough newsletter it us obvious that Dan Behrendt of the Mindless Freaks blog and Youtube Channel is just dead wrong.

Cindy Stowell, Jeopardy! champion realm dud die from cancer. The proof is in the almighty source of Wordology. Numbers are meaningless. Now I've been trolled a lot about this and I'm surprised I have to explain it. Just watch the video I previously mentioned about learning the alphabet and it will all become clear.

Cindy Stowell died from colon cancer. The proof is in the name. Cindy can be rearranged to spell DINCY. (first PAL- see intro post) Obviously a reference to the yuppie term DINK, double income no kids. This is a reference to using her Jeopardy winnings as a second source of income to make money for cancer research. Stowell can be broken into Sto, a reference to stomach, and well. Her stomach was fine. It was another part of her digestive tract that was the problem.

She won six times. This is obviously meant to be taken as "sicks" times.

The last episode she was on and lost, she answered her last question on Final Jeopardy. I trust the finality of death is apparent.

Cindy was 41 years old. Forty-one. Or "For tea, one."- when going out for dinner she was the only one who drank tea. Everyone else drank coffee or soda (PAL).

Cindy had a car. Car backwards is RAC. Race car. Cindy was in a race against time against impending death. Notice that cancer is includes the letters of race in it.

Cindy answered a number of questions correctly while on pain medication. Number as in a numeral. Number as in something making you numb.

There are many, many more Wordology examples and we don't have the time to list all if them. So now let's turn our attention to the author of the "it's a fake" blog and video. Dan Behrendt.

Dan backwards is nad, short for gonad. Behrendt = Bare End.
A clear reference to Dan being a dick and an ass.

Numerology - Take off the -ology ending= NUMER. N,M,R and two vowels. The same as in the word moron. Clearly refers to anyone that believes in numerology is a moron.

Mindless Freaks- Mindless includes the letters that spell DENIM. Freaks includes SKARF. Obviously Dan was choked by a denim scarf and deprived of oxygen for a long enough time that he suffered brain damage.


First real post epilogue. I wanted to take more time to mention my "cop out" comment in the Intro. The weakness of the numerology angle Dan uses is that its so wide open you can find any number you want in anything to support whatever bullshit theory you want to propose. This us akin to a psychic cold reading using what is called the Shotgun Approach. Or, throw enough shit against the wall and something will stick. I'm nit even sure that Dan's numerology is real or his own invention, so bizarre that other numerologists dismiss it. Doesn't matter. Either way it's all bullshit.

Had to end this with an epilogue. I wanted it to stick with you. Notice, the letters in GLUE can be found in EPILOGUE.