Just in case you’re interested in doing some real research instead of looking for more echo chamber outrage porn, there is now substantial content coming out about the relentless online grifting. Something that I have been pointing out for almost a decade is finally getting the attention that it deserves, although it’s really mostly too little and too late.
That’s a rather lengthy video and fortunately it is chopped up into some chapters to focus on key concepts in parts instead of just a long ramble. It covers why employment (regardless of what generation you’re lumped with, although I do like to jokingly poke at Gen X since everyone else gets regular blame) sucks and what tactics are used to suck people into being a part of something that is rather dubious in practical value. Let’s throw in the obligatory meaningless gematria connection:
Most conspiracy content is not total absolute batshit crazy nonsense. It’s far more effective to have some nuggets of truth thrown in, giving the reasonably intelligent but still biased person a chance to feel smarter than they really are. A chance to feel smarter than they really are. It provides them a chance to shine, to dazzle their IRL friends with something slightly different while they find the keywords that are implanted in the algorithms locking in on their comfort zone. Actual truth in truth seeking is more of an accidental stumble into those real nuggets than any true insight. Just like finding that Tom’s word GRIFTONOMICS = 68 and CAPITALISM = 68 in the same, common cipher.
Anything short of conspiracy content that doesn’t recognize the monetary nature of the ultra wealthy and how they shape a multitude of lives through economic systems is pretty much worthless. For example, there are lots of people that agree with my opinion that reported unemployment numbers don’t seem to be holding up to the reactions of large swaths of the population to actual, “am I just barely getting by or am I functionally unemployed because working two jobs that total 30 hours a week at near minimum wage is the best I can get?” Ultimately, grift is a perfectly understandable part of the capitalist structure. Unless you were born in the right family and you aren’t willing to commit fraud on a massive scale you are overworked, underpaid or both. A prime target to be susceptible to online grift.
And that grift doesn’t focus on our lovely little match of that 68. It’s always outrage porn, because flash sells. There are far too many scapegoats to choose from. Why not talk about greedy Jewish bankers instead of limiting your discourse to how to make millions with drop shipping?
Maybe ten years ago you could start a gematria channel on YouTube and generate some decent income as a side hustle. The same way that Uber started off ok, but now there’s so much competition for the same service there’s too much supply for not enough demand. There’s only so much demand now for bad sports predictions that haven’t generated positive results the gematria so called community is struggling for relevance. Perhaps it can lay low for awhile and make a comeback, but it’s now in its own self contained late stage of capitalism where the demand is not there to even encourage a whole bunch of newbies to grind out the meaningless and useless product of confirmation bias based hatred.
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