Sunday, September 8, 2024

What You Might Not Have Known About Jack the Ripper

The jury is still out and there is not solid proof that this is the case, but there’s a good chance that Jack the Ripper’s story is a viral hoax.

Fake news from the 19th century, somewhere around the time scientific advances were made leading to radio, well before TV, and subsequently the Internet.  The murders themselves actually being a thing, but turned in to folklore based on the makers of periodicals boosting the signal to sell more papers.

There are still far too many people that think fake news is a brand new topic instead of a tactic that’s been used long before they were born.  Sensationalism sells, the knee jerk emotional reaction taking over and not allowing the most basic facts to remain when clouded by random armchair serial killer experts popping their own, often lurid, thoughts into the dominant conversations.  Alex Jones would fit right in.  Hiring uneducated peasants for pennies to sell newspapers next to a rack filled with Dr. Jones’s Magic Gout Cure.  And that’s not Indiana Jones.

In theory we could have a culture that admires Indiana Jones more than Alex Jones.  Maybe we really do, although it’s difficult at times to believe.  Sensationalism with its emotional angle can be an overwhelming lure to break up the monotony.

Back in the Ripper’s day the world was far more Eurocentric than now.  What was going on in England was far more newsworthy than stuff going on in America.  Checking notes, because I can and there are legitimate sources out there, I see there was in 1888:

A big blizzard that killed a bunch of people.  The Washington Monument opened to the public.  The last big battle between the Hatfields and McCoys.  Grover Cleveland lost to Benjamin Harrison.  The Washington Bridge opened.

And naturally, the most common story to make TV shows out of all these are the Ripper stories and the Hatfields and McCoys.  The ones about death.  My gosh, why do I care about science advancements and infrastructure improvements like a bridge when there’s prostitutes being murdered practically at my doorstep!  Wake up sheeple!  They’re coming to take our doctor’s scalpels!  Oh look, uneducated rednecks shooting at each other.  That’s kinda neat.  Maybe they are related!?

For good or for evil, mostly for evil, the world is far more US centric now and the normalization of gun violence is a thing.  So much so that a vice presidential nominee makes some rather dubious comments regarding it.  Wonder Woman said it best, although the message gets boosted because it’s Lynda Freakin’ Wonder Woman Carter and she still looks great:

Good job JD.  An easily fact checked not a thing is part of your campaign.  I get that you don’t actually encourage shooting up skools, but you shure domt mind the affekt on the qwaliry of edumakashen theyse have.  The glorified, sensationalized normalization of the desensitization of the most precious commodity of life itself.  

And while you’re hawking your Jack the Ripper fake news, let’s through in some low quality other made up news.  Like gematria stories.

No need to have any actual proof.  Just put up a quick tweet and video on YouTube claiming the government paid off assassins to kill people and in this day you get Patreon subscriptions, or if you’re really lucky some of that sweet foreign propaganda funding.  Because people want to believe desperately in the good nature of Jack the Ripper over the insanity of murdering children at school, I guess.  What else equals 107 other than shooting?

(Yes I’m fully aware the Kentucky story is not about a school which is not relevant - all school shootings are a must story for gematria clowns.)

I’d rather party with Lynda Carter than fund these ghouls.

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