Wednesday, October 16, 2024

When Your Gematria Leader Puts On Cologne

As I started collecting background info I thought, wow, I wonder if this qualifies as legitimate predictive programming.  And by golly it does.  There’s a Simpson’s episode where Bart buys Marge a huge bottle of French Perfume which inspired actual real life Simpsons cologne and perfume.  And it’s the episode where she considers CHEATING on Homer with her bowling instructor.  So if it’s in The Simpsons it must be true.

The beauty of gematria, the ability to link the most mind numbingly stupid connections every day and claim it as secret knowledge.

But I really was just going for the Cologne Germany play on words.  While U.S. ultra right wing conservative business leaders were busy not learning math, English, science, civics or much of fucking anything actually useful in school they also were busy failing history.  The old “doomed to repeat it” phrase.  And it’s extremely odd that the U.S. that once embraced stopping a fascist dictator from taking other people’s stuff in WWII is now thinking that maybe a return to the good old days of war would be fun and let’s play the bad guy this time!  Playing Cowboys and Indians is just not fun for kids anymore.  Trying to make a quick synopsis let’s say that war is messy and expensive and doing stupid things today may become super expensive in the future.  Like the cost of combatting climate change super expensive.

The actual historical reference is the bombing of Cologne.,was%20not%20easy%20to%20achieve.

And despite the public relations aspect of, “We’re the good guys, we don’t kill civilians” the raid was green lit and organized and with a lot of luck went off pretty well.  Morale was low, and the idea of showing a display of force so overwhelming that people could forget their war time misery long enough to keep on keeping on with the war effort.  Several weeks ago I saw a video on YouTube about this which was presented by a military history channel.  The head honcho organizing got to use that biblical phrase from Hosea about sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.  Translation for gematria clowns with limited intellect, “Fuck you.  Two can play that game.” Hard to believe isn’t it, that actual historical knowledge is available on the Internet instead of just losing money on sports picks.

Segue complete and on to chapter two, which has pictures!  That will keep the gematria clowns distracted long enough to forget about not being able to read in their quest to become the next ultra conservative business leader.

Previously I shared the episode of The Mentalist where Patrick buys horse bet slips for every trifecta combination to con the target into providing info crucial to the case.  This is the exact same thing.

Only about a third of the way through the season and the Patreon subs are already low in confidence.  As morale sags, Zach or a flunky decided to play the carpet bombing Cologne card and bet all kinds of ridiculous parlays to be able to brag about one high odds winner.  And neglected to crop off the part that shows it was the $1 minimum wager.  Oopsie.  And membrainSz shows knowledge of actual gambling terminology and knowledge.  Betting like this is guaranteed a net loss every single time because of the vigorish.

Ultra right wing pseudo economists don’t care about the carpet bombing of civilians.  And how low income people get desperate and turn to risk to try and catch up on finances.  All the policies that keep the wealthy in power, not being taxed as they should and corporate loopholes and the drive for profits today over scraping along to survive tomorrow for others is not their problem.  In some areas of the U.S. if you don’t toe the line, wear a suit and tie and be a good Christian Nationalist Republican you have somewhere around a zero % chance of getting a high paying corporate job.

People desperate enough to gamble on sports picks with gematria can’t afford insurance, not that this would have done them any good anyway for the recent hurricanes.  A little higher up the food chain there’s using gematria and other bad ideas to get interested in bitcoin and other crypto.  And as for the top of the chain, well Zach is famous for not actually using his own system for placing bets himself and has been for…forever.  Membrains also had a reply to Zach talking about how he’d really just like to see some correct predictions instead of just whining about how the subscriber count is down in every video.  Hopefully he’s close to the stage where realizing that the sports pick thing not working out also means that all the other hateful and bigoted content is also bullshit.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The National Fixed League

Our often used starting point today, the gematria equivalent of why psychic’s can’t use their powers to win the lottery or even get any vision of anything right.

If gematria worked, Zach and the copycat wallet killers would simply do the gematria decodes, make a bundle and have no need to sell picks on a paywall blocked Patreon page.

There is a sort of opposite to this.  And that lies within the overused gematria sports decoder phrase, The National Fixed League.  There are some people, you can call them normies, or sane people, or ordinary people, who can actually watch a ball game on TV or even fork over the high ticket price to watch a game live and in person and just relax and watch the game.  And get this, they probably have a team they’re rooting for and can accept when then favorite team goes down in defeat.

But psychologically, sane people don’t do well in a gematria setting.  If you want to force feed somebody a constant narrative of the world and not just football is rigged against them, these people need a constant supply of cheating.  Seriously, if you want an actual armed insurrection to occur based on stolen election lies do you want someone who can shake hands like a gentleman and walk away after a loss or someone that thinks there are magnets in footballs?

That’s right, the undying cheating with magnets narrative is back.  And even the gematria gurus who don’t do sports regularly have used it.  The Gematrinator has or at least had an old post about magnets in golf balls.  But of course it’s mostly Zach that will put the line about the NFL being rigged, call it the National Fixed League, then just let some clueless newbie put in the comment about magnets in for trying to score Attaboy!TM points.  Or relegate the magnets to a sock puppet.

It’s safe to assume that a lot of people don’t understand electromagnetism and how something like induction cooktops work.  And it’s thoroughly pointless to try to educate someone who is listening to a magnets in sports scammers rhetoric.  And trying to educate people about that misses the point of why it’s even brought up.  It’s about the cheating and not the mechanics of how and when it’s used.  It’s grooming the uninitiated into a world of gaslighting and a steady diet of lies just in case they want to take their losing on sports bets to the next level.  Like getting boozed up and punching someone in the parking lot after the game, the sports equivalent of road rage.  I know everything about everything, I was cheated so here’s a boot to the head, charlatan!

Now I promised the opposite of just using your magic powers to pick winners.  Let’s assume you’re right and the NFL is using magnets in footballs to fix the games.  Exactly the way you describe, despite the laws of physics and such.  And you’re using gematria to decode.  The only assumption I am making here is that you predicted in advance instead of pulling an After the Fact Zach post mortem reverse engineering analysis.  The magnets are in place every play of every single game and you know about them, you’re absolutely dead certain they are there.  And you know that they are forcing the narrative at times by using magnets for weird looking plays like the horrendously missed extra point that brought about the original comment above

Where in your decode is the discussion of which narrative better matches MAGNETS = 25 or MAGNETISM = 101 or similar magnets are super important to making me personally look bad decode?  Never.  That’s how often the decodes mention magnets.  Never.

Somewhere in the science classes they didn’t have or failed is the well known idea that magnetic opposites attract.  And this applies to crank magnetism as well.  People that fall for gematria style grift are attracted to both the confirmation bias of looking at things that they can claim to be right about and things that require being cheated to justify being wrong about.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Late Arrival to Boot Camp

You have to start somewhere, and your presence in the low levels of conspiracy grifting and propaganda, that’s going to land you menial tasks until you have proven yourself.  Hillary is an account created May 2024.  Only follows a select few accounts, natch that Trump and Musk are two of those.  The only two accounts that Hillary is followed by are spam bots.

This is an account in training.  Trying to look more “normal” so that those that fact check later see some activity instead of an account just created today going nuts.  Doing Gematrix searches of numbers is the pretty useless.  Both tue people who believe in it and the ones who know they’re pushing grift start with words and look at the values.  There’s also some spammed pictures that are tough to make out exactly what they mean or what the point is.  But it gets better.  As there is a brain behind the account.  Maybe not a high quality brain but there is something lurking there in the boredom of being assigned KP duty while going through boot camp.

It’s Bearing False Witness, not Bare False Witness.  That’s why you’re the first because you fucked it up.  And actually, I’m with you on this one.  Gematrix is not very relevant as it’s been hijacked for astroturfing conspiracy numbers ages ago.  And the limited brain power behind the searches produces lots of complete gibberish and misspellings like bare instead of bear.

So now, we’ve talked about the gibberish.  What exactly is the point of the exact cyber kinetic nonsense?  Is there a plan for 2293 and 4391 in the near future? That ‘ref fwia ang amz xatlas’ part is classic all time gibberish.  Autocorrect ducking hated it. Above and beyond the call of duty for normal Gematrix gibberish.  Are you deliberately doing a bad job to get switched to another task?  Boot camp doesn’t work that way.  Or did you do exactly what you were told?

You need to graduate from boot camp ASAP.  There’s really important stuff going on:

The Washington Post reported on that story, but you have to pay for that so we’re running with the freebie for now.  This is so typical and absolutely not completely unexpected for this day and age.  People genuinely trying to help are in danger of getting shot and killed based on right wing extremist lies.  So the people that the militia is allegedly protecting are getting less help, not more, by the armed militia activity.

Now for the record, the conspiracy accounts on social media have within their completely incompatible overall theme some talking points that don’t make sense individually and certainly not together.  The crude basics are this:  The government is making hurricanes to destroy areas that have lithium deposits as an excuse to grab the land.  Destroying huge swaths of property instead of, oh something non violent and not destructive like getting a corrupt Supreme Court judge to declare that the land is now government property and arresting and locking up the land owners.

Every single one of the major gematria using social media accounts is parroting the man made hurricane line.  The lithium part, not so much.  But it crept in there.  And the YouTube channels the comments appear on are <checks notes> 100% pro Trump.  A pretty good taste of what’s to come in a four year term of another Trump stay in power.  Except much worse.  There will be more hurricanes and insurance companies will be insolvent and the victims will have nothing but what is mockingly called “Meal Team Six” to protect them from mudslides and dysentery and toxic residue from storm damage.

Instead of just keyboard warriors posting gibberish you do need some boots on the ground to do the dirty work.  So your gematria gibberish has a function, Hillary.  Somewhere out there right now is another Trump lover that believes in Q drops just waiting for some number to give them an excuse to get all liquored up and shoot somebody that is trying to help them.  And that ref fwia ang amz xatlas will not mean what it should.  Which is “Holy shit, maybe this person is a complete idiot.  I should probably stop now before the next Jan 6th.”

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Bad Etymology

I think the most common is the “realize” story.  It’s the Superb Owl go to phrase that you can recognize someone is a newbie to being grifted online.  Superficially it seems amazing for your gullible new truth seeker, and in case you haven’t heard it yet,

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

Congratulations weirdo, you just discovered what normies call a play on words.  You could, in theory, just annoy your coworkers with Dad jokes, but you’re blossoming into the person who thinks they are special and ultra cool for posting something that really doesn’t make sense.  The  typical newbie has no clue that the lies are being perpetuated by the grifter and not the artificially manufactured scapegoat.  Pretty soon they’ll be picking Ohio State to beat Oregon because of a gematria narrative where the #3 team beats the #2 team and blame it on the Jesuits.

And speaking of Dad jokes, the specific reason to bring this up today is I heard a new one for me.  It’s not just fun to do numbers only like our passcode from yesterday.  These false definitions and etymology often crop up in the same manner.  Your numbers only nonsense with dates isn’t even gematria.  Your words only without numbers isn’t even gematria.  There’s an awful lot of not doing gematria going around by these clowns that are into gematria.  I’ve never seen anyone actually do the gematria decode of REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES.  And that’s got a perfectly good 5666 in it which you can insist is 56 or 666 since you don’t even need a good reason to be wrong about stuff.  But anyway, the picture:


I snatched that from a Reddit talking about sovereign citizen word magic.  There you go, gematria users are a perfect core base of clueless people to move on to brighter and bigger things.  And once you get tired 🥱 f losing money picking football games, you get to lose your driver’s license for driving uninsured and then you’re gonna need some word magic to insist that you don’t need to follow licensing rules.  You’ll just need the hundreds of dollars to attend the seminar to learn word magic.  Pseudo Law.  With a success rate of about 0% in actual court settings.

The first thing that strikes me is that there is an equally valid claim that it’s not a pair that is renting the child, it’s just the Dad.  Pa, the common nickname for dear old Dad.  Pa Rents = Dad rents.  Mom still owns the kid.  And typical of society in real life not realizing real lies the deadbeat Dad is off tucked away in a jail cell while Mom “owns” the kid by herself as a single Mom working two jobs at minimum wage, forced to keep the kid because she wasn’t allowed to get an abortion.

Actual Dad jokes are subjective in their effectiveness and humorous impact.  Some of them I find to be quite good.  They’re short, so if not funny the pain is also short lived.  But these bad definitions are wrong 100% of the time.  That’s the point.  Spammed over and over to see who is actually gullible enough to get drawn into a rabbit hole of psychological projecting lying on to the opposite side of who is doing the majority of the lying.

 But Mom!!!!!  The nice man who told me to ask you for a gun for my 14th birthday isn’t trying to get money from me!  He said so!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Know Your Gematria Grifter Tactics - Number Parsing


What do you do in gematria decodes when you get a number that’s too big to be useful?  Shave that puppy down into a manageable size.  Or maybe even parse it into tiny parcels out of the whole package.

Gematria weirdos work mostly within a huge set of data points to pick and choose from.  So list A is yesterday’s bad news = keyword = two or three digit number.  List B = scapegoat = keyword = two or three digit number.  Anything other than matching two words via their values isn’t even really gematria.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen World War Z so I’ll just assume that this scene makes sense for what it presents.  A realistic password or number passcode will have strength in numbers.  Choosing the letter A would be just plain stupid.  If the keypad to enter the code is showing to enter one single letter, most criminals realizing that they only need to guess 25 times will just fly through the alphabet and in that case get it right on the first try.  If it’s a passcode of a single number, I’d wager 1 would be the first guess.  A five digit passcode, unlike gematria, that actually makes sense.

But that’s not the way the grifter mind operates.  The grifter sees five digits as a burden, usually best to be ignored.  Unless you want to make up complete gibberish for your phrase it’s not going to be taken seriously.  Single words and short phrases are more psychologically appealing.  While Gematrix gibberish such as Fred Illuminati bingo open architecture 2day = xxx makes you look more stupid than Marjorie Taylor Greene.

So by golly, what does one do to a number like 56964?  There’s a perfectly disgusting anti science trend going on where FEMA and meteorologists are receiving death threats:

I’ve got numbers in a movie that has another organization (WHO) that I’d like to get harassed.  But that number is toooooooo fucking big.  Let’s shave that baby down to three separate numbers!  Because nothing says gematria credibility like not actually doing gematria.

The filmmakers did us a favor by not having 0 as one of the digits in the code.  That would have instantly shaved the number down to four digits.  Even though gematria critics noted long ago that dropping zeroes is optional instead of a requirement we know that it would be dropped in this case.  Four digits parsed down into two separate two digit components.  Having a remainder of that stray fifth digit and arbitrarily declaring 4 to be a number associated with death - classic not even really gematria fake decoding bullshit.  Using 4 here is the same as a weak password of the single letter A or numerical passcode of 1.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Meme of the Month


Here’s the story behind the picture.  Yes, it is totally made up.

Carl, as he usually does every other Friday after his bi-weekly paycheck, has traveled downtown to search for his favorite companion, Tiffani.  The routine is always identical, that is until this time.  Tiffani would listen to Carl’s latest sports decode while the other part of the $50 service was…ummmm…performed.

Tiffani was unavailable tonight.  At first Carl was worried.  The other gematria loving escorts he tried simply didn’t appreciate his sports decodes.  Bitka only talked about cryptocurrency.  Rapture drones on about the end of the world for more time than her legs were long.  Anastasia seemed to be influenced by Russian policy of trading money for sex.  But here’s the new girl.  Carl finds her name is Gem, short for Gematria.  That’s hard to tell what her Gematria clique is.  But she’s lovely.  She’s on the surface everything a man could want every other Friday night.

After a few minutes he does enough soul searching to figure out what he really wants more than the physical implications of two bodies in close proximity.  After a life of being constantly wrong about nearly everything, and being told he is wrong about nearly everything, all he needs is some validation.  Some kind of confirmation that he’s worthwhile.  Even at the cost of a fair chunk of his paycheck, just to hear someone say the words, “I’m proud of you.”, even without the sincerity that should be what really matters.

It turns out that Gem’s pimp is Attaboy!TM. And he owns this dark and seedy part of town.  There’s so many Carl’s in this part of town.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Cartoon of the Month


It used to be “Climate Change is a hoax.  Please give us your money for our insurance CEO bonuses.”  Now without any explanation it’s, “The Democrats control the. weather.  Please don’t elect someone that will raise our taxes.”

Assorted Stuff

The top story has got to be Hurricane Milton.  Just like school shootings, the bigger the mayhem the more unhinged and counterproductive the online grifting community gets.  So get this actual narrative.  There’s an old kid cartoon Milton the Monster.  News has used phrases like Monstrous Milton for the Hurricane.  Alliteration has always been catchy and fun so Milton the Monster was more likely than George the Monster.  Plus the jungle already claimed George.  For the gematria weirdos, there is a bonus of the date the series first aired being October 9th, the same as the landfall date of the hurricane.  But the entire premise of the show was Milton was meek and effeminate after the creation process included too much Tincture of Tenderness. A real life predictive programming Milton the Monstrous Hurricane would have been predicted to be a Cat 5 and remained nothing more than a tropical storm.

Similar to Milton the Monster cartoons, Eric Adams troubles means the Addams family.  And from the theme song the Addams family started.  And what other Adam started a family?  Adam from Adam and Eve.  And all the other Adam’s in history were just some sort of test run gone wrong or something.

Similar to Milton the Hurricane, the cost of Helene clean up is still newsworthy.  This serves as a reminder that it would make more sense to help out by foregoing a sports betting Patreon instead of giving your money to someone with a proven track record of keeping it.  When future job interviewers find out you were part of the crowd that aided death threats to FEMA agents trying to help out those most in need I can promise it won’t be the flex you think it is today.  Disaster grift is an old staple.

I find it interesting that part of the reason the Harris campaign got off to a great start was that the GOP didn’t plan on it and all their bullshit propaganda was geared towards Biden.  It would be fun if the hurricane names were changed right before landfall, just to fuck up gematria decoders.  It’s not like it would stop them from finding something to connect regardless of the name, but they get all pissy when something like a date of death is updated and corrected.

The Sports Gematria channel is back to YouTube recap videos of Zach’s weekly picks.  After an awesome week 1 it’s been back to reality for Hubbard, with week 3 losing back all the gains and the season record being about 50% and break even in $.  The marketing plan and picking strategy remains the same.  He will announce allegedly gematria only based locks of the week that are bookie odds heavy favorites.  This is your semi regular reminder that this is the same way picking experts that aren’t really experts operate when they don’t use gematria.  And as usual the numerology pickers are fighting with the not numerology pickers for who is getting the annual crop of idiots to buy into a multi-hundred dollar package deal of a seasons worth of football picks.

Back on the baseball front, the Mets are gonna win because one person noticed MJ in Spider-Man No Way Home mentioned it and that movie is set in 2024.  I don’t even know if that’s true, but gosh that is a powerful clue.  Or a team picked at random because they had to pick some team, and there’s also a lot of playoffs left to have that go wrong.  You decide.

For you parents who are monitoring your kids social media activity, here’s a red flag to look out for.  Pride in having channels deleted has been a badge of honor gematria using weirdos and not gematria using grifters have been on board with for a long time.  The traditional format is to occasionally have dubious content appear and it finally gets a channel deleted.  Then a new channel is immediately started with a proud, “The Evil Empire knows I’m on to them and they’re censoring me!”  What the newest twist is, what they name the videos on tue new channel.  They know it’s likely that a bold announcement of a title with a forbidden topic is going to attract attention.  So don’t put out a video that says, “This Is Why You Should Harass FEMA Employees” or “New Covid Hoax!” or “Kamala Harris Funds AI To Produce Adrenochrome”.  The titles aren’t just innocuous, they’re the exact same.  “JOHN IS LIVE!” and “JOHN IS LIVE!” and “JOHN IS LIVE!” and, you guessed it, “JOHN IS LIVE!”.  If you’re video presenter names things this way, they’re probably up to no good if they can’t give the audience a quick clue about the topic.  You should redouble your efforts to get the gist of it instead of assuming it’s fine.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

On the Contrary…

 Populism & Contrarianism

Analysts have gone over the world wide response to Covid 19 and determined that things went pretty badly.  It’s difficult to argue that something awful like hoping that pediatric cancer is a good thing for controlling population growth.  That’s unlikely to be a populist talking point in the near future.  But a pandemic, that’s where the contrarians shine.  It turns out there’s lots and lots of different ways to be contrary to an orderly pandemic response.  Call it a hoax.  Argue for letting it run its course.  Jump on the fake cures like Ivermectin.  And more.  The only consistency in these narratives is that the right wing propaganda machine always paints the scapegoat as liberal policy instead of taking the blame for the mess that you’ve created.

If, like me, you’d really not rather get dragged into a conversation with an armchair political science expert it’s pretty easy to tell by who they admire that it’s time to find an excuse to leave.  The people that act as populist influencers inevitably end up being massive hypocrites and contradict themselves.  Being contrarian, going against the grain and putting out contrary information is edgy and cool.  Admitting you got caught and also put out information that’s just dead wrong, no way.  Time to double down on the crazy.

A good bit of the populist nature of conservative contrarianism is from the elevation of Rush Limbaugh to conservative deity.  Good money can be made by sprinkling in good ideas amidst some questionable ones.  And over time, you end up with an entire news network dedicated to put out the wrong answer just because it’s popular with enough people.  Any news network that by objective standards is center, trying fairly to put out both sides has to by simple comparison be far to the left of Fox News.  The same applies to Twixter now.  And Truth Social or Rumble before Twixter’s demise into Elon driven propaganda.  Any social media site that doesn’t want a tarnished image loses advertisers and by default is far to the left.

Somebody that adored Rush Limbaugh is also likely to be a Joe Rogan fan now.  There’s charisma behind the contradictions.  The viewers have infinite forgiveness for one day early in the pandemic to having an actual medical professional talking about good science and then later hosting known internet disinformation grifters.  Both times smiling and claiming both are good ideas.

Yes, contrarianism sells, and it’s part of upbringing and socialization that is a learned behavior by some.  By being contrary, and being better at logical fallacy oriented debating tactics is good for getting attention.  Just Asking Questions?  No, you aren’t.  You’ve already made up your mind and want to dazzle me with your fake intellect.  Go back to your echo chamber that adores you.

Science literacy does marvels for critical thinking and looking for the right answer.  Those without understanding have been trained, poorly socialized, into believing that being contrary is important to having a genuine discussion about proper handling of tough issues.

To finish off, let’s bring up gematria.  There’s absolutely no way that there’s any value to gematria evidence.  There’s never been a serious debate about the value of gematria as it’s used in conspiracy grifting.  It’s a display of contrarianism.  An effort to make a confirmation bias oriented brain to boldly speak out their contrarian ideas, while being contradictory - on the spot.  No waiting around for months later to have to remember what you said and try to be consistent.  Put out the wrong answer now, get it over with, and move on to the next legitimate news story and be contrarian about it.  And if you do that right you might get yourself a piece of that sweet, sweet grifting pie including Russian propaganda money.

It’s amazing how many different wrong answers you get with gematria.  It’s the ultimate short cut, the ultimate intellectual cop out.  It’s much easier to just say, “I’m never wrong about anything.” without using gematria, but that’s what it does.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Heroic Mule Decode

Every once in a bit, just by dumb luck or actual mystical or divine intervention, there is a gematria decode that makes sense.  And those two screenshots speak the whole story without me fleshing it out with lots of other numbers that I could easily do.

Out in the real world instead of gematria weirdo land, the lowly mule was the vehicle of choice for supplies being delivered.  The low tech solution to an unforeseen problem of roads being laid waste by storm damage.  While the gematria decoders were busy trying to lay blame for Helene damage on to Democrats, Jesuits, the Antichrist, and FEMA itself the mule is the actual hero.

It’s worth noting that the novice gematria decoder is in it for the new found superpower.  You are a hero, armed with magical knowledge forbidden to the normies.  And instead of actually doing something to help like donating supplies, time or money to victims of tragedy your job is to harass, verbally assault and interfere.  The only way to wake up the normies is to be a huge pain in the ass.

The psychological projection is that you, as a gematria decoder, are a mighty steed.  A champion stallion charging in to battle.  You’re set out on a mission to right the wrongs in the world.  And the superpower of ignoring results that you don’t like such as the billions of other things that equal 29.  But you’ve got the wrong part of the hybrid.  You’re no such stallion.  You’re just another jackass like the gematria spouting cult leaders that preceded you.  Stirring up trouble by braying as loudly as possible instead of actually doing something constructive.

Go to sleep each night secure in the knowledge that the lowly mule is more important to the planet than you are.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Swords & Sorcery & Fascism

(A gematria free post)

Growing up I had the luxury of enough disposable income to afford to purchase entertainment items.  Books, in addition to entertainment, had been a surprising source of education even without the marketing as educational material.  Eventually, movies would do the same thing for me.  I’m convinced two of the reasons ultra conservative extremists don’t like Hollywood are that it takes some smarts to get a decent movie made and the forbidden ideas inside.  Don’t let the smart people sneak in anything woke, long before woke was a thing.

I hardly ever got to play the games with friends.  I enjoyed the complexity and recreation of enormous historical battles and you simply didn’t have enough time to plod through a full game in one afternoon.  So I would often play solo, rolling the dice for both sides.  And doing stupid things like cheating for who I wanted to win.

The gaming industry was dominated by two companies at this time.  Avalon Hill and SPI were the recipients of the bulk of my disposable income.  And SPI put out one of my favorite games to play solo, Swords & Sorcery.  A fairly obvious rip off of some Dungeons & Dragons lingo combined with a bizarre sense of humor.  Like a character named Tim the Enchanter ripped off in part from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I learned a fair amount of warfare strategy at this time of my life.  Instead of relying on luck some key concepts sunk in as broad “applies to most every game” concepts.  Like waiting for your one force to cut off the enemies retreat before attacking.  This, if the dice roll indicated a forced retreat it was as good as a killing dice roll.  Nowhere to run to - get slaughtered in the chaos.  And Swords taught me a surprising lesson - one of those things that wasn’t really talked about in school.  Slavery, and warfare to keep the losers enslaved is not at all fun for the losing side.  And the side that wants to enslave will expend lots of resources to keep in power.

Within the pages of the rule book is a quote I’ve looked for.  And that brings us to another point of the times we live in now.  I found the entire rule book on the internet on a site called Scribd.  And it’s almost completely unusable.  It insists on loading one page at a time while trying to put ads in the way.  So I gave up on rule book screenshots to avoid unwanted crap on my phone.  So you’re gonna have to take my word for some of this.

And since I’ve already interrupted the flow let’s put more context out there now.  A game like Avalon Hill’s Victory in the Pacific recognizes that Imperial Japan had zero chance of winning the war in the Pacific.  So doing better than historically can win the game, but never actually play out to invading the U.S. and taking it over.

That sense of inevitability plays out in Swords and Sorcery.  There’s no doubt that the humans in the game, The Empire, are a fascist evil empire.  Their military is more numerous and powerful.  Offsetting that are scenarios where the other races, who don’t want to be enslaved by the Empire (duh) would team up at least temporarily to avoid destruction.

Within the rule book is a lengthy Tolkien like introduction to the racial origins and characteristics and one bit stuck with me, paraphrasing from memory about humans in the Empire.

Just give them sex, money and fame and they’ll work until they drop.  Throw a little more money at the troops and they won’t mind going out and enslaving entire other races.  Don’t worry that there’s a king back at the castle who has zero chance of being unalived in the conflict.  You might get laid.

Buried within the jokey atmosphere are other tidbits of forbidden knowledge.  There’s an SS Wiking Division that is absolutely a nod to Nazi SS units.  There’s an entire group of Cultists, the Corflu Cult.  I did find this clear, as free and usable info:

Again, I’m reminding you that buried within entertainment is a lot of weird and useful knowledge if you have been lucky enough to be able to think critically and process it.  For now, it still seems like stories of good triumphing over evil are fun that we haven’t given up on the hope that maybe we can get through a face of doing counterproductive things like voting in a dictator.  The other races will not take it well and fight back.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Project Gematria

Project 2025 is not the best name for the GOP’s vision for the future under another term of Trump rule.  It sounds like they’re predicting what is going to happen.  And for predictions that you wait until the events actually unfold first you need gematria.  As proof of this - the gematria community on Twixter is busy decoding the MLB baseball games finished last night and not putting up material for today’s football games.

As part of the conspiracy hoaxer umbrella, Project Gematria would be a lovely name.  The events that have been unfolding for decades can be talked about forever, as long as there isn’t s belief by enough people without critical thinking skills to correctly assess the source.  The scapegoat, even an unnamed and individually personalized scapegoat, is better for the modern GOP than finding the true source which is themselves.

So starting with a way to brief recap before the attached image.

Climate change topics are the granddaddy of hoax material.  Fossil fuel billionaire money has paid for enough industrial output that we’ve officially reached the point where the dangerous side effects are here now.  And there’s a lot more people that have to live with it than they used to.  People in large groups are impossible to manage.  The percent of people that think they are smarter than average should be about 50% if we could individually correctly assess our intelligence.  Probably about 70% think they are smarter than average.1

The only significant shift in the conversation about climate change is a trend to scapegoat the inflation and clean up costs associated with the actual negative impacts.  Like viruses are a hoax claims led to unproductive talk about the origins and lack of focus on the current fire.

So finally, the image.  There was a large group of voters that decided to make Texas a pretty gung ho Red State.  And the chances that a lot of them can’t chain together the long term thought process that fossil fuel and insurance executive greed was going to make disaster response a nightmare for all of them never occurred.  In addition to that recap I saw videos of out of state electrical linemen talking about the experience of being threatened.  Going above and beyond the call of duty to try and be compassionate and caring about fellow human beings in need is “rewarded” with death threats.

The same pattern holds true for Helene.  Spurred on by conspiracy rhetoric of big name talking heads2, there is baseless conspiracy talk that the liberals/dems have weather technology and purposefully sent Helene to damage a “red” voting area.  Rhetoric centering around mistrust of FEMA and forming militias to shoot at relief workers should be crazy talk, but is in reality an entirely predictable outcome after the kinds of nonsense that appeared after Beryl.

FEMA funding and spending is driven more by the severity of disasters and not the frequency3, although the frequency sure doesn’t help.  Although trending towards a more even distribution, historically insurance has been a gung ho rebublican/capitalist endeavor.  Although openly they state “limited” government the goal is total deregulation.  Unregulated white collar crime = good in their eyes.  Continued lack of taxation of the rich = good in their eyes.  Spending money on disaster relief victims = bad.  Less money for million dollar bonuses for insurance executives….doesn’t happen.  The bubble just keeps growing.

Now guess who can’t afford insurance?  The kind of person caught smack dab in the middle of a huge natural disaster in a rural red state.  And the cycle perpetuates.  Give them the wrong scapegoat to complain about via conspiracy theories and lack of education where it’s needed most.  That’s how you get stupid ideas like purposefully making a hurricane to kill your own citizens.  Allowing the stupid ideas displayed by the online grifting community, the gematria, the flat earth, the moon landing hoax, Covid conspiracies are all symptoms of the science illiteracy and anti intellectual movement that is literally killing people who don’t even realize the source.

Disaster relief is part of wearing the big boy pants and dealing with the horrific aftermath of a world gone awry.  There will be multiple major natural disasters in the next U.S. Presidential term.  And I can tell that there is about a zero percent chance they’ll be handled well if Trump returns to office.  Even Harris will have difficulty getting past the bipartisan block and pitfall tactics the GOP employs now, but at least she’ll try.  In the meantime a third big storm is set to hit Florida in a couple of days, and the scammers are already keeping up the dangerous rhetoric and there’s about a 100% chance that it will be the same old BS.  The party of Not Trying, the party that makes up a constant stream of BS:

Immigrants are eating cats.  Schools have litter boxes for trans kids.  FEMA makes hurricanes.  Covid is a hoax.  None of these are real things that adversely affect the quality of life of those that know they aren’t real things.  The party of Make America Grift Again and Again.

1.  Based on Dunning Kruger Effect studies.  The 70% figure is my own guesstimate.

